Raspberry Glory Of Russia: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews
Raspberry Glory Of Russia: Description And Characteristics Of The Variety, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews

Raspberry variety Glory of Russia - really glorious

Raspberry variety Slava Russia
Raspberry variety Slava Russia

As stated in the description of the raspberry Glory of Russia, it was bred by the Russian breeder Viktor Kichina - the creator of the famous Pride of Russia and the Beauty of Russia. So far, the variety is less familiar to gardeners, because it is absent in catalogs: the culture did not pass registration due to the sudden death of the author. But the variety gradually overcomes the unknown, people are increasingly interested in it and want to know more about the Glory of Russia.


  • 1 Description of raspberry variety Slava Russia

    • 1.1 Advantages and disadvantages
    • 1.2 Table: pros and cons of the variety
    • 1.3 Video: large-fruited raspberries
  • 2 Landing

    • 2.1 Selection of seedlings
    • 2.2 Landing dates
    • 2.3 Site selection and soil preparation
    • 2.4 Planting seedlings

      • 2.4.1 Bush method
      • 2.4.2 Trenching method
  • 3 Care

    • 3.1 Watering

      3.1.1 Photo Gallery: Drip Irrigation

    • 3.2 Plant fertilization

      3.2.1 Table: feeding raspberries

    • 3.3 Cropping
    • 3.4 Other care features

      • 3.4.1 Garter
      • 3.4.2 Winter Shelter
  • 4 Diseases and pests

    • 4.1 Table: Disease and Pest Control
    • 4.2 Photo Gallery: Enemies of Raspberry Bushes
  • 5 Harvesting

    5.1 Photo gallery: blanks from raspberry varieties Slava Russia

Description of raspberry varieties Slava Russia

This variety is often called a "raspberry tree" for powerful three-meter studless trunks with half-meter branches growing upward. In the third year of growth, this raspberry forms a large bush with 10 fruiting trunks, which, with ideal care, gives about 100 kg of berries per season in other years.

The berries are dense, slightly elongated, red in color, moderately sweet and juicy, with a delicate aroma inherent in raspberries. Small seeds are practically not felt. With proper care, the berries reach impressive sizes:

  • for the first year after planting - 3-5 cm, weight from 20 g;
  • in the second year - 6 cm, weight up to 25 g;
  • in the third year - 7 cm, weight 30 g.
Large-fruited raspberry variety Slava Russia
Large-fruited raspberry variety Slava Russia

Large elongated red berries are a characteristic feature of the Slava Rossii variety

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any fruit crop, Glory to Russia has both positive and negative qualities. To some extent, these shortcomings are a continuation of its merits. A huge bush cannot give bogatyr harvests without adequate nutrition and watering.

Raspberry berries of the Slava Russia variety
Raspberry berries of the Slava Russia variety

On three-year-old bushes of Glory of Russia, berries can reach 30 grams

Table: pros and cons of the variety

Advantages disadvantages
Large, beautiful berries. Whimsical care - raspberries are very demanding on agricultural technology. If the rules of growing are violated, the berries become smaller.
High productivity. Low winter hardiness.
Lack of thorns. Dense growth.
High resistance to viral and fungal diseases, even with shoot diseases, raspberries do not reduce productivity. Lack of drought tolerance.
Ease of reproduction. Mediocre berry taste.
Convenience in harvesting (berries do not crumble for a long time and are easily separated from the fruit).
No transportation problems (due to the density of the fruit).

Video: large-fruited raspberries


When growing this large-fruited raspberry, it is necessary to take into account its low frost resistance. The site must be protected from the wind. Fences (trees or a fence) will provide good snow cover in winter, protecting the bushes from freezing.

Selection of seedlings

In order to do without unpleasant surprises, it is better to buy seedlings, especially large-fruited varieties, in fruit nurseries. Preference should be given to plants with several mature shoots without damage and at least 3 buds. The root system must be well developed.

Raspberry seedlings Glory to Russia
Raspberry seedlings Glory to Russia

To avoid disappointment, buy seedlings in fruit nurseries

Raspberry root system Slava Russia
Raspberry root system Slava Russia

The seedlings must have a well-developed root system.

