What Plates To Buy To Make You Want To Eat Less
What Plates To Buy To Make You Want To Eat Less

What color, shape and size of plates to buy so that you want to eat less


The way to lose weight is not only in diet, but also in the environment. Nutrition psychology explains that it is better to eat while striving for harmony, what colors of dishes cause appetite or reduce it.

Appetite-inducing colors


Bright hues are associated with positive emotions.

Orange stimulates good mood and joy in people. However, if you want to lose weight, it is better to limit your grocery place to the minimum part of this shade.

Yellow is also a tasty shade.

A person whose favorite color is yellow seems confident and positive to others.

Green allows you to tune in to a healthy diet, does not cause increased salivation, but it does not interfere with the increase in appetite.

Thus, bright dishes activate the desire to eat, because in this way the meal is associated with something very pleasant.

Cookware color that will help you eat less


Nutritionists advise losing weight to use black, blue, purple dishes. This color does not increase appetite.

Gray calms the nerves, but plates of this color depress the atmosphere, causing aversion to food. Therefore, you need to try not to overdo it.

Purple and navy blue create a sense of serenity. Food does not seem very appetizing on dishes of these colors.

This method of losing weight must be used with the main diet, because it is unlikely that it will be possible to significantly lose those extra pounds thanks to the correctly selected colors of the dishes.

Neutral shades


Neutral colors that do not stimulate appetite include all shades of blue and light green.

Light green dishes are pleasant to look at and make food more attractive. In general, shades of green help to relax, relieve anxiety.

Which shape to choose


In order to eat less food, it is better to lean towards square plates.

In 2008, nutritionists conducted an experiment that showed that the feeling of fullness occurs faster when a person eats from a square plate.

Plate size


It is logical to imagine: the smaller the portion, the smaller the volume of food.

The so-called dessert plate with a diameter of 20-24 centimeters should be considered ideal.
