Raspberry Brilliant: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews
Raspberry Brilliant: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews

Raspberry Brilliant: shine of berries in the rays of glory

Raspberry Diamond
Raspberry Diamond

Breeders never tire of surprising us with their findings, including among berry bushes. Of course, everyone understands that in order for raspberries to be attractive, they must produce large and juicy berries, and most importantly - as much as possible. This description is perfect for the variety Brilliant. But you must admit that the appearance of these berries also matters. And even here, Diamond comes to the fore thanks to the beautiful appearance of the fruit. And at the same time, the variety is harvestable, has an excellent taste and is remontant.


  • 1 Description of the raspberry variety Brilliant

    • 1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of the variety - table
    • 1.2 Repaired Raspberry Diamond - video
  • 2 Landing features

    • 2.1 Timing
    • 2.2 Location
    • 2.3 Selection of seedlings
    • 2.4 Site preparation
    • 2.5 Landing
  • 3 Plant care

    • 3.1 Watering
    • 3.2 Cropping
    • 3.3 Top dressing
    • 3.4 Shelter for the winter
    • 3.5 Garter
    • 3.6 How to properly care for raspberries - video
  • 4 Diseases and pests

    • 4.1 How to deal with diseases and harmful insects - table

      4.1.1 Raspberry diseases and insect pests in the photo

  • 5 Harvesting and storage
  • 6 Reviews of gardeners

Description of raspberry variety Brilliant

Repaired variety - this phrase does not leave indifferent almost any gardener. The thing is that this category of plants yields a little differently than ordinary varieties. For example, in two runs - on one-year and two-year-old shoots, or in one, but strongly stretched. In our case, for Brillianttova raspberries, the fruiting period begins in early August and continues until late autumn, until frost breaks out.

The bush is quite sprawling, does not exceed 1.5 m in height, the average height is 1.2 meters. Annual shoots have a red tint and are covered with a light waxy coating, provided with small thorns. Biennial shoots are light brown in color and also have small and poorly visible thorns. Leaves are grassy green, can curl slightly, with sharp teeth at the edges.

Raspberries ripen on the bush
Raspberries ripen on the bush

The brilliance of the brilliant raspberry berries was the reason for the appearance of the name of the variety

The berries grow medium in size - weighing about 4 grams, are colored purple and have a noticeable and pronounced shine. The acidity and sweetness in the taste is best distributed. The fruit smells good, but the aroma is subtle, not very strong. The pulp is juicy, but at the same time it has one good property - it has no tendency to soften.

Raspberries in the palm of your hand versus a box of matches
Raspberries in the palm of your hand versus a box of matches

Berries of the Brilliantovaya variety, with proper care, often grow large and beautiful, as in the picture.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety - table

Advantages disadvantages
The variety yields a lot of berries with excellent taste and aroma, as well as an attractive appearance. A very large dependence on the sun, even a slight shade can adversely affect the growth and development of plants, not to mention the harvest.
The reparability of the variety allows you to get berries from the beginning of August until the first frost. The shoots must be tied up, otherwise they can bend to the ground and break under the weight of the crop.
The plant tolerates drying out of the soil and heat relatively well.
The crop is well stored and can be easily transported.

Repaired Raspberry Diamond - video

Landing features


Repaired raspberries can be planted in spring and autumn. If the planting was in September or October (in the southern regions, raspberries are planted later than in central Russia), you must choose warm weather. It is also known that for planting in the spring, you can take seedlings with an open root system, and in the fall - with a closed one. The latter option is also preferable during the growing season, since such a plant equally well and quickly grows the aboveground and underground parts and is able to bring the first crop already three months after planting.

A place

Raspberries are very fond of sunny and open places, but protected from the north winds. The best option is the southern side of the site near any buildings or fence. An important point: the Brilliantovaya variety does not tolerate even a slight partial shade, so make sure that the object protecting the plant from drafts does not cast a shadow on it. Groundwater should not run higher than 1.5–2 m. Raspberries love moisture, but its excess will only harm. For the same reason, you should not choose a lowland. However, like the hill - after all, in this case, the bush will not receive enough water.