Landing dates

Raspberries are planted in spring, from early April to mid-May, and in autumn, from late September to early October. The autumn option is more effective: by the next season, the soil will have time to settle, and the seedling will root well. But for the winter, such plantings must be covered.

Site selection and soil preparation

A place for planting raspberries is chosen with light and medium soils - loam, black soil. Heavier soil must be loosened by adding compost or humus: one and a half buckets per 1 m 2. You can also add sand. The area must have a flat surface. Southern, western and southwestern gentle slopes are acceptable. In this case, the raspberries will receive more sunlight, and the soil in the spring will be freed from snow earlier and will warm up.

When planting, you should take into account which crops were previously grown in this place. The best predecessors are legumes, onions, green vegetables (lettuce, Chinese cabbage, parsley, coriander, watercress, green onions, etc.). It is highly undesirable to plant raspberries after nightshades and strawberries that have the same pests and diseases.

Two to three months before planting, the site is dug to a depth of one and a half bayonets of a shovel, rhizome weeds are removed and introduced at the rate of 1 sq. m: humus - 10 kg, 60 g of nitrogen fertilizers, 30-40 g - potash. Immediately before planting, the soil is spilled with a solution of copper sulfate (2 tbsp. L per 10 l of water) - one bucket per 1 m 2. For spring planting, the soil must be prepared in the fall.

Preparing the soil for planting raspberries
Preparing the soil for planting raspberries

After thorough digging, fertilizers are applied to the soil

Planting seedlings

There are two ways to plant raspberries - bush and trench. In the first case, the seedlings are planted in holes, forming bushes of 8-10 shoots. In the second, several rows of trenches are prepared, in which plants are planted.

Bush method

With a bush planting method, it is necessary:

  1. Dig holes 40x40 cm in size and 25 cm deep.
  2. Having carefully straightened the roots, lower the seedling into the hole, cover it with soil, observing the position of the root collar - it should be at ground level.
  3. Cut off the seedlings to a height of 20–25 cm.
  4. Pour 5 liters of water under each bush.
  5. To protect the earth from drying out, the plantings are mulched with humus, peat or sawdust. This operation also helps in weed control and eliminates the need to loosen the soil.

Before planting, the roots are soaked in Kornevin's solution (1 g per liter of water). Planting scheme for bush method: about 2 m between rows and 0.5-0.7 m between bushes.

Bush method of planting raspberries
Bush method of planting raspberries

Planting raspberry bush will form a real living wall

Trench method

In this case, a trench 40 cm deep and 50 cm wide is dug. Humus, sawdust or plant waste 15 cm high is laid on the bottom, then a small layer of earth is poured onto which mineral fertilizers in granules are poured. And the last layer is fertile soil in which the plants are located. Otherwise, they adhere to the same technology as with the bush planting method. Planting pattern: between plants in a row - 0.7–0.9 m, between rows - 0.8–2 m.

This method is advisable to apply in arid areas. After watering or rains, water will drain into the trench deepening and retain.

Trench method of planting raspberries
Trench method of planting raspberries

Trench planting is recommended for use in arid areas


To obtain high yields, it is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology of this crop. The main care is timely feeding, watering, pruning bushes, pest and disease control.


The glory of Russia is very demanding on soil moisture. Its roots are at a depth of 15–20 cm. When this layer is dehydrated, the entire above-ground part of the plant dries up, the yield of not only the current, but also the next year decreases, as the flower buds that are being laid suffer.

During the growing season, four main waterings must be carried out:

  1. Before flowering.
  2. During the ripening of the berries.
  3. After harvesting the entire crop.
  4. In autumn, before the onset of frost.

Each plant needs at least 4 buckets of water per season.

In addition, during the dry period, there is a need for additional irrigation. A simple way to determine the need for watering: if the soil taken from the roots easily crumbles in your hand, you need to water urgently. The norm is at least 10 liters per bush. 10 days before the start of fruit ripening, watering is halved so that the berries do not become watery.

Recently, drip irrigation is gaining more and more popularity, when water flows directly into the zone of plant roots.

Its advantages:

  • simplicity of equipment (you can make it yourself);
  • saving water - only the root zone of the bushes is irrigated;
  • process automation;
  • minimal effort and time for watering;
  • the ability to combine watering with plant feeding;
  • improved soil aeration.


