Everything About The Tchaikovsky F1 Cucumber Variety - Description, Planting, Care And Other Nuances
Everything About The Tchaikovsky F1 Cucumber Variety - Description, Planting, Care And Other Nuances

Cucumber Tchaikovsky F1: the main violin in the symphony by Rijk Zwaan

Variety Tchaikovsky F1
Variety Tchaikovsky F1

Crispy cucumbers with a small seed chamber of the Tchaikovsky F1 hybrid have won the sympathy of gardeners not only for their excellent taste, but also for their unpretentious cultivation. They really, as noted in the description of the variety, easily tolerate a number of diseases, and if optimal conditions are created for them, they do not get sick at all. The parthenocarpic variety does not require complex agricultural techniques. The female inflorescences prevailing in this type of cucumber allow you not to worry about the activity of insects, pollination will always occur.


  • 1 From Holland with warm greetings
  • 2 Description of the variety Tchaikovsky F1

    • 2.1 Video: greenhouse cucumber plantation Tchaikovsky F1
    • 2.2 Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety
  • 3 Seed preparation

    3.1 Table: bioactivators and seed holding time

  • 4 Soil preparation and planting sites
  • 5 Scheme and time of boarding

    • 5.1 Phases of seedling development - table
    • 5.2 Video: Formation of cucumber bushes and dimming
  • 6 Watering, dressing

    • 6.1 Table: complex dressings for cucumbers
    • 6.2 Signs of micronutrient deficiency and excess - table
  • 7 Diseases and pests

    • 7.1 Photo gallery: the main enemies of cucumber beds
    • 7.2 Table: traditional methods of preventing diseases and pests
    • 7.3 Treatment with chemical protection means - table
  • 8 Harvesting and storage
  • 9 Reviews of vegetable growers

From Holland with warm greetings

In 2009, the Raik Tsvan company presented a new hybrid variety of Kibriya cucumber, which conquered vegetable growers with an excellent early harvest. But soon the hybrid also showed a negative trait: it quickly depleted the soil, especially in greenhouses. After the first good harvest, the cucumber, without constant care, lost its ability to bear fruit: the greens were crushed, the vegetation slowed down and the plant died. Because of this, very soon his popularity fell.

Four years later, the company's breeders presented an improved version of Kibriya - the Chaikovsky F1 variety, which began the "symphony" of cucumber varieties from Rijk Zwaan. Like its predecessor, the new variety perfectly resists powdery mildew, mosaic virus, cladosporiosis. All this, together with a short ripening period, made it possible to use the cucumber in arid regions with hot summers.

Cucumbers of the Dutch hybrid Tchaikovsky F1
Cucumbers of the Dutch hybrid Tchaikovsky F1

Plants of this variety do not require pollination

Very quickly, the Chaikovsky F1 variety became a sales leader, having won the respect of gardeners who want to get a quick harvest by growing cucumbers in greenhouses. The cucumber does not require pollination, it allows you to grow crops in early spring, when the insects have not yet come out of hibernation.

Cucumber variety Tchaikovsky F1
Cucumber variety Tchaikovsky F1

With such a yield, the respect of gardeners is not difficult to earn

Description of the variety Tchaikovsky F1

The yield of this variety is up to 50 tons of cucumbers per hectare. It takes only 40–45 days from disembarkation to receiving the first zelents. It is grown in greenhouses and in the open field in a trellis or horizontal way. Ties up to three cucumbers in one bunch. Good formation of green mass, along with active regeneration, allows the plant to quickly recover from shock and recover from diseases. It is formed into one stem, the lateral lashes are small, up to 30–40 cm. Plants are planted 30–35 cm apart.

Tchaikovsky F1 belongs to the parthenocarpic varieties, which, unlike those pollinated by bees, are characterized by amicable formation of ovaries and the ability to bear fruit until late autumn.

Fruits up to 15 cm long and weighing 50-60 grams have a uniform dark green color. The surface is densely covered with spiked tubercles. Therefore, you should harvest with gloves. The pulp is fleshy, without bitterness, crunchy, has a pleasant taste, typical of cucumber.

Video: greenhouse cucumber plantation Tchaikovsky F1

Table: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Benefits disadvantages
Parthenocarpic variety: no insects needed for pollination. In the case of insect pollination, the cucumber loses its shape, grows crooked.
Early maturation and development of the bush. Requires increased feeding.
High yield. There is a danger of overgrowing zelents.
Heat-loving, tolerates heat well. Not suitable for growing on soil in cool climates.
Resistant to diseases typical for hot climates. The variety is not resistant to diseases caused by sudden changes in weather.
Pleasant taste, small size of a cucumber. Gherkins are strewn with thorny thorns.
Well stored and transported.

