Signs Of A Lack Of Light For Indoor Flowers
Signs Of A Lack Of Light For Indoor Flowers

5 clear signs that indoor flowers lack light


Plants need sunlight for normal growth and development, which converts their energy into photosynthesis. Flowers can quickly adapt to insufficient light. But over time, housewives discover some symptoms that indicate improper growing conditions.

Resizing leaves


With a lack of sunlight, the size of the leaves first of all changes, that is, on the early shoots they decrease and acquire a pale green color. For example, monstera gourmet in this case grows uncut leaves in full, which subsequently become large. Because of this, the appearance of the flower changes for the worse.

Falling leaves


Another sign of insufficient light is that the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off prematurely, and the flowers become smaller. As a result, the plant stops blooming and begins to slowly die.

Lack of flowering


An indoor plant may stop blooming. For light-loving plants, such as cactus, succulents, tropical and subtropical shrubs, the duration of daylight hours should be 13-15 hours, only in this case an ovary will form and flowering will begin. For shade-loving, such as ferns, conifers and ornamental foliage, the length of daylight hours should be 12-14 hours.

For a positive result, these indicators must be observed for 8-10 weeks. If there is not enough natural lighting in the house, then you need to use additional, that is, create it artificially.

Change in leaf color


Due to poor lighting, the color of the leaves changes, the brightness of their pattern is lost, they become faded and not juicy. Plain green leaves appear where variegated should be. For example, in Coleus, the degree of saturation of the shade of the leaves decreases. The flower stem is exposed at the bottom and its brightness deteriorates.

This feature also applies to episodes, dracaena, cordilina, caladium. To correct the situation, a diffused light of medium brightness is needed.

Weak shoots


Young shoots weaken, thinner and shorten. Ultimately, they stretch towards the light, trying to get the energy they need to grow. It is advisable to periodically turn a pot with a flower in the direction of the light for uniform development from all sides.
