Healthy Habits Of Centenarians
Healthy Habits Of Centenarians

7 useful long-liver habits that can cheat the time


Life expectancy directly depends on its quality, as well as on a person's habits. Rules to follow if you want to become a long-liver.

Move more


When we think about physical activity, the imagination draws a gym, training, jogging. However, you only need to exercise throughout the day to keep yourself in good shape. Start your morning exercise.

If you live near work, do not rush to call a taxi or take the subway - take a pleasant route and walk, breathing fresh air.

Going down to take out the trash, do not call the elevator - go down and go up the stairs. This balanced activity throughout the day can have a positive impact on your health.

Do what you like

Doing something you hate will get you the lion's share of stress every day. At the same time, no rest will help bring health back to normal.

If you don't like the job, you need to change it. Let the first time at another job you will receive less money, however, you will spend less on treatment in the future and preserve your mental health.

Don't take everything to heart


If you worry about everything in a row, no health is enough. There are problems in the life of every person, however, consider some of them as temporary difficulties and troubles that are easy to solve.

You got caught in the rain, and a passing car sprayed you from a puddle - no need to get upset, clothes are easily washed. These little things are often stressful for people. But, if you do not give them scale and do not make a tragedy, your nerves will not suffer.

Centenarians come up with all sorts of rituals that they perform during the day in order to minimize the effects of everyday stress - some allow themselves to take an hour's nap, while others take a walk in the park.

Do not get carried away with food

The main rule in nutrition is not to overeat. Eating too much food puts stress on your body, and the stomach suffers in the first place. Eat in moderation - it is better to eat often, but little, than to gorge on 2 or 3 times a day.

Never eat too much before bed. Few people think about it, but having dinner late at night has a profound effect on your sleep. If you want to sleep soundly and forget what insomnia is, eat 3 hours before bedtime.

Chat with nice people


To live happily ever after, you need to surround yourself with nice people. Communicate with those with whom you are comfortable, who are ready to come to your aid and whom you are ready to help free of charge. Loyal friends and family, in which love and harmony reign, is one of the main rules of longevity.

Minimize, if not completely stop communication with all unpleasant people who negatively affect you and your nervous system.

Eat plant foods

Meat is, of course, tasty, but not always healthy and necessary. Most centenarians prefer to eat meat in moderation, or even refuse it altogether. Add as many fruits and vegetables as possible to your diet, as well as legumes. You should not abruptly give up meat without consulting professional doctors, because instead of a beneficial effect, you can harm yourself.

Spending time with family


Longevity is promoted by harmonious relationships with people around you. Therefore, when you have been able to achieve harmony in the family, try to spend as much time with her as possible, charged with positive emotions. You have no idea how much emotion affects your health, so please your family members and enjoy yourself.