Seed preparation

When buying seeds, pay attention to the presence of the appropriate marking on the package, indicating the pre-planting preparation: as a rule, the treated seeds are colored. If there is no marking and the seeds are of a normal color, then it will be useful to soak them in a nutrient and disinfectant solution prepared from a bioactivator (Vermisol, Azotofit, Epin, Zircon) and a disinfectant, for example, potassium permanganate. This will not only improve germination, but also protect against root rot, fusarium.

Cucumber seeds
Cucumber seeds

Before planting, it will not be superfluous to soak the cucumber seeds in a nutritious and disinfecting solution.

Table: bioactivators and seed holding time

Drug name Breeding rate Exposure period
Vermisol 1: 5, diluted with warm water 12 hours
Epin 1 ml for 2 liters of water 24 hours
Azotofit 1 teaspoon in 500 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, leave for 2 hours 1.5-2 hours, dry from 4 to 8 hours
Zircon 1-2 drops per 300 ml of water 8-18 hours

Soil preparation and planting sites

Before planting, a complex fertilizer is introduced into the ground and dug well, leveling the area with a rake. Potash and nitrogen fertilizers are best added before planting, as potassium and nitrogen salts are washed out by water during the winter. Ammonium nitrate should be added in the fall, despite the fact that potassium and nitrogen are washed out, the phosphorus contained in it will not disappear anywhere, it will remain in the soil, forming hardly soluble phosphates, which are well absorbed by plants.

The cucumber is wayward. He does not like direct sunlight, shaded beds, too dense soil, drafts. Try to plant your plantation in areas where shade and sun alternate with each other. A garden bed is considered optimal, where the sun is in the morning, and in the afternoon it is covered by the shade of trees or tall plants (corn, sunflowers).

Cucumbers on trellis
Cucumbers on trellis

As the bushes develop, they grow, therefore, Tchaikovsky F1 cucumbers are recommended to be grown on trellises

Scheme and landing time

For fast germination, the culture should be planted in the soil warmed up to +16 o C. If this condition is met, the first shoots will appear 5-6 days after sowing. Optimal planting dates are mid to late May. At this time, the soil is already well warmed up (+ 20–25 o C), there are frequent rains, the threat of frost disappears.

For a late harvest, which is planned to be harvested before mid-October, and if planting in a greenhouse, then (depending on the region) until late November - the seeds are planted in July.

To get an early harvest, seeds are sown for seedlings in early or mid-March. Seeds are sown in cups or cassettes, one for each cell. Cucumber is a great individualist, does not tolerate close proximity.

In a bucket of prepared soil, consisting in equal parts of forest or turf soil and peat, add three tablespoons of wood ash and one spoonful of nitroamofoska, mixing everything thoroughly. Cucumbers are filled with soil mixture and cucumber seeds are planted in it.

Seedling development phases - table

Phase External signs What to do
Germination A spine appears. The plant is transplanted into cups filled with soil mixture.
Seedlings A plant with two cotyledonous leaves appears above the soil mixture. When watering, do not overfill the seedlings, protect from drafts, provide sufficient light.
Present sheet A real one appears between the cotyledon leaves. When watering, do not overfill the seedlings, protect from drafts, provide sufficient light.
Third-fourth sheet Cotyledon leaves slowly die off, real leaves actively grow on the stem. You can start feeding the seedlings.
Landing in the ground The true leaves of the seedlings grew stronger and increased in volume. Seedlings are transplanted into the ground, deepening the upper leaves, buds and ovaries are pre-cut off.
Cucumber seedlings Tchaikovsky F1
Cucumber seedlings Tchaikovsky F1

The first real leaf appeared

The distance between seedlings should not exceed 35-40 cm, between rows 1-2 m. Planting density per 1 sq. M. m - 4-6 bushes.

Seedlings grown in peat pots are planted with the container. The cucumber is removed from the plastic cup together with a lump of earth so as not to damage the roots. The cup can be cut and removed by unwinding in a spiral.

Video: shaping cucumber bushes and dimming

Watering, fertilizing

Tchaikovsky F1 creates a significant load on the soil, therefore it requires a balanced nutrition as it grows. When planting, wood ash and humus are introduced into each hole in equal amounts, as a rule, no more than one scoop. The plant immediately gets a good boost for the proportional development of the root system and green mass.

When introducing top dressing, observe the condition of the plant. The best indicator is the appearance of leaves, stalks and stems.

To prevent micronutrient deficiencies, carry out complex feeding after 10-14 days.