Raspberry seedling on the site
Raspberry seedling on the site

A raspberry seedling must receive a lot of light and moisture in order to grow and develop quickly.

The best soils for growing are chernozems and loams, which should be well drained and easily let air through to the roots. Suitable antecedents for raspberries are cereals and legumes. It is strongly not recommended to plant it where the nightshade grew (peppers, potatoes or tomatoes).

Selection of seedlings

Planting material should be purchased only in proven places - nurseries and garden stores. It is not difficult to determine a high-quality seedling; for this, follow several criteria:

  • The shoots should be about 1 cm thick.
  • A developed root system primarily speaks of the health of the plant - the length of the roots should be at least 15 cm.
  • The seedling should have 1-2 developed shoots.

One-year or two-year seedlings with open or closed root systems are used as planting material.

Bundles of raspberry seedlings in storage
Bundles of raspberry seedlings in storage

For planting raspberries, one-year and two-year seedlings with a developed root system are used

Site preparation

The land for planting at the selected site is prepared in advance. This is done in the fall, if planted in the spring, and a month before, if in the fall. The selected area should be dug to the depth of the shovel bayonet, carefully select and remove all plant residues. It remains to fertilize the soil, guided by the following scheme: 10 kg of humus or rotted manure, 50 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potash fertilizer are introduced per square meter.


In the event that you have not applied fertilizer to the soil in advance, you can do this immediately before planting. The mixture is made up of 4 kg of rotted manure, superphosphate (30 g) and potassium salt (20 g), which are mixed with garden soil. With this composition, it will be possible to fill the planting pits when planting seedlings.

Planting raspberries near the fence
Planting raspberries near the fence

Plant raspberries on the south side of the plot near the fence - here they will receive a lot of light and protect from the winds

The planting process is carried out as follows:

  • The roots of the seedling (if they are open) are dipped in a clay mash (3 kg of mullein is mixed with 1.5 kg of clay and diluted in 4 liters of water).
  • Dig a planting hole with a diameter of half a meter and a depth of 40 cm.
  • The seedling is placed strictly vertically in the pit, and its roots (with an open root system) are straightened in all directions, after which they are covered with a fertile mixture.
  • The ground around the seedling is trampled down, and an earthen roller is created around it, which will not allow the water to spread out to the sides when watering.
  • The plant is watered abundantly (a bucket of water is required for one bush) and the trunk circle is mulched with peat or rotted sawdust.

Plant care


Raspberries love moisture and need periodic watering - unless the rain does all the work for you. In areas where dry weather prevails, water as the soil dries up. Plants especially need water before flowering, during the period of active growth of green mass, during fruiting and after harvesting.

Watering raspberries with a hose
Watering raspberries with a hose

You can also water raspberries from a hose with a sprayer, only this should be done in the morning or in the evening, when there is no direct sunlight

Water-charging irrigation is especially important, which is carried out in late autumn - before the onset of frost. The soil should be moistened half a meter in depth, which means that the volume of the poured water should be three times more than usual, so that the plant goes for the winter with a moisture reserve at the roots.


This part of caring for a raspberry bush is quite simple and depends on how you are going to grow this crop. When growing raspberries on annual shoots in late autumn, the entire aerial part is completely cut off, without even leaving hemp. Then, in the spring, the bush will need to be thinned out, leaving only 5–6 of the best stems.

Pruning raspberries with pruning shears
Pruning raspberries with pruning shears

It is best to prune raspberry shoots with pruning shears at the very root

In the second case, two-year-old shoots are also used. For this, annuals are left in the fall, which in the next season will acquire a bark and will also yield a harvest, like the young. If after wintering the shoots are frozen, they are cut to the first living bud. Also remove shoots with damage, traces of disease, underdeveloped.

