Sweet Cherry Varieties Bryansk Pink: Description And Characteristics, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features With Photos And Reviews
Sweet Cherry Varieties Bryansk Pink: Description And Characteristics, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features With Photos And Reviews

Sweet cherry varieties Bryanskaya pink - frost-resistant and fruitful

Frost-resistant sweet cherry variety Bryanskaya pink
Frost-resistant sweet cherry variety Bryanskaya pink

Gardeners are very fond of sweet cherries of the Bryansk pink variety - and there is a reason. This plant takes root well and bears fruit in the conditions of the Central regions of Russia, and among its main advantages are winter hardiness, compact form and abundant harvests.


  • 1 Variety description
  • 2 Strengths and weaknesses of Bryansk pink
  • 3 Landing rules

    • 3.1 Landing dates
    • 3.2 Selecting a seedling
    • 3.3 Site preparation
    • 3.4 Step by step process of planting cherries
  • 4 Cherry care

    • 4.1 Watering and loosening
    • 4.2 Top dressing
    • 4.3 Cropping
    • 4.4 Video: pruning cherries in spring
    • 4.5 Preparing for winter
  • 5 Diseases and pests

    • 5.1 Table: cherry diseases
    • 5.2 Photo gallery: diseases of the cherry tree
    • 5.3 Table: Cherry pests
    • 5.4 Photo gallery: Cherry pests
  • 6 Harvesting and storage of crops
  • 7 Reviews

Description of the variety

Bryansk pink - late-ripening cherry variety, bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine (Bryansk region, Michurinsky settlement) M. V. Kanshina and A. I. Astakhov from Black Muscat cherry seedlings. Since 1993 it has been zoned in the Central Region.

The variety is characterized by moderate growth. The tree reaches 3.5 m in height, has a crown of medium density, wide-pyramidal, raised. Skeletal branches extend from the trunk at an acute angle. Shoots are smooth, light brown. Leaves are large green, without pubescence, with serrated edges. The flowers are small, snow-white. Fruit ovaries are formed mainly on bouquet branches and annual shoots. The flowering of sweet cherry varieties Bryanskaya rozovaya occurs in mid-May.

The variety is self-infertile, begins to bear fruit for 5 years. Berries weighing up to 5.5 g ripen in the twenties of July, closing the cherry season. The yield is high - 20-30 kg per tree. The fruits are sweet, slightly bitter, beautiful, resistant to cracking. The pulp is yellow, dense with cartilaginous structure. The skin is pink-yellow with a speckled pattern. The separation of the peduncle from the twig is easy, from the pulp - dry. The stone is separated from the pulp medium. Fruit juice is colorless.

Sweet cherry varieties Bryansk pink
Sweet cherry varieties Bryansk pink

Sweet cherry varieties Bryanskaya pink bears fruit with pink-yellow berries

Strengths and weaknesses of Bryansk pink

Today, the sweet cherry variety Bryanskaya pink can be found on many household plots of the Central zone of Russia. Gardeners appreciate this plant for such advantages as restrained growth, excellent winter hardiness, compactness and resistance to disease. Also, this variety is characterized by high yield and good transportability of fruits.

Among the disadvantages of this cherry variety are self-fertility and the presence of bitterness in the taste.

Cherry blossom
Cherry blossom

Abundant flowering of cherries lasts two weeks

Landing rules

Sweet cherry varieties Bryanskaya rozovaya bear fruit well only under favorable soil and climatic conditions. This light-loving culture prefers to grow on moisture and air permeable soil, clay or sandy soils are not suitable for it. In addition, Bryansk pink should not be planted in lowlands where cold air stagnates. It is preferable to choose loamy or sandy loamy soils for the tree in the southern part of the garden, where the bush will be closed from cold winds by plantations, country buildings or a fence. Waterlogging has a depressing effect on cherries, therefore, if the groundwater is near, ditches 60 cm deep should be dug to drain water. Acidic soils must be limed by scattering lime under the crown of the tree when digging.

Landing dates

It is recommended to plant cherries in spring. In cold climates, when seedlings with an open root system are planted in autumn, early frosts can destroy immature plants. In the southern regions, you can plant cherries in the fall, but so that before the onset of cold weather the young tree has time to take root. Plants sold in containers can be planted at any time of the year, they take root well.

Sapling selection

You should buy seedlings in nurseries, give preference to plants one to two years old. At the same time, you must purchase at least two pollinating trees. The seedlings must be grafted, then they will begin to bear fruit earlier and will be more productive. The inoculation site is located on the trunk, 5–15 cm from the root collar: the trunk is slightly curved there, growing slightly sideways. If there is no vaccination, it is possible that the tree was grown from a stone and will not have varietal qualities.

In a seedling with an open root system, the roots are checked: they should be branched, with light ends. Dry and black, with outgrowths indicate plant disease. The tree should have an even stem, without damage and peeling of the bark, evenly colored foliage without spots, flexible branches. They can be shortened immediately, but the roots should not be touched - with a branched root system, the tree will take root faster.

