How To Avoid Incidents At A Distance
How To Avoid Incidents At A Distance

Incidents that are possible during a video call from the chef


With the closure of offices, companies are transferring employees to work from home. Not everyone was ready for the fact that remote work is also work. And you need to treat your duties just as responsibly, avoiding annoying blunders, especially during video communication with the boss.

The appearance of pets


If you know the time of the call in advance, prepare for it. Walk the dog, give it attention, play with the cat, feed the pets. Let them be peaceful and calm by the appointed time. Then there is less chance that the pet will begin to demand attention at the most inopportune moment.

Even if the animal suddenly starts to show activity, do not pay attention and do not chase him throughout the apartment. It is best to close a well-fed and contented animal in another room. Especially if you are sure that loud barking will not accompany the conversation.

Households behind the back


Alert the entire family of a potential call. Find a place for yourself - a corner where only part of the wall will remain in the frame and no one will be able to pass by. The appearance of a husband or children in a disheveled home will embarrass anyone and create an uncomfortable situation for everyone.

If it is not possible to limit the visible space, warn your pets not to temporarily appear in a visible place. You can wait 20-30 minutes and give you the opportunity to finish a business meeting without incident.

Extra objects in the frame


Prepare your workplace in advance. A colleague or boss can call at any time, so the table should be empty.

Choose a location in your apartment that has a neutral backdrop without photographs, paintings, books on shelves, or knickknacks. This format of business communication is already a novelty for many, and unnecessary items will distract attention from the topic of conversation. By preparing for eventual hangouts, you demonstrate your business spirit and professionalism.

Random use of filters


Use the video calling software you own. Then you won't end up in an awkward situation by accidentally installing an inappropriate funny filter that you can't turn off.

When you work from home, read the instructions for the calling services right away to control them freely during a call. Try to call relatives, friends, so they appreciate the picture and sound. Explore all the features and control panel of the program so that you do not have to deal with technical problems during the meeting.

Unseen circumstances


It's impossible to foresee everything, but try to eliminate distractions. For example, noise from the platform or the roar of a motor can be heard through an open window. Even birdsong can be distracting. Close the windows, cover them with curtains to hide possible noise from the street.

Check the readiness of the equipment - the battery level of the laptop, phone. Prepare a charger, another pair of headphones.

Microphone turned off at the wrong time


After the call, make sure to go off the air and mute the microphone. It happens that when a person hangs up, he does not have time to press the hang-up and starts a new conversation, which is heard by the previous interlocutor. You can get into an awkward situation when you start discussing something from a work meeting with your family or simply reprimand, for example, a child for bad behavior.

After saying goodbye, manually mute the microphone, make sure that the call is ended and the other person is disconnected.

Inappropriate clothing


Try to anticipate awkward situations, including with clothes. If your boss is used to seeing you in business and formal clothes, with make-up, then do not give him “surprises”. Try to look like you are in the office. Clothing should be such that, in case of accidental movement, the boss does not open pajama pants from under a white shirt.

Dress so that you can move freely in front of the camera. This will give you confidence and the meeting will be fruitful.
