How To Determine The Level Of Groundwater At The Site Yourself
How To Determine The Level Of Groundwater At The Site Yourself

How to independently determine the level of groundwater occurrence in the area


The choice of garden crops and the type of foundation when building a house depends on the level of occurrence of groundwater on the site. There are several methods for independently determining their depth.

By plant color

You can determine the level of groundwater by taking a closer look at the vegetation. If the soil looks dry but is covered in luscious greenery, you can conclude that the moisture is close enough to the soil surface. She constantly nourishes the plants, so the grass looks juicy, bright green.

Vegetation at a close occurrence does not have the slightest signs of a lack of moisture, even in the absence of irrigation. It does not dry out or turn yellow in the dry season, but grows rapidly.

By midges

The shallow bedding of the waters can be judged by the large number of small insects. A swarm of gnats will swirl where it is wet. This area also attracts a large number of mosquitoes.

The waterloggedness of the land is also easy to determine by the invasion of the site by frogs and toads, snails and slugs. If these moisture-loving creatures often catch your eye, then the water is very close.

By plants

Some plants thrive on waterlogged soils, others - where the groundwater is deep.

A sign of the proximity of waters to the surface of the earth is the abundance of:

  • thin reeds;
  • reed;
  • sedges;
  • willow;
  • vitex;
  • horse sorrel;
  • prutnyak;
  • ivy;
  • hemlock;
  • mother and stepmother (up to 1.5 m);
  • foxgloves;
  • wood lice;
  • gravilata;
  • nettle;
  • cattail (less than 1 m).

These plants need an abundance of moisture. They grow well if the groundwater is located at a depth of less than 2 m.

Licorice and wormwood grow in large quantities in deep-lying areas. The presence of these plants indicates that the water is at a level of 3 to 5 m.

Poplar and willow grow in abundance in areas where the depth of groundwater is less than 1 m. On such a site, you can see ugly twisted birches. Growing directly above the water, they will differ in their low height and a curved, knobby trunk.

The high level can be judged by the trees bent to one side on the site. Pines with long taproots grow well in areas with deep groundwater.

By animals

The place of accumulation of underground moisture attracts cats. In this case, the dog will avoid him.

To calculate the point of intersection of aquatic veins underground, just look at where the cat relieves on the site. The animal will do this where it is most damp.

Long-haired cats have a habit of choosing a place with a close location of water to rest on a hot summer day. Dogs stay where the lowest level is.

Through the fog


You can find out if the aquifer goes deep underground by looking at the fog. If in the summer in the evening it swirls over the site, it means that the moisture is close to the soil surface. The depth of occurrence in this case is less than 2 m.

In such an area, you can observe an abundance of dew in the morning. Soil saturated with moisture evaporates it, and the plants are densely covered with droplets.

Water tends to repeat the features of the terrain. Surely you can find it in a hollow or a natural depression, surrounded on all sides by hills. It is much more difficult to find it on a slope or plain.

Along the anthill and wormholes

You can find out about a closely lying aquifer by looking at the condition of the soil. There will be no anthills, wormholes and mouse holes on the ground. They do not exist where it is damp.

Moles and mice on the site are a sign of normal soil. Rodent traces indicate that there is no groundwater nearby.
