Pear Varieties Prominent: Description And Characteristics, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews
Pear Varieties Prominent: Description And Characteristics, Advantages And Disadvantages, Planting And Care Features + Photos And Reviews

Pear Vidnaya - an elite variety of Soviet selection

Pear varieties Vidnaya
Pear varieties Vidnaya

Pear is a very popular tree in Russian gardens. There are many varieties of this culture. Let us dwell on one of them separately. Pear bears the sonorous name Vidnaya (by the way, it is named after the city of Vidnoe). The plant fully justifies its name - large fruits, stately tree. The main advantages are high yield and resistance to fungal diseases.


  • 1 Variety characteristics Vidnaya

    • 1.1 Distinctive features
    • 1.2 Table: description of the pros and cons of the variety
    • 1.3 Pollinators
  • 2 Landing features

    • 2.1 Timing
    • 2.2 Location
    • 2.3 Preparing the landing pit
    • 2.4 Selecting a seedling
    • 2.5 Planting: a step by step process with a photo
    • 2.6 Video: planting a pear seedling
  • 3 How to provide complete care for a pear

    • 3.1 Watering
    • 3.2 Barrel circle
    • 3.3 Cropping

      3.3.1 Video: pruning a pear

    • 3.4 Fertilizers

      3.4.1 Table: Fertilization chart for fruit tree

    • 3.5 Preparing for winter
  • 4 Diseases and pests

    • 4.1 Table: pear diseases and how to resist them
    • 4.2 Photo gallery: how tree and fruit lesions manifest
    • 4.3 Table: pests and methods of control
    • 4.4 Photo gallery: how to recognize a garden pest
  • 5 Harvesting
  • 6 Reviews of gardeners

Variety characteristics Vidnaya

The tree grows up to 5 m in height. A young pear has a dense spreading crown, which stretches with age and becomes like a pyramid. The skeletal branches are powerful. Leafiness is average. Ringworms are large, often located.

Pear at home
Pear at home

An adult Vidnoy tree has a pyramidal shape

Leaves are medium in size with serrated raised edges and glossy surfaces. Slightly curved petioles are of medium length and thickness.

pear in hand
pear in hand

The main distinguishing feature of the Vidnaya pear is the influx near the tail

Table: description of the pros and cons of the variety

Advantages disadvantages
Unpretentiousness to growing conditions. The fruits have a very short shelf life.
Regular and plentiful harvests. Sometimes the tall tree growth interferes with harvesting.
High winter hardiness.
Excellent commercial and consumer qualities of fruits.
Resistance to fungal diseases - scab and powdery mildew.
High self-fertility.


The self-fertility of the variety is at a high level. But without pollinators, one can only dream of large fruits, and the yield will not please. Therefore, plant next to the Vidnaya pear Autumn Yakovleva or Rogneda.

Rogneda pear
Rogneda pear

Rogneda pear is a good pollinator for Vidnaya

According to the description and photo, of course, it is difficult to assess whether the pear Vidnaya will please you in practice. Therefore, we will describe how to plant a tree correctly, take care of it, form a crown, and in conclusion, we will give a few reviews about this variety.

Landing features

To grow a healthy fruit-bearing tree, all planting conditions must be observed.


In the southern regions, autumn (late September or early October) is the main time for planting pears. Moisture accumulated in the soil and warm weather contribute to better survival of the seedling and its good growth in spring. The mild climate improves the conditions for the formation of new roots.

Pear seedlings before planting
Pear seedlings before planting

The planting time of the seedling depends on the climate of the region

In cold regions, it is better to plant young trees in early spring - 2 weeks after the snow melts. During this time, the earth will warm up and be saturated with melt water. The seedling planted during this period will have time to get stronger by winter. But the spring planting needs to be completed very quickly before the sap begins to move in the tree.

A place

All fruit plants need sunny and warm places for the fruiting process. A tree growing in a shaded place will give thin and long shoots, the fruits will lose their sugar content. Ringworm is more actively laid on the southern side. A spacious, bright place, covered by a building or a fence on the north side, is an ideal choice.