Top dressing

Raspberries are responsive to fertilizing, and this can be successfully used to obtain a rich harvest. Since the Brilliantovaya variety is very picky about the content of nutrients in the soil, our task is to supply the plant with everything it needs for the entire season.

Feeding raspberries
Feeding raspberries

With timely feeding, raspberries grow more berries, which ripen large and sweet

  • In March, it will be appropriate to use urea (20 g per 10 l - per 1 m 2) with additional fertilization containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the complex. This will be the first feeding.
  • The second is carried out before flowering. The composition of the mixture: superphosphate (3 tbsp. L.) And potassium sulfate (2 tbsp. L.), Diluted in 10 l of water. This is enough for 1 m2 of land.
  • The next time we feed the bush after fruiting, using double superphosphate (2 tbsp. L.) And potassium sulfate (1 tbsp. L.) For 10 l of water.
  • During the summer, once a month, a solution of mullein (1: 5) or bird droppings (1:10) is used. A liter of composition is consumed per plant.

Shelter for the winter

In order for the remontant raspberry to please you with the harvest next season, it must be properly prepared for winter. One water-charging irrigation will not be enough, especially considering the fact that the Brilliantovaya variety does not tolerate temperatures below -24 ° C. The easiest way is for those gardeners who grow it as an annual crop. They cut off all the shoots to the very root and mulch with a thick layer of peat, humus or wood chips (about 20-25 cm). Do not forget to remove the mulch layer in early spring after the snow melts to avoid problems with roots drying out.

Trimmed raspberries
Trimmed raspberries

Raspberries cut off at the root are much easier to preserve in winter, covered with a mulch layer

A little more complicated is the situation with leaving annual shoots for wintering. However, their flexibility will benefit the plant. Before the onset of the first frost, stretch a wire above the ground at a height of 30–40 cm and tie the shoots to it. Tying them to a peg driven into the ground is also practiced. The sooner they are under the snow, the better. This is especially true for areas with little snow, where raspberries are covered with a film, roofing material or agrofibre. If you can visit the site after the first snowfall, shovel the snow closer to the roots of the raspberry.


The peculiarity of the Brilliant raspberry variety is that under the weight of the harvest, the shoots can strongly lean to the ground and even break, so the bushes must be tied up

For small areas, single supports are more suitable. For one bush, you can put a two-meter pillar 5-6 cm in cross-section, digging it to a depth of 40-50 cm.

Raspberry on a trellis
Raspberry on a trellis

The trellis will help the raspberries grow in the direction you want, saving you a lot of hassle

It is advisable to make a trellis - a common method of support for any raspberry. Here you will need two of the above-described pillars to dig them in at a distance of 3-4 meters from each other. Then, additional supports are installed between them and the wire is pulled at a height of 80 cm. This is the bottom line. Two more will be located at a height of 100 and 120 cm from ground level. The shoots are tied to a wire one at a time so that the ripening berries are perfectly illuminated by the sun and ripen better. In addition, with this method of cultivation, the likelihood of infection by fungal diseases decreases. A big plus of the trellis is that it takes up very little space on the site and does not interfere with the collection of berries.

How to properly care for raspberries - video

Diseases and pests

Diamond is distinguished by good resistance to common raspberry diseases, but they cannot be ruled out in case of adverse weather conditions or non-compliance with agricultural practices. At the first signs of the appearance of diseases, as well as insect pests, action must be taken immediately.