Cherry seedling roots
Cherry seedling roots

The cherry seedling must have well-developed roots

Plants with a closed root system must be taken out of the packaging and the earthen lump must be examined: it must be entwined with roots and not crumble. Saplings purchased in the fall are added dropwise until spring. In an oblong pit, one of the walls is made at an angle, seedlings are laid on it, the roots and a third of the trunk are covered with earth, abundantly watered and insulated with straw. To protect it from rodents, the seedling is covered with spruce branches. In severe frosts, dug-in plants are additionally covered with snow.

Digging in seedlings
Digging in seedlings

A pit for a ditch is made 50 cm deep, and the length and width depend on the number of trees to be buried

Site preparation

For cherries, a plot on the south side of the garden is suitable, quite spacious to plant pollinating plants nearby. Other garden trees should not shade the seedling. For spring planting, the place is prepared in autumn, for autumn planting - in August. Large holes are dug (80 cm deep, 1 m wide, the distance between the holes is 4 m), about 5 m from the planting holes, several more holes are prepared for pollinating seedlings.

Earth (2 buckets) mixed with manure (1 bucket) is poured into the pits, and the soil is left to settle. It is advisable to lay drainage at the bottom of the pit, because cherries do not like a too humid environment. Before planting, the roots of the plant should be dipped into the Kornevin solution for several hours. If a seedling with a closed root system, spill the soil in the container with water and let it stand for 5-10 minutes. The lump will be saturated with moisture and will not crumble when removed from the container. Such a tree is planted together with an earthen clod.

Landing pits
Landing pits

Before planting cherries, dig holes 80 cm deep

Step-by-step process of planting cherries

  1. Add superphosphate (100-120 g) or 3 buckets of compost and 1 liter of ash to the wells, mix with soil.
  2. Drive a peg 80 cm high into the hole on the side so that it is from the north-west in relation to the tree.
  3. In the center, form a slide 20-30 cm high. Place a seedling in the center of the site, straighten the roots. The container plant should be planted with a lump.
  4. Tie the seedling loosely with a figure eight to the peg (this will help the plant to form a straight trunk).
  5. Fill up the hole, compact the soil. The root collar should be above the soil level.
  6. Make a circular watering trench, add water (20 liters per plant) and let it soak.
  7. Cover the ground with a layer of mulch.
Seedling mulching
Seedling mulching

The trunk circle is mulched with straw, compost

Cherry care

In order for the planted tree to take root well and give a rich harvest over time, it is necessary to strictly observe the main rules for caring for the Bryansk pink cherry variety.

Watering and loosening

The trees planted in spring are first watered every 5-7 days. In autumn, 1-2 waterings are enough. After planting a year, young seedlings are moistened once a month (1 bucket in hot weather). For adult plants, the norm is 3 buckets three times per season: during bud formation, during flowering and after harvest (5 buckets per tree). With the onset of cold weather, pre-winter watering is carried out. If you didn't have time to spend it in the fall, be sure to moisten the soil well in early spring.

The near-trunk circle is certainly loosened after watering to a depth of 10 cm - this increases air access to the root system. It is imperative to weed the weeds and mulch the near-trunk circle with cut grass for less moisture evaporation.

Top dressing

Cherries should not be overfed. After planting, young plants are not fertilized: excess nutrition can cause too rapid growth of shoots that will not have time to get stronger over the summer and freeze in the cold. In autumn, saltpeter (400 g) should be sprinkled under the tree and sprinkled with earth. It is useful to fertilize with ash, mullein, manure - 10 kg will be enough for young trees, 25 kg for adults. After 5–6 years, slaked lime is introduced into the soil: the solution is evenly distributed in the peri-stem circle, where the roots are located.

Fertilizers for cherries
Fertilizers for cherries

In autumn, saltpeter, ash are scattered around the tree

An adult fruiting tree is fertilized with urea (300 g) in spring, 200 g of nitrate, 400 g of superphosphate are introduced in September. Manure is spread every 2 years. Herbal fertilizer from lupine and peas also contributes to an increase in productivity. They are sown around the tree, and in the fall they are mowed and mixed with the ground.


Every year in the spring, until the buds are swollen, cherries are pruned. It stimulates the growth of lateral bouquet branches, it is necessary to create a compact crown.

When planting, the tree is shortened to 80 cm. In the second year, 3 branches are left in the bottom row and cut by a third. The central shoot is cut at a height of 1 m from the lower branches, laying the second tier. The next spring, when pruning, 3 good shoots are left on the second tier. The conductor is cut again at a height of 1 m from the second tier. In the fourth year, a third tier of 3 branches is formed. The central shoot is shortened.

In a tree older than 5 years, the most stable branches are left, shoots and shoots growing inward are cut out. In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out, the wounds are treated with pitch.

Cherry pruning
Cherry pruning

Pruning is carried out until the buds swell.