Pear fruits on a branch
Pear fruits on a branch

Pear needs good lighting to form large and sweet fruits.

Groundwater at the site should not come closer than 2 m to the soil surface. In low-lying areas, you should take care of drainage. If possible, the pear can be planted on a small artificial hill or on a slope.

Vidnaya is not demanding to the composition of the soil. The tree can grow even on clay and poor soil (subject to proper care). But sandy loam, chernozem soils and loams are best suited. The acidity of the soil should be low - pH 5.6–6.0. On acidic soil, the pear will hurt.


You can reduce the acidity of the soil with lime.

Planting pit preparation

It is worth taking care of the preparation of the pit in advance, about 6 months before planting. The site needs to be cleared of plant debris, acidic lands - lime, poor - fertilized.

  1. The planting pit should be spacious so that the roots of the seedling fit easily into it. Depth - 80 cm, diameter - about 1 m. Drive a stick into the center, it should rise 50 cm above ground level. This is the future support and protection from the bright sun for the seedling.
  2. Set aside the topsoil separately. You need to add 20-30 kg of organic matter (rotted horse or cow manure), 1 kg of superphosphate, 200 g of phosphorus fertilizers, 100 g of potassium chloride, 800 g of wood ash.
  3. Mix the mixture well and place in the pit.
  4. In order for the earth to settle and acquire the desired density, pour in a bucket of water.
Pear planting pit
Pear planting pit

Dig and fill the planting hole in advance

Sapling selection

When choosing a seedling, do not rush. The future yield and health of the pear depends on the right choice. Factors to watch out for:

  • age. Rooting of 1–2-year-old seedlings is easiest;
  • general view of the seedling. The trunk should not be bent. Height - from 1 m. The bark is smooth and elastic, wrinkles on the bark indicate dryness. Discard plants with traces of damage on the trunk;
  • branches. 3-5 twigs 25-30 cm long indicate the normal development of the crown. Make sure the buds on the branches are alive.
  • root system. The seedling should have 3 well-developed roots, covered with a mesh of auxiliary roots. Bulging or broken areas indicate problems. The roots must be elastic and moist.
Pear sapling
Pear sapling

When buying a seedling, you need to carefully examine its roots and trunk.

Planting: a step-by-step process with a photo

  1. Treat the roots of the seedling with a talker made from clay, mullein and water.
  2. From the soil, form a mound around the support.
  3. Spread the roots along the sides of the embankment.

    Planting pears
    Planting pears

    Pear roots must be straightened

  4. Cover the established seedling with the remaining mixture of enriched soil. The plant can be shaken lightly by the trunk so that the soil is distributed as evenly as possible between the roots.
  5. Compact the soil and sprinkle with 2 buckets of water. Moisture will finally distribute the soil in the remaining voids.
  6. If after watering it turns out that the soil has settled too much and the roots are bare, add the soil to the desired level. The root collar should remain 5 cm above the planting level.

    Seedling root collar
    Seedling root collar

    The root collar should not be underground

  7. Tie the seedling to a support and mulch the trunk circle.

Video: planting a pear seedling

How to provide complete care for a pear

The rules of care are simple - do not forget to water, feed and prune. But the amount of the crop and the ability of the tree to resist diseases and pests depends on the implementation of simple procedures.


The pear cannot survive without regular watering, especially for a young plant. For normal development, the seedlings need to be watered every week, spending up to 2 buckets of water on the tree.

An adult pear can be moistened 2 times a month. Under the fruit-bearing trees, you need to pour out such an amount of water so that the earth in the near-trunk circle is saturated with moisture to a depth of at least 65 cm.

The most effective way is sprinkling. But if there is no special equipment, you can use a hose or just pour a near-trunk circle from buckets, bounded around the perimeter by an earthen roller.

Sprinkling pears
Sprinkling pears

Sprinkler irrigation is ideal for pears

Watering time:

  • in spring, before flowering;
  • during the formation of ovaries;
  • 2 weeks before harvest. This watering also provides buds for the next year;
  • if autumn is warm and dry, be sure to carry out abundant water-charging watering. It will avoid moisture deficit in the roots, which contributes to normal wintering and quick awakening in spring.