  • the possibility of clogging of pipelines, nozzles;
  • high cost of industrial equipment.

The greatest return on drip irrigation is when used in greenhouses.

Photo gallery: drip irrigation

Drip irrigation of raspberries
Drip irrigation of raspberries
With drip irrigation, water flows directly into the raspberry root zone
Drip irrigation with plastic bottles
Drip irrigation with plastic bottles
Craftsmen who establish drip irrigation using plastic containers do without buying an expensive main pipeline, installing taps and filters
Homemade drip irrigation in the greenhouse
Homemade drip irrigation in the greenhouse
Homemade drip irrigation can significantly increase the efficiency of the greenhouse

Plant fertilization

Raspberry Slava Russia, as already mentioned, is very demanding on soil fertility. The plants are fed during the growing season three times.

Table: feeding raspberries

Fertilizer timing Compositions and application rates
End of May - beginning of June
  • 500 ml of mullein per bucket of water - 5 liters per m 2;
  • complex fertilizer: ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate, superphosphate (30g + 40g + 60g per bucket of water).
July August Top dressing with bird droppings diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20, consumption - 1 liter per plant.
September Reapplication of complex fertilizer.


The glory of Russia is a large plant that gives a lot of growth. Without regular pruning, the berries become smaller, the raspberry bushes degenerate.

Three pruning is carried out per season:

  1. The first is performed in early spring - before the buds open. The stems, frost-damaged and snow-broken branches are removed. Pruning well-wintered shoots to a strong bud.
  2. The second pruning is carried out when the buds bloom. To increase the yield, the stems are shortened by 10-15 cm.
  3. Two weeks before the onset of cold weather comes the time of autumn pruning. Remove:

    • old shoots without leaving hemp;
    • undergrowth around the main trunks;
    • young shoots that cannot withstand frost;
    • two-year-old shoots that have fruited.

Pruning should be done with a very sharp tool such as a pruner or garden shears

Trimmed raspberries
Trimmed raspberries

During the season, the tall and prone to thickening Glory of Russia is cut three times

Other care features

Along with the already mentioned rules for the cultivation of raspberries, there are a number of auxiliary techniques, without which it will also be impossible to get decent harvests.


The glory of Russia, so that the branches do not break under the weight of the berries, needs support. It is done in three ways:

  • a stake is installed in the center of the bush and the stems are tied up with twine at levels of 0.5 and 1.5 m;
  • stakes are driven in between the bushes and the stems of neighboring bushes are tied to each;
  • arrange trellises: on both sides of the row, at a distance of 30 cm from the bushes, 2 pillars are dug in, between which a wire is pulled, to which the stems are attached.

Only fruiting shoots are tied to the support.

Raspberries on trellises
Raspberries on trellises

The use of the trellis method of growing raspberries significantly increases the yield, improves its quality

Winter shelter

Due to the weak winter hardiness, raspberries Slava Russia needs protection from frost. In autumn, the bushes are carefully, without breaking, bent to the ground (25–35 cm from the soil level), tied to each other and sprinkled with earth so that they do not straighten. Snow will cover them in winter. Bent trunks can be mulched with straw, sawdust or peat. This will retain moisture in the soil and prevent the roots from freezing.

Raspberry shelter
Raspberry shelter

To protect against freezing, raspberries are bent to the ground for the winter

Diseases and pests

Although Slava Russia is resistant to many diseases, it can suffer from improper agricultural practices and conditions favorable for the occurrence of diseases (for example, cold and rainy summers). In addition to diseases, raspberries are attacked by pests.

