What A Woman's Gait Will Tell
What A Woman's Gait Will Tell

What a woman's gait can tell about her mood and personality


The gait can tell a lot about a woman's character, her mood, social status, and even betray her secret thoughts. In any case, the British experts who conducted the research say so.

Springy gait

A springy, slightly bouncing gait is characteristic of young, reckless persons who are content with their lot. This way of walking gives out the owners of a good sense of humor, dreamers and an outstanding personality.

However, sometimes it is just a desire to seem like that, but in fact, something oppresses the woman. In this case, an energetic manner of walking allows you to hide a bad mood and unwind a little.

Slow gait, barely unbending knees

A woman wandering slowly, without bending her knees, is most likely a lady of venerable age or suffers from sore joints. If we are talking about a young person, this may indicate self-doubt, excessive suspiciousness, shyness.

Wide, confident step

The manner of walking in a bold manner is usually characteristic of self-confident, self-sufficient ladies. The owners of such a masculine manner of movement are enterprising, they know what they want, and will certainly achieve their goals.

However, their personal life is often not easy.

Minutes with feet, small steps


This walking habit indicates that a woman is extremely careful. The owner of such a gait steps on the heel, and then on the toe, and never fully stands on the foot.

Usually girls and women who have chaos in their personal lives go this way. As a rule, these are kind-hearted and romantic personalities, immersed in their inner world.

Steady, calm gait

A woman accustomed to walking calmly, measuredly, is extremely careful and restrained in life. She is never in a hurry and does not give in to vanity.

The measured gait also betrays single women in search of a life partner. In this case, she walks slowly, swinging her hips and thus attracting the attention of potential partners.

Feminine gait

The standard of attractiveness in men has always been the person who tapped a clear rhythm and swayed her hips. Of course, this cannot be done without high heels.

A woman who moves in this way knows her strengths and knows how to use them in order to achieve her goals, and can turn her weaknesses into strengths.
