How To Properly Clean The Floor So That Luck And Money Are Always With You
How To Properly Clean The Floor So That Luck And Money Are Always With You

How to clean the floor according to signs so as not to lose luck and money


For hundreds of years, folk superstitions and omens have been preserved and passed on from generation to generation. We may believe it or not, but we observe certain rules that have come down to us from time immemorial. We especially try to follow popular advice related to cleaning and mopping in the house. Observance of simple wisdom will bring happiness to the house, protect against troubles, illnesses and troubles.

Times of Day

Our ancestors believed that it was necessary to wash the floor only during daylight hours - preferably before lunchtime. At dawn, good spirits wake up, help in business and protect the home.

In addition, after sunset, when the forces of darkness rule, evil entities enter the house, bring quarrels, illnesses, and troubles to the family. At night, they strangle the inhabitants of the house, move furniture, break dishes.

Day of week

Each day of the week had its own rules.

On Monday, they did not plan any serious business, did not make decisions.

Cleaning floors on Friday promises money losses, troubles of any kind. You cannot start serious business on this day, because they will turn into failure.

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are great days for general cleaning, Wednesday can be light. Leave Sunday for family, relaxation, self-development. The Bible spoke of rest on the seventh day. It is best not to break this tradition.

Road ahead

Seeing off loved ones on a long journey, our ancestors knew that there was no need to start cleaning up after their departure.

It was believed that this makes the road easy and safe, removes misfortune from relatives.

Unpleasant guests


It is known that water has amazing properties both to store information and cleanse from negativity, spoilage and evil eye.

After the departure of some unwanted, unpleasant guests, we feel weak, unwell. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to wipe the floor, which will drive them away from the threshold and cleanse the room of bad energy.

After the funeral

After taking out the deceased, they always carefully cleaned the house.

This ritual was carried out for a reason: cleaning the floor, the relatives accompanied the deceased to another world, where his soul found peace, a place in the world of the dead and did not bother the living. The energy of death and disease was washed away.


According to popular beliefs, you should not wash the floor or even sweep at a party. Do not think that helping in someone else's home is good.

This can be regarded as a rupture of the energy protection of the house, which leads to unpleasant consequences for both the hosts and the guest.

What to wash


Sometimes we feel sorry for throwing out old things, and we are looking for their use in everyday life, mainly in cleaning. It turns out that folk signs warn against this. My sex is old things, we stand still in our development, we chew on the same conflict situations, there is stagnation in work and in relationships. Also, according to signs, this deprives of well-being and luck, introduces discord.

Our ancestors said: "To wash the floors with a towel - wash the money out of the house." Especially unmarried girls should not use a towel when cleaning. It was believed that for 9 years she would not see marriage.

A few drops of lemon, orange or cinnamon essential oil will intensify the effect, as the aromas of citrus, cinnamon and patchouli attract money. Coins need to be rinsed in salt water to neutralize negative energy.

You can also wash the floor with water and salt to cleanse the room of negativity.