Table: Disease and Pest Control

Diseases and pests Symptoms Preventive measures Control measures
White spot (septicemia) Spots on leaves and stems are initially brown, then whitening with a purple border.
  • Caution when feeding with nitrogen;
  • spraying before flowering and after harvesting with 0.5% copper oxychloride solution;
  • regular thinning.
  • Spraying bushes with 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid;
  • removal of the affected parts.
Anthracnose Light spots with a raspberry border on the stems and leaves, holes appear on the wilting leaves.
  • Use of healthy planting material;
  • regular thinning.
  • Treatment with 0.5% urea solution;
  • removal of affected parts of the plant.
Purple Spot (Didimella) Lilac spots with black dots on stems and leaves. Cracks appear, the bush dies.
  • Spring and autumn digging of soil under bushes;
  • fight against thickening of plants.
  • In spring and autumn, spraying plants with a 1% solution of copper sulfate;
  • using a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid;
  • removal of heavily affected bushes.
Raspberry beetle The beetle gnaws leaves and flowers, the larvae eat the passages in the fruit. Digging the soil in early spring and late autumn.
  • Collection and destruction of pests by hand (shaking off on the litter);
  • treatment before flowering with Fitoverm solution (1 ampoule per gallon of water).
Raspberry fly It affects young shoots, their tops become drooping, then die. Loosening and removing weeds.
  • Pruning the affected branch to half its length;
  • treatment with Iskra-Bio (1 ml per 1 l of water per 10 m 2 of planting area) in late May - early June.
Raspberry and strawberry weevil It affects the buds and leaves, the flowers darken and fall off, the yield decreases. Thinning bushes.
  • Treatment before flowering with Iskra-M (5 ml per 5 liters of water);
  • after harvesting, treatment with the drug "Fufanon" (10 ml per 10 l of water).
Raspberry gall midge Cracks in the bark of shoots, white larvae in the cracks. Timely pruning. Removal and destruction of damaged shoots. There are no chemical control agents.

Photo gallery: enemies of the raspberry bushes

Purple spot
Purple spot
Purple spot is a fungal disease, the causative agent of the marsupial fungus is didimella, which penetrates into the bark of plants through cracks, wounds
Anthracnose primarily affects the leaves, then spreads to the stems and berries
White spot
White spot
The causative agent of white spot affects the stems, shoots and leaves of raspberries - the disease develops throughout the growing season
Raspberry gall midge
Raspberry gall midge
Raspberry gall midge lays eggs at the base of the stem, around the petioles of young lower leaves, in places where the integrity of the bark is disturbed
Raspberry fly
Raspberry fly
The flight of a raspberry fly falls on the time when young shoots grow on raspberries - this is the second decade of May
Raspberry and strawberry weevil
Raspberry and strawberry weevil
Raspberry-strawberry weevil beetles can destroy up to half of the raspberry crop
Raspberry beetle
Raspberry beetle
The raspberry beetle lays its eggs in young berries, and as the fruit ripens, its larvae grow


Glory to Russia - a variety of medium early ripening. Fruiting begins in mid-July and lasts for a month. Under normal conditions, about 5–6 kg of berries are harvested from one bush.

The crop is harvested in 5-6 stages, removing the fruits every 2-3 days in dry weather. For longer storage, the berries are picked together with the stalks. For packaging, baskets, plastic, cardboard or wooden boxes are used. In order not to mash, no more than 2.5-3 kg of berries are placed in each container.

Raspberry harvest
Raspberry harvest

Raspberries are good both fresh and in blanks

In the refrigerator at a temperature of 5 to C raspberry can remain fresh for three days. For winter consumption, berries are frozen and kept at temperatures from -20 to -35 o C. In this case, they are stored for up to 7-8 months. Due to their large size, the berries of Glory of Russia are of little use for drying.

Photo gallery: blanks from raspberry varieties Slava Russia

Raspberry wine
Raspberry wine
Raspberry wine has a delicate refined aroma
Raspberry jam
Raspberry jam
Tea with raspberry jam will remind you of a gentle summer in the winter cold
Raspberry compote
Raspberry compote
Properly prepared raspberry compote retains the aroma of fresh berries
Raspberry jam
Raspberry jam
Raspberry jam is a welcome guest on any table
Raspberry marmalade
Raspberry marmalade
Even nutritionists have nothing against raspberry marmalade
Raspberry juice
Raspberry juice
Raspberry juice - a storehouse of vitamins and pleasure
Raspberry paste
Raspberry paste
Raspberry Pastila - an original and healthy dessert

In conclusion, let us say that the Slava Russia raspberry can be called the leader among large-fruited varieties. Of course, it does not have that exquisite taste and honey sweetness that, for example, forest raspberries have. But the variety takes on its yield, size and beauty of the berries. It is these qualities that increase the number of those who want to have raspberries in their garden of the Slava Russia varieties.
