How To Quickly Save Things From Moisture With Silica Gel
How To Quickly Save Things From Moisture With Silica Gel

Bags with balls from clothes and shoes save my 12 things from moisture


Many of us have seen small mysterious bags that are put in packages with clothes, shoes, jewelry and other goods. At times, only sellers and manufacturers know about their content and application, which is a pity.

After all, the bags contain balls of silica gel - substances, as it turned out, have a very wide range of uses. My name is Masha, and I am one of those curious hostesses who love to facilitate everyday life and life with the help of such specific things. The use of silica gel, oddly enough, really helped me and my family in solving many problems that the usual means do not always cope with.

Pool & Sports Bag

The smells of sweat and bleach are firmly absorbed into the fabric. Fragrances only aggravate the effect, but a few bags of silica gel are just right. My husband goes to the gym, I go to the pool: we observe a positive result from the use of silica gel in both cases. I, among other things, manage to avoid excessive dampness inside the bag, since the silica gel granules absorb moisture.

Iron toolbox

In addition to the fact that silica gel is a kind of absorber of condensate, it is also an excellent analogue of an absorbent. The husband read and tested this property of his on his instruments. In addition to fighting rust, I helped granny to save a silver service from a raid.

Car windshield

In this case, everything is elementary: put a few sachets along the edge of the glass and enjoy the clear, crisp view. This trick also works at home for windows. I just emphasize that when laying out the bags on the windowsills, you need to make sure that children or pets do not get to them. It is not for nothing that one of the inscriptions on the “Do not eat” package strongly warns against tasting the contents.

Phone dropped into water

Another unique use of silica gel was discovered quite by accident. Absent-mindedly, I dropped the phone into the bathtub. At that time, I had accumulated considerable stocks of practical bags. Having covered the device with them, I left it to dry, and turned it on only the next day. Fortunately, nothing happened!


In addition to the pronounced effect of eliminating unpleasant odors, silica gel granules perfectly cope with drying shoes in the autumn-spring period, even in the case of delicate materials. Well, the miniature size of the bags allows me to always have a spare “dryer” for shoes with me.



Everything is the same here as with shoes. I will only emphasize that the use of silica gel bags can significantly save on all kinds of sachets, and keep my dressing room fresh and clean.


The harmlessness and compactness of these sachets allows them to be used in wardrobes, bedside tables and food containers. They are non-toxic, perfectly absorb moisture and prevent all sorts of odors.

Walls and corners of the cottage

Where there is dampness, there is an ideal place for mold to spread. In hard-to-reach or rarely washed and ventilated places at home, this is a real disaster. In an apartment, this problem is not so urgent, but for a summer residence it has become a real salvation. We place the silica gel (I pre-wrap the bags with it in canvas bags) in problem areas, and change them the next time we visit the dacha.

Printed photos

The substance in bags remarkably protects memorable pictures dear to the heart, preserves, to a certain extent, the original brightness of the color of the image and does not allow them to stick together. If you store photos in a box, place the bags on the top and bottom of the box. When placing them in albums, clip the bags to the corners of the pages.

Bag with photographic equipment

In addition, I'll tell you how you can use silica gel bags to save a photo and video camera. As with ordinary glass, the substance serves as a protection against moisture and condensation, which, in turn, protects the optics and internal memory cards. Cover the bag with sachets from the inside as much as possible and remember to renew them from time to time.

Storage of seeds for planting

When stored sealed, the presence of at least one bag of silica gel helps to protect the seeds from dampness and rot.

Herbarium storage

Silica gel allows you to effectively and quickly dry the material used and prevent the dangerous effects of high humidity. This is especially convenient when preparing bulk copies.

Finally, I will add that bags with silica gel, in addition to all the listed benefits, are also reusable. To return to their original properties, it is necessary to warm them up for one to two hours at a temperature of 90-100 degrees.
