How To Tell If Gasoline Is Diluted
How To Tell If Gasoline Is Diluted

4 ways to determine if gasoline is diluted or not on your own


Poor quality fuel damages the car engine. This is a drop in compression, power, the occurrence of carbon deposits on candles, sensors and other parts. Many drivers are racking their brains over the question of how to check fuel quality. It turns out that you can independently find out if there are impurities, water and resins in gasoline in several simple ways.

Method 1. Checking for chemical impurities

This method helps to identify chemical impurities in the fuel composition. You will need a blank sheet of paper.

  1. Put some gasoline on it.
  2. Then blow on the drop to evaporate faster.
  3. Examine the piece of paper carefully.
  4. Gasoline has no impurities if the sheet remains the same white.
  5. As a rule, a trace still remains. This means there are impurities in the gasoline.
  6. A greasy spot indicates the presence of kerosene or diesel fuel.
  7. Place a drop of gasoline on a wooden object.
  8. If it does not completely evaporate or forms a spherical droplet, then there is water in it.

Another option is to drip gasoline into your palm. After drying, it should remain dry and clean. If your palm is greasy or dirty, do not use this dressing again.

Method 2. Check for the amount of resin

This method will help to identify the presence of foreign tar in the fuel. The method involves igniting fuel, so observe fire safety measures:

  1. Stay away from the car, fuel cans and other flammable substances.
  2. When igniting a drop, the hands and suit must be dry and clean, free from gasoline, oil or solvents.
  3. Take care of your eyes and hair, the fuel flares up instantly.
  4. Keep sand close at hand, gasoline is not extinguished with water.

You need a glass item, such as an ashtray or cup, and a lighter or matches.

  1. Put some fuel on the object and light it.
  2. After droplet burns out, examine the remaining stain.
  3. If only whitish circles remain, then there are no resins or very few of them.
  4. Yellowish or brown spots will indicate the presence of tar in quantities that can harm your car's engine.

100 milliliters of fuel can contain up to 15 types of resin. If its content is twice the permissible value, such fuel reduces the engine's working life by 15-20%.

Other impurities in the fuel can be detected by the traces left on the surface after combustion. The presence of oils or diesel fuel will leave small droplets of unburned impurities on the surface.

Method 3. Checking for water

This method makes it possible to check if there is water in the gasoline. You will need some potassium permanganate powder and a small transparent container. It is difficult to get potassium permanganate now, it is not available for sale, so you can use a lead from a chemical pencil.

  1. Pour the gasoline into a small transparent container so you can see the light through.
  2. Throw in potassium permanganate or a piece of chemical pencil lead.
  3. The appearance of a pink or purple color indicates the presence of water.
  4. If manganese or slate does not dissolve, but simply lies on the bottom of the container, there is no water in the fuel.

Method 4. Testing for the presence of diesel fuel

This method allows you to identify foreign matter in the gasoline before refueling. The method is simple, but correct.

  1. Pick up the refueling gun.
  2. Before inserting it into the car's tank, you need to run your finger along the barrel, especially inside.
  3. The presence of oils, diesel fuel and other fatty impurities can be determined by the greasy surface of the apparatus.
  4. If the finger is clean and there is no feeling of something greasy on the hand, then the fuel is of good quality.

Knowing these simple but surefire ways, you can, at the slightest suspicion, check the fuel for impurities, water and tar. Do not forget to do this periodically, and there will be no problems with the motor.
