Poisonous Mushrooms That Can Be Confused With Edible
Poisonous Mushrooms That Can Be Confused With Edible

Be Careful: 5 Poisonous Mushrooms That Are Easy to Confuse with Edibles


Mushroom picking is not only an opportunity to enjoy the deliciousts of nature, but also the risk of being poisoned by their poisonous varieties. Therefore, preliminary preparation does not hurt, this will avoid a dangerous mistake.

False chanterelle


Outwardly, false chanterelles look like a familiar and edible look, since they have an orange tint, a hat slightly depressed in the middle. The main difference between poisonous species is that they grow on stumps, fallen trees, and dead wood. There are no real and tasty chanterelles in such places, they are collected in the grass among the trees.

The false version has a thin and dark leg; when the pulp breaks, white juice is released. It tastes unpleasant, requires lengthy heat treatment, and can cause food poisoning. It is considered edible, but it is best to avoid it. You can meet a false chanterelle in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Pepper mushroom


Inexperienced mushroom pickers can confuse edible boletus with a peppery species. He has a brown hat with yellowish flesh, a gray leg inside. An important difference from an ordinary oiler is the brown or reddish surface under the umbrella, in the edible variety it is there in a pale yellow color.

Young specimens have a bulky, bulky cap, which becomes flatter with age. The species is considered inedible, but can be used in small quantities as a hot spice. If boiled, it will give the dish a slight bitterness, you can use the dried product in powder.

Death cap


Russula and pale toadstools are lamellar species, have surprisingly similar caps, the same size. The inedible has a difference - filmy rings around the leg. When collecting, be sure to look under the hat.

Eating pale toadstools, even in small quantities, leads to severe poisoning and even death. Lowering blood pressure, vomiting, colic occur within 24-48 hours from the moment of use. Hazardous properties are not eliminated after heat and other processing.

Gall mushroom or Satanic mushroom


Delicious porcini mushrooms are easy to confuse with their unpleasant counterparts. Edible after cutting retain a light shade of the legs, and in the poisonous variety, the cut turns pinkish, then turns blue. The lower part of the safe mushroom is grayish with veins, while the bad one is reddish or pink.

False mushrooms


False-heaps combine several subspecies of poisonous and inedible mushrooms that look like delicious options.

It is also important to avoid specimens with dark or bright yellow plates under the cap, the smooth surface of the "umbrella". Safe varieties are rough to the touch, have a light bottom of the cap.