Table: complex feeding for cucumbers

Type of feeding Preparation Application method
Chicken droppings For 10 liters of water 50 g of chicken manure. Stir well, leave for 10 days to ferment. Root dressing.
Manure For 10 liters of water, 1 kg of rotted manure. Root dressing.
Wood ash 1 tablespoon of ash is diluted with 10 liters of water. Scoop ash under the root, before watering, once a season. Root dressing.
Humate fertilizers Diluted depending on the concentration according to the manufacturer's instructions. Root and foliar feeding.
Chelated fertilizers Diluted according to the instructions on the package. Foliar top dressing.

Signs of deficiency and excess of micronutrients - table

Trace element a lack of Top dressing Oversupply Reasons and methods of struggle
Iron and copper Chlorosis, the plant turns yellow, the leaves are small, growth slows down, the color crumbles. Foliar top dressing with chelated fertilizers, watering with chicken manure infusion. Brown spots appear on the leaves, young leaves suffer from chlorosis. Occurs with an overabundance of treatment with copper and iron sulfate. Stop processing.
Manganese Leaves are dark green, gradually curl, tubercles form on the surface. Foliar top dressing with chelated fertilizers. On old leaves, chlorosis and brown spots appear. Occurs on acidified soil. Lime, dolomite flour, chalk powder are added, mulching is carried out.
Potassium A yellow border is formed along the edge of the leaf, the greens acquire a pear-like shape. They are fed foliarly or under the root, humate fertilizers, chelates, compost infusion, ash. The leaves turn white, internodes lengthen, the plant withers, dies. Stop feeding the plant and watering.
Nitrogen The stem becomes thinner, the cucumber turns pale, the upper leaves turn yellow, the lower ones fade, gradually drying out, the tips of the greens are sharpened. Water with infusion of chicken droppings, mullein. Foliar top dressing with chelated fertilizers or humates. The leaves and stem turn dark green, and the plant stops bearing fruit. Termination of feeding and watering. Wood sawdust is added under the root, mixing well with the soil.
Magnesium The leaves of the cucumber burn out, become brittle, the lower ones are covered with yellow spots, the green color is only on the veins. Foliar top dressing with chelated fertilizers. The leaves darken and curl. Due to the death of the roots, the cucumber dies. Sprinkle chalk, lime, dolomite flour, stop watering.
Boron Ovaries and lateral lashes die off, flowers crumble. Foliar top dressing with chelated fertilizers. The leaf edge dies off, the leaves acquire a domed shape. Stop feeding.
Phosphorus The lower leaves turn yellow and die off, the ovaries and flowers fall off. Foliar top dressing with chelates. When watering, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added to the water. The leaves turn yellow and fall off. Application of potash fertilizers, which do not include phosphorus.
Sulfur The leaves change color, the leaf plate becomes indented. Foliar top dressing with chelated fertilizers. The leaf becomes covered with scaly growths, coarsens. The leaf color changes to grayish brown. Stop feeding.
Zinc Leaves of various sizes with uneven yellowing. Foliar dressing with chelated fertilizers, root dressing with zinc sulfate. Discoloration of the leaf near the veins. Stop feeding.
Signs of mineral starvation in cucumber
Signs of mineral starvation in cucumber

The main signs of mineral starvation in cucumber

Cucumber is a moisture-loving plant; in hot season for normal growth, especially during fruiting, an adult bush may need up to 3 liters of water per day. Watering is carried out in the evening, after the temperature drops. It is most rational to use a drip irrigation system, this makes it possible to evenly distribute moisture, control its amount, and facilitate root feeding of the plant. To retain moisture in hot weather, be sure to mulch. The average volume of water for each adult plant is 2 liters of water.

Young cucumbers
Young cucumbers

Cucumber is a moisture-loving plant, Tchaikovsky F1, as a true European, prefers progressive drip irrigation

When watering, make sure that the water does not flood the stems of the plant, does not expose the roots and does not form ruts. Excess moisture will lead to fattening, the development of root rot, fungal diseases on the leaves and stems, wilting and death of the plant.

Diseases and pests

The variety is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, brown spot, powdery mildew and white rot. But, nevertheless, he is prone to other diseases. The most dangerous is considered peronosoprosis or downy mildew, which occurs with sudden changes in temperature and frequent precipitation. In addition to diseases, pests affecting stems, roots, green mass, buds and ovaries can cause significant damage to plantings.

Photo gallery: the main enemies of cucumber beds

Anthracnose disfigured cucumber greens
A colony of melons aphids occupied a cucumber leaf
This leaf is affected by peronosporosis
Peronosporosis on the back of the leaf
Peronosporosis on the back of the leaf
The reverse side of the leaf affected by peronosporosis
Slugs are dangerous pests of vegetable crops, including cucumbers
New slugs will soon appear from this masonry

There are many methods of pest and disease control, both chemical and folk, which are applied in different ways. Folk are used to prevent disease, very rarely for treatment. Chemical remedies can be used for both prophylaxis and treatment of cucumber.