Video: pruning cherries in spring

Preparing for winter

Before the onset of cold weather, the ground under the cherries must be cleared of leaves, dug up, and covered with mulch. The tree trunk should be whitewashed to protect against pests and prevent sunburn. Whitewashing is easy to prepare yourself: loosen clay, lime and manure (1: 1: 1) in water and add copper sulfate.

The sweet cherry variety Bryanskaya pink is distinguished by its high winter hardiness. The plant tolerates cold temperatures well down to –27 ° C, but at a temperature of –30 ° C freezing is possible, but cherries quickly recover. To protect the soil from deep freezing, snow is raked up to the near-stem circle, and in order to protect the trees from rodents in winter, the trunk is covered with spruce branches, a plastic net, and roofing material.

Diseases and pests

Sweet cherry varieties Bryanskaya rozovaya are resistant to clotterosporium disease and are not subject to rot, but, unfortunately, are not immune from diseases common among this type of fruit crops.

Table: cherry diseases

Diseases Symptoms Prevention How to help
The withering away of the branches Warty pinkish growths form on the bark. The branches are drying up. Removal of diseased shoots. Cut off damaged areas, cover the sections with pitch.
Sulfur yellow tinder fungus Cracks with a mycelium film appear on the wood. Sanitary whitewashing, treatment of cracks with 3% copper sulfate. Cherries cannot be saved; they must be uprooted and destroyed.
Brown spot Dark spots are visible on the leaves. Treatment of wood and soil in early spring with 1% Nitrafen. When the buds are swollen, after flowering and after 21 days, spray the tree with 1% Bordeaux mixture.
False tinder The wood of a diseased tree softens, breaks from the wind. Whitewashing of trunks, mandatory disinfection of wounds and cracks with 3% copper sulfate. The cherries should be dug up and burned.

Photo gallery: diseases of the cherry tree

Brown spot
Brown spot
Brown spot damages leaves and reduces fruit
False tinder
False tinder
False tinder fungus leads to tree depletion
The withering away of the branches
The withering away of the branches
The dying off of branches can lead to loss of crops
Sulfur yellow tinder fungus
Sulfur yellow tinder fungus
A tree affected by a sulfur-yellow tinder fungus cannot be saved

To cope with the invasion of parasites will help their natural enemies - ladybugs, riders, aphidius, panisks. Feathered caterpillars and aphids - titmice, flycatchers, wagtails will destroy. To lure the birds, drinkers and houses are built on the site, part of the cherries and viburnum berries are left for feeding. Useful insects are attracted by planting dill, phacelia, tansy, and mint on the site.

Table: cherry pests

Pests Manifestations Prevention Control measures
Leaf roll Caterpillars damage bark and wood, the tree dries up. Whitewashing of trunks. Spraying with 1% Actellic before bud break.
Aphid Leaves, especially young ones, are twisted and covered with small insects. Removal of basal vegetation.
  1. With small amounts of parasites, collect them manually. Trimming the tops of branches covered with aphids.
  2. Processing the ends of the branches with soapy water (60 g per 10 l).
  3. Spraying with Actellic (20 ml per 20 l), 0.2% Nicotine sulfate.
Cherry weevil The beetles feed on cherry buds, young foliage and flowers, and lay eggs in fruits. Spoiled berries fall off.
  1. Shaking off and destroying bugs during bud opening.
  2. Digging up the soil, collecting damaged volunteers.
  3. Application of infusion of tobacco, aconite or yarrow before and after flowering.
Spraying with Fufanon (10 g per 10 L), Intavir (1 tablet per 10 L), Kinmix (2.5 ml per 10 L) after flowering.

Photo gallery: Cherry pests

Cherry weevil
Cherry weevil
The cherry weevil eats the fruit
Leaf roll
Leaf roll
The leafworm eats the leaves, causing the tree to become exhausted.
Aphids quickly devour leaves and shoots

The birds love to feast on cherries. They can destroy the entire crop in a matter of hours. To scare away birds, amateur gardeners use noise-making, rustling devices. However, experts recommend using nets that are thrown over branches with ripe berries as a more reliable protection.

Harvesting and storage

The fruits of the sweet cherry varieties Bryanskaya rozovaya ripen in the third decade of July. One tree bears 20-30 kg of fruit. The berries are well preserved during transportation, but for this it is better to remove them with stalks. In the refrigerator, fresh fruits do not spoil for a week. As for their use, the sweet cherry of this variety is eaten fresh, frozen, compotes, liqueurs and preserves are made from it, and lemon slices are added to the preparations for sourness.

Cherry fruit
Cherry fruit

The fruits of Bryanskaya rosea delight in their fresh taste and in the form of blanks


Decorate your plot with a luxuriously flowering tree, pamper your family and friends with delicious juicy berries, lay the foundation for a future orchard - whatever your goal, the Bryanskaya pink cherry variety is perfect for achieving it. And its winter hardiness and undemanding care will serve as a guarantee that this beautiful tree will delight you for more than one year.
