The Most Poisonous Animals In The World
The Most Poisonous Animals In The World

Most dangerous: the most poisonous animals in the world

frog dart frog
frog dart frog

The fauna is fraught with many dangers. And sometimes it is not fangs and animal fury, but deadly poison. The most dangerous living creatures are seemingly harmless and even beautiful, but a meeting with them can be fatal.

Box jellyfish

The blue jellyfish with a cubic body is very attractive. However, it is deservedly considered the most dangerous animal on the planet. Over the past 60 years, box jellyfish poison has killed about 6 thousand people. It affects the nervous system and heart. In addition, the bite is accompanied by severe pain. As a result, the person either drowns, being paralyzed, or dies from cardiac arrest. The killer jellyfish is found in the salty waters of Asia and Australia.

box jellyfish
box jellyfish

It is believed that immediate treatment of the bite site with vinegar can help neutralize the poison of the box jellyfish, in addition, scientists have developed an antidote

Blue-ringed octopus

The small cute octopus has a light color with blue-brown spots. It is similar in size to a golf ball, but it is extremely dangerous - its poison is enough for a couple of dozen adults. Death occurs as a result of cardiac arrest or inability to breathe. There is no antidote. Dangerous animals live in the Pacific Ocean, on the coastal territory from Japan to Australia.

Blue ring octopus
Blue ring octopus

When the blue-ringed octopus is frightened, its spots become brighter and shimmer

King Cobra

The king cobra is the leader among snakes in the amount of venom released. One bite of it can kill not only a person, but in some cases an elephant. The poison is neurotoxic - it paralyzes the victim, resulting in respiratory arrest. A deadly creature lives in the mountain forests of Asia.

King Cobra
King Cobra

If a person is at a close distance with this snake, he should stand or sit at eye level, do not make sudden movements, breathe evenly and calmly look at it - in a few minutes the cobra will consider the person a harmless object and slip away

In addition, the king cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world. It can grow up to five and a half meters in length.


The poison released from one bite of the taipan can kill hundreds of people. It is more toxic than cobra, but has a similar effect. Taipan lives in Australia and New Guinea.


Otherwise, taipan is called a cruel snake

Scorpio Leiurus

Although scorpions are considered deadly, their bites usually have only local effects. But this does not apply to the Leiruses. The neurotoxins contained in their venom are stronger and weakened people can kill. Leirus lives in the Arabian Peninsula, as well as in North Africa and Turkey.

Scorpio Leiurus
Scorpio Leiurus

One of the components of Leirus venom, the peptide chlorotoxin, is used in the treatment of certain human brain tumors.

Brazilian wandering spider

The most venomous spider, contrary to popular belief, is not a black widow. The venom of the Brazilian wandering spider is much more dangerous - it leads to paralysis, and its entry into the blood in most cases causes cardiac arrest. The danger increases the spider's lifestyle - it wanders and hides in the most unexpected places.

Brazilian wandering spider
Brazilian wandering spider

There is an effective antidote for the bite of the Brazilian wandering spider, but it is only common in Brazil

These spiders are found only in the tropics of America. Although theoretically they can be in any part of the world, as they lay eggs in bananas, for which the spider was even nicknamed banana. For example, in Russia there were two cases of catching a dangerous animal.

Pointing frogs

Small tropical frogs of bright colors belong to the Dart frogs family. Some of them are very poisonous. Unlike most of the animals on this list, frogs don't bite anyone. It is dangerous to touch them, because the skin glands of these amphibians secrete substances that can kill a couple of dozen people.

Pointing frogs
Pointing frogs

The Indians of Central America have long smeared the tips of hunting and combat arrows with poison from dart frogs

Interestingly, poison dart frogs do not produce toxins, the poison accumulates with food. If you exclude poisonous insects from the menu, then frogs will cease to be dangerous.

Snail cone

It is difficult to imagine a more harmless creature than a snail. But it turns out that even these animals can bear death. We are talking about cone snails, some of which are poisonous. Most often, people, attracted by the beauty of the shell, try to take the animal in their hands, forcing it to defend itself and prick it with a poisonous thorn. Mostly snails are found in the seas and oceans of warm latitudes.

Marble cone snail
Marble cone snail

In the Pacific Ocean, 2–3 people die annually from cone bites

Fish stone

In a calm state, this fish is difficult to distinguish from a stone. The more dangerous is the meeting with her, because the diver can inadvertently touch the poisonous ridge. If a person is not immediately helped, a shot of the most dangerous fish can be fatal. The animal is found mainly in the oceans at the southernmost latitude.

Fish stone
Fish stone

Another name for stone fish is wart

Puffer fish

An encounter with a fugu is not dangerous. The ball fish can kill if it ends up on your plate. It is considered a delicacy in Japanese cuisine, but improper preparation can turn the dish into poison. Although in Japan, chefs are obliged to obtain a license to make fugu, there are victims every year.

fish ball
fish ball

Like poison dart frogs, puffer fish become toxic due to their diet.

Basically, the most dangerous animals do not attack, but only defend themselves. Therefore, being in their habitats, one must be careful not to inadvertently touch the poisonous creature.