Barrel circle

The area around the trunk of the pear must be loosened after moistening. By breaking up the earth crust, you improve gas exchange, which helps the roots to develop more intensively. Loosening prevents the development of weeds, in which harmful insects like to settle.

Trunk circle of pears with flowers
Trunk circle of pears with flowers

Flowers can be planted in the tree trunk circle


Correctly and regularly carried out pruning has a positive effect on the quality of pear fruits.

The process begins with the formation of the crown after planting.

  1. In one-year-olds, a bole is formed at a height of 60 cm from ground level. Above the level of the stem, from 6 to 8 buds are left, from which the crown will develop. Make the top cut.

    Pruning a one-year-old seedling
    Pruning a one-year-old seedling

    The crown of pears begins to form from the first year of life.

  2. For 2-year-old seedlings, the three strongest branches are chosen for the future frame: two of closely spaced or adjacent buds, another one - 20 or 30 cm higher. Shoots are moderately pruned so that they are at the same level. The branches that have grown on the trunk are cut “into a ring”. The central conductor should be 30 cm higher than the skeletal branches. Sections are made on the outer kidney.

    Pruning a seedling in the second year
    Pruning a seedling in the second year

    When pruning in the second year, 2-3 strongest branches are chosen, which will become the basis of the crown

  3. The following spring, the regrown main shoots are shortened by about ¼ of the length of the annual growth. At a height of 50 cm from the lower tier, 2 more branches are laid, aligning them in length. The center conductor is cut so that it is 25 cm higher than the lateral branches.

    Pruning a seedling in the third year
    Pruning a seedling in the third year

    In the third year, the second tier of the crown is formed

Thinning pruning should be carried out every spring to prevent thickening of the crown. Any weak, bare, or competing shoots must be removed.

Video: pruning a pear


Many novice gardeners believe that in rich soils, a pear does not need additional nutrition. But no matter how fertile the soil is, over time, the supply of nutrients is depleted. Their shortage immediately affects the quality of the crop.

Pear feeding rules:

  • the tree must not be overfed! If you have properly filled the planting hole, then you can start fertilizing only after 2 years;
  • on poor lands, the feeding rate increases;
  • nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied only in spring, during the rapid growth of the green mass. They are not used in autumn so as not to provoke plant growth before the winter cold;
  • natural organic dressings are applied every 2-3 years.

Table: fertilization scheme for a fruit tree

Season Period Fertilizers and their rate
Spring Before bud break 2 tbsp. l. nitrate and 100 g of urea are diluted in 10 liters of water. Can be replaced with a solution of chicken manure - 500 g is bred in a bucket of warm water, insisted for a day. Helps with the active growth of young shoots.
After flowering Nitroammofosk - 100 g per 20 liters of water. No more than 3 liters of the mixture is applied under one tree. It is useful during this period to use green manure, embedded in the ground to a depth of 10 cm.
Summer Fruit setting stage Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used. In wet and rainy weather, the root system ceases to absorb nutrients and the fruits become small, the leaves brighten. During this period, you need to carry out foliar feeding. The mixture is prepared according to the instructions.

After harvesting, when the

leaf mass on the pear has

turned half yellow

1 tbsp. l. potassium chloride and 2 tbsp. l. Dilute superphosphate in 10 liters of water. Pour under a tree. This top dressing will help prepare the pear for winter. It is also useful to add up to 150 g of ash per 1 m 2 for digging.
fertilizer and ash on the ground
fertilizer and ash on the ground

Fertilizers should be applied according to the season

In case of a lack of certain nutrients, the pear will inform the attentive gardener with its appearance:

  • leaves wrinkle and dry - lack of potassium;
  • faded and undeveloped leaves are a signal that there is little nitrogen;
  • pear is late with flowering - phosphorus deficiency;
  • leaves become spotty - insufficient amount of calcium in the soil. This can be fixed by adding ash.
Yellow plant leaves
Yellow plant leaves

Yellow leaves - lack of nitrogen

Preparing for winter

When the pear has completely shed the foliage, you can start the autumn work in the garden.