How to deal with diseases and harmful insects - table

Disease / pest Signs of appearance Control measures
Rust On the underside of the leaves, as well as on the shoots, convex orange dots appear. By autumn, a dark bloom appears, the shoots begin to fade and break.
  1. Bushes in early spring are treated with 3% urea (300 g per 10 l).
  2. The infected plants are dug up and burned.
  3. Before the leaves bloom, the preparations DNOC 1% (100 g per 10 l) and Nitrafen 3% (300 g per 10 l) are used.
  4. Before flowering, 1% Bordeaux liquid is used (100 g of copper sulfate, 150 g of lime per 10 l of water).
Chlorosis Leaves along the veins begin to turn yellow. Young shoots become thinner and elongated. The berries dry without ripening.
  1. In early spring, plants are sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid or Hom preparation (30–40 g per 10 l).
  2. Affected plants are dug up and destroyed.
Anthracnose Gray spots appear on leaves and shoots. Leaves curl and fall off.
  1. Bushes are periodically thinned out, weeds are removed.
  2. When budding, 5% carbamide is used (500 g per 10 l).
  3. Before flowering, apply 1% Bordeaux liquid.
  4. After flowering, the plants are sprayed with Hom.
Raspberry stem fly Shoots wither, blacken and rot.
  1. During the period of regrowth of shoots, the drug Karbofos is used (60 g per 8 l).
  2. During the growing season, the damaged tops are cut off and, if found inside the shoot, the holes are cut off

    again until the course laid by the pest ends.

Raspberry beetle Most of the leaves are damaged. Ripe berries contain yellow larvae.
  1. Before flowering, apply the drug Confidor (2 g per 10 l).
  2. Before budding, the earth around the bush is dug to a depth of 15–20 cm.

Raspberry stem

gall midge

Swellings appear on the stems, the bark becomes cracked, the shoots stop developing and dry out.
  1. Before flowering, Karbofos is used.
  2. During the growing season, the affected shoots are cut and burned.

Raspberry diseases and insect pests in the photo

Fly with spotted wings
Fly with spotted wings
The raspberry stem fly makes holes in the shoots, causing them to turn black and wither
Yellowed raspberry leaves
Yellowed raspberry leaves
Chlorosis indicates that the plant lacks nutrition, moisture, light, or heat.
Dead raspberry leaves
Dead raspberry leaves
With anthracnose, diseased plants are dug up and burned, since their treatment is impossible
Orange bloom on the leaf
Orange bloom on the leaf
Rust is especially common in wet and cold weather.
Bloating raspberry shoot
Bloating raspberry shoot
The swelling on the stem helps determine where the gall midge larvae are.
Brown raspberry beetle
Brown raspberry beetle
Raspberry beetle is the main reason that most of the crop is eaten by small yellow larvae

Harvesting and storage

The harvest begins in early August. Up to 3 kg of raspberries are obtained from one bush, subject to agricultural technology. Fruiting is stretched, so you can enjoy fresh berries until the frost. As a rule, plants have time to give up most of the harvest before the onset of cold weather.

In indoor conditions, the harvested crop is stored for no more than a day, and in the refrigerator this period increases to 2-3 days. You can grind the berries with sugar, and then the tasty food can be stored for 2-3 months. Be sure to weed out damaged and moldy berries to avoid quick spoilage of the harvested fruit.

Harvest raspberries on the bush
Harvest raspberries on the bush

You need to collect raspberries in the morning, when the dew melts.

Berries of Brilliant raspberry are good fresh, in jam and jam. They can be used to decorate confectionery and added to fermented milk products. They make excellent marmalade, jelly, fruit drinks and wine. But no less good idea would be to dry the berries in the oven. Dried raspberries are placed in glass jars or paper bags and stored in a cool, dry place where they can last for up to two years.

A reliable way is to store raspberries in the freezer - here they can lie for 2-3 years

Gardeners reviews





Mikhalych Ch




Raspberries of the Brilliantovaya variety can be a good choice, given their yield and attractiveness of berries, which are good both freshly picked and in a variety of culinary dishes. To get a good harvest, you have to try, but the result will definitely be worth all the effort. After all, you will have an excellent opportunity to enjoy ripe berries until the first frost, when you can only dream of ordinary raspberries.
