Making New Things From Old Curtains
Making New Things From Old Curtains

Also useful: 7 useful uses of old curtains that you were going to give your husband to the garage for rags


Fashion is fickle. This applies not only to clothing, but also to the interior. Out of fashion and slightly faded curtains can be easily replaced with new ones. Old curtains, by showing imagination and resourcefulness, can be given new life, instead of being sent to a landfill.

Patchwork style bedspread


This idea of a radical transformation of outdated curtains revives even heavily worn fabrics. The bedspread will be sewn:

  • from pieces of different curtains;
  • with the addition of other material.

Before you start sewing different shreds together, the curtains should be washed and steamed. The easiest material to work with is linen and cotton. It will turn out to create a large canvas.

This bedspread will be an original addition to the interior and will decorate any sofa or bed.

New lamp shade


You can give worn-out products a second life by using them to replace the lampshade on the lamp. For this purpose, things from:

  • brocade;
  • silks.

The luminaire frame remains the same. A washed and ironed piece of old curtain fabric should be pulled over it.

Important! The lamp should not touch the material. Otherwise, it will provoke yellowing and damage to the textiles at the point of contact or the appearance of a burnt hole.

Pillow case


Old curtains are also suitable for creating pillowcases for decorative pillows. Various textiles can be used for this purpose.

Ribbons and lace are used to decorate pillowcases.

Chair cover


A second life can be given to curtains by sewing chair covers or even a soft pouf. For this purpose, fabrics like:

  • flax;
  • cotton;
  • durable synthetics;
  • atlas.

From them, you should cut out a canvas, sew a cover from it and put it on the back of a chair, tie it with a ribbon. To decorate chair covers, you can take a veil, lace, tulle, braid.

Beautiful rug


Old curtains made of thick fabric will go to create an original rug in the room.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Wash old curtains, iron them out.
  2. Cut the canvas into strips.
  3. Fold 3 strips together and secure with threads. Weave a braid and topstitch the ends.
  4. Make several of these "braids" and connect them into one long strip.
  5. Fold a long strip into a spiral, securing it with a strong thread.

Hand towel


Old linen or cotton curtains can be used to make hand towels for the kitchen.

The material should be cut into rectangles of the desired size and swept on all sides.

Soft toy


Velvet or plush outdated curtains can be used to create a soft toy for a child.

You can sew a toy with your child. For filling, cotton wool, batting or old rags are suitable.
