How To Cook Delicious And Tender Cottage Cheese From Frozen Kefir
How To Cook Delicious And Tender Cottage Cheese From Frozen Kefir

I freeze kefir to make cottage cheese: it turns out tastier than my grandmother in the village


When my children were young, I always cooked cottage cheese for them myself. Today the children have already grown up, but they still ask to cook their favorite curd. I am ready to share the easiest recipe for making a homemade fermented milk product from frozen kefir.

This is a real lifesaver not only for families with children, but also for people forced to follow a diet. In addition, you do not need to spend a lot of money on the purchase of homemade market cottage cheese (especially when you doubt its quality). It will always be at hand if you make a stock of frozen kefir in the freezer.

It can be bought for future use and used as needed. From my own experience, I will say that from 500 ml of base, 200-230 g of the finished product is obtained.

You can freeze in plastic bags, standard packaging or food containers for at least 6-8 hours. And from the moment of the beginning of freezing until the receipt of cottage cheese, 12-14 hours pass.

The fat content of the fermented milk product has a great influence on the quality of the result. In addition, the amount of finished cottage cheese depends on its percentage. Therefore, I always use kefir of at least 3.2%.

To feed the whole family, I take a 2-3 liter bag out of the freezer. I just cut the package and easily extract the contents. Trying not to break the pieces, put them in a fine colander or a large sieve and place the mesh object on the pan - the whey will drain into it.

I tried different options and came to the conclusion that the ambient temperature should not be high for even ice melting. Best of all, the process goes away from heat sources (stove or radiator) or even on the refrigerator shelf. At a temperature not higher than 5 ° C, I can be sure that slightly melted kefir will not deteriorate or oxyderate, and the result will be excellent.

As soon as the ice completely melts, the most delicate natural cottage cheese remains on the strainer, which is safe for both adults and children. But you need to store such a mass no more than two days, so I do not delay its use. It is better to do it more often, but in smaller portions, so that everything is eaten within the shelf life.

My cottage cheese from frozen kefir has all the properties of the original product and, moreover, without being subjected to heat treatment (as in traditional recipes), it retains more useful substances and does not break down into pieces or grains. Such a product is perfect even for feeding very young infants. And for older children, you can use it to diversify the menu with delicious cottage cheese cookies, casseroles, cheese cakes.

I do not pour out the remaining whey either - I knead the dough for pancakes, pancakes or a light holiday cheesecake on it. To improve digestion, you can drink an acidic liquid rich in lactobacilli and trace elements, or use it for cosmetic purposes (for rinsing hair or as an ingredient in masks that tone the skin of the face and neck).

The finished product tastes slightly salty - reminiscent of soft cheese. Therefore, it is suitable for salads and appetizers. My spouse and I love to add herbs, garlic, tomatoes, nuts or olives to it. And my children, eating cottage cheese for breakfast, sprinkle it with sugar, pieces of berries and dried fruits.

I draw your attention to the fact that you should not wrap the melting kefir in cloth or gauze, so that the curd does not dry out and become denser or harder.