Table: traditional methods of preventing diseases and pests

Disease, pest Signs Treatment and prevention methods
Peronosporosis The leaves are covered with yellow spots, a gray coating with black dots of fungal spores forms below, the plant dries.

Spraying solutions:

  • urea is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • 3 liters of sour milk per 10 liters of water;
  • Add 10 drops of iodine to 1 liter of milk and dilute in 10 liters of water;
  • Bordeaux mixture: 100 g of copper sulfate is mixed with 100 g of lime and diluted in 10 liters of water.
Anthracnose Brown, depressed spots on leaves and fruits.
  • Sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.
  • The affected areas are sprinkled with charcoal, lime or chalk powder.
Cucumber Mosaic Virus The leaves are covered with yellow spots, curl, the fruits are disfigured with necrotic spots and stripes, the tip of the greenery dies off.
  • prophylaxis with a solution of low-fat 1.5% milk. For 10 liters of water, dilute 1 liter of milk and spray;
  • be sure to fight against aphids and other pests capable of carrying the virus;
  • the affected plants are destroyed.
White rot Fruits and stem are covered with whitish "filaments" of mold, the plant rots.
  • prepare a solution for spraying: 2 g of copper sulfate is diluted in 10 l of water, adding 10 g of urea;
  • the lesions are sprinkled with ash.
Aphid The leaves of the plant are curled, on the inner sides there are colonies of black or green insects.
  • In a bucket of water, insist 400 g of makhorka for two days, add 80 g of soap;
  • Onion peel (half buckets) Pour hot (70 to C) water, insist day, then filtered. When used, it is diluted in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • Grind 50 g of red chilli pepper, pour boiling water (1 l), insist for 2 hours, bring water to 10 l;
  • 200 g of ash is diluted in 10 liters of water, adding 50 g of shaved laundry soap.
Slugs Silvery marks appear on leaves, stems and soil. The surface of the leaf is covered with holes, the stems eaten at the root fall. The soil around the bush is sprinkled with lime, ash or salt.
Spider mite The leaves are entangled with a cobweb, under which a tick colony develops. Spray with a solution of ash and laundry soap.
Thrips Gnaw the leaves, suck the juices. No.

Unlike folk remedies, chemical remedies must always alternate and are not used twice in a row, in extreme cases, more than three. This is due to the adaptation of pathogens of fungal diseases to them and the formation of resistant strains of fungi. In addition, modern means not only prevent diseases, but also treat them.

Treatment with chemical means of protection - table

Plant development phase Disease, pest A drug
3-4 sheet Peronosporosis Quadris or Previkur Energy
6-8 sheet Peronosporosis, aphids, spider mites

In 5 liters of water, 6 g of Topaz, 25 g of Ridomil Golda package Vertimek 018 EC

or according to the instructions the preparations Alet and Luna are diluted

10-12 sheet Peronosporosis Ridomil Gold or Previkur Energy
Budding and flowering Peronosporosis Quadris (6 ml per 5 l of water) or Infinito (12 ml per 10 l of water)
The beginning of fruiting Aphids, peronosprosis, anthracnose Infinito 12 ml + Confidor 1 for 10 liters of water, Quadris 6 ml + Actellik 12 ml for 5 liters
Fruiting Peronosporosis, anthracnose

Infinito 12 ml per 10 l of water or

Quadris 6 ml per 5 l of water

It should be remembered that there is a danger of poisoning with chemicals that are toxic substances of intestinal action. Therefore, be sure to adhere to the waiting times from processing to harvesting indicated on the packaging.

Harvesting and storage

Harvesting begins when the cucumbers have reached a length of 10 cm. They are harvested every two days. Do not put off picking cucumbers, otherwise they will lose their taste. Vegetables are cut with a knife; it is undesirable to pull and twist the stalks. Harvested cucumbers can be used immediately, as long as they are as fresh and crisp as possible, or can be used for canning. The crop easily tolerates transportation, it can lie in the refrigerator without changing the taste for a month. Despite the early ripening period, pickled gherkins retain the firmness and crunch of a young cucumber.


In winter, the Tchaikovsky F1 variety will remind you of itself with high-quality blanks

Reviews of vegetable growers

Despite the little popularity and almost no reviews, Tchaikovsky F1 is gaining popularity among gardeners in the southern regions. The huge potential put by the creators in the new variety attracts more and more supporters to it.
