The Use Of Onion Peel In The Country
The Use Of Onion Peel In The Country

7 useful ways to use onion peels in the garden and vegetable garden


Experienced gardeners know that you shouldn't throw the husks into the trash after peeling the onions, as most housewives do. After all, it is free, effective and safe organic feeding. Onion infusions and decoctions fill the soil with the necessary substances for a healthy and rich harvest. They also act as a natural fungicide, protecting plantings from pests and pathogens.


Only clean, dried onion peelings without signs of damage or decay are suitable as mulch. Previously, the husk is slightly crushed and placed on the soil in a thin layer, and then the soil is manually dug up. Be sure to water the beds a little in order to start the process of releasing the necessary substances from onion peels into the ground.

Mulching is carried out with the onset of spring, when the new season begins. And only after a couple of days they sow seeds or plant seedlings.

Against the wireworm

The wireworm larva, or in other words the click beetle, can damage any crop. Potatoes suffer the most from the insidious insect. To defeat this pest, you will have to use several means of protection, one method is not enough here.

Among them, the laying of onion peelings in the hole when planting potatoes is especially distinguished. This method is most effective against insects. To scare away the pest, you can bury the dry husk in the ground next to the potato bushes.

Infusion against pests


If pests have been seen on your site, then you need to act without delay.

Making a miracle solution at home is easy. For cooking, you need to boil a bucket of water, add a glass of onion peels to it. Infuse the broth for 12 hours, then strain. When the onion liquid is ready, it remains to pour it into a spray bottle and process the plants.

Cucumber processing

An infusion based on onion peel is useful for cucumbers, as it enriches them with the necessary elements.

This tool disinfects the soil, the vegetable crop is not affected by pests, viral and fungal diseases, including root rot. Namely, cucumbers are very susceptible to it, because they require frequent watering.

Onion infusion helps with yellowing of the leaves. It is not difficult to prepare such a top dressing: for 1 glass of boiling water, take 1 glass of cleanings, leave for 48 hours, filter and dilute with a double volume of pure water. The resulting mixture is watered with bushes or sprayed with cucumber leaves without affecting the trunk. Processing is best done in the morning.

Improving soil quality


Onion peels help to disinfect the soil by enriching it with nutrients and trace elements. It saturates the earth with manganese, boron, magnesium, iron and copper, which increase resistance against various kinds of diseases.

When preparing the soil for planting, it is enough to water it with onion broth - no more than 3 liters of funds per 1 sq. m of future landings.

Cleaning, unlike store-bought chemicals, does more good than harm, even if you overdo it with fertilizer dosage. Moreover, they retain their useful properties until the plant grows and its fruits ripen.

Tomato processing

Tomato bushes respond well to feeding with onion husks.

Tomatoes love a decoction prepared as follows: for 2 cups of boiling water, take 2 cups of onion peels, insist 48 hours. The finished solution is filtered and diluted with a triple volume of pure water. The first feeding is carried out during planting of seedlings in open ground, the second - during the flowering period, abundantly watering each bush at the root in the evening.

Feeding vegetables

The onion composition is suitable as a fertilizer for all vegetable crops. They can be fed zucchini, pumpkin, radish, potatoes, peppers, cabbage. If yellow leaves appear on any of these plants, then you need to quickly process them with a useful infusion.

To prepare a universal solution, a handful of onion peels are poured into 5 liters of water and boiled for 5 minutes. The mixture is infused for 5 hours, after which it is used to water the beds.

Properly cultivated garden crops will soon produce large, juicy fruits that are safe to eat.