  1. The trunk circle is cleared of residues of plant debris. So you will not leave the opportunity for pathogens and pests to safely wait for spring.
  2. The tree trunks are cleaned of old bark, the wounds are closed up with garden pitch and whitewashed, which will protect against frost and insects.
  3. The trunk of a pear and the ground under it must be treated with insecticides in order to surely get rid of pests.
girl sweeping the garden
girl sweeping the garden

Autumn gardening - an important event before the arrival of winter

An adult tree does not need special protection; it easily tolerates cold winters. You just need to cover the trunk area with a layer of mulch.

But the young tree needs to be covered. Usually boles are wrapped with nylon, paper, burlap, spruce branches or special material. The main thing is that the tree breathes under it.

pear tree in winter
pear tree in winter

To make it easier for the pear to survive the frost, you need to reliably cover its roots with mulch

Diseases and pests

One of the advantages of this variety is its resistance to fungal diseases. But there are also very insidious viral infections that sometimes cannot be cured.

Table: pear diseases and how to resist them

Diseases Symptoms Control measures Prevention
Bacterial burn Affected leaves, ovary, flowers, shoots darken and dry out. Spread by insects, rain and wind, the bacteria can quickly destroy a small garden.
  1. Sick branches must be immediately removed and burned. Treat the cut with a 1% solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 10 l of water).
  2. When the inflorescences only appear, treat with 1% Bordeaux liquid.
  3. If the disease spreads too quickly, it is best to uproot diseased trees.
  1. Observe agricultural practices.
  2. Perform sanitary and thinning pruning on time.
  3. Fight harmful insects.
  4. Uproot wild trees near the garden.
  5. Check the trees periodically for symptoms.

The fruit is covered with brown spots. Then white annular growths appear. After a week, the pulp becomes loose, inedible. Most of the fruits fall off. A small

amount may remain on the branch and dry out.

  1. Before the onset of flowering and after harvesting the fruits, treat with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.
  2. During the period of the spread of the disease from July to August, root feeding with Aktofit, Baikal or Healthy Garden is carried out. These bio cocktails enhance immunity and the ability to resist disease.
  1. Perform sanitary pruning.
  2. Destroy mummified fruits.
Rust Bright brick-colored spots appear on the leaves. The disease causes the leaves to dry out and fall off.
  1. During the budding period and after the pear has faded, spray with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.
  2. During the same period, you can use Skor - 2 ml per 10 liters of water.
  1. Collect and destroy fallen leaves.
  2. In the fall, while digging, treat the soil with an antifungal agent.
Cystoporosis The fungus often affects old and unkempt pears. On the trunk, areas with a drying out bark of a red-brown color appear. Branches are dying. A neglected disease can destroy the entire tree.
  1. In the green cone stage, spray with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid or Nitrofen (3%).
  2. During the period of bud formation, treatment with copper oxychloride is carried out - 940 g of the drug per 10 l of water. For one tree, 3 liters is enough.
  3. After flowering, spray with 1% Bordeaux liquid, after 2.5 weeks repeat the procedure.
  1. In the fall, it is necessary to destroy the fallen leaves and affected branches, dig up the area around the trunk.
  2. In the initial stage, the affected area is cut out to healthy tissue. Wounds need to be treated with garden varnish.

Photo gallery: how tree and fruit lesions manifest

Bacterial burn
Bacterial burn
Bacterial burn is a dangerous and rapidly spreading disease
Moniliosis on pears
Moniliosis on pears
Moniliosis damages the fruits of fruit trees
Rust on the leaves
Rust on the leaves
Rusty pear leaves are covered with bright spots
The bark of a tree infected with cystoporosis dries up

Table: pests and methods of dealing with them

Pests Symptoms Control measures Prevention
Gall mite The mite feeds on the cell sap of the leaves, which causes them to become covered with swellings. This causes the foliage to dry out and fall off.
  1. Before the start of sap flow in early spring, treat with Inta-Vir (1 tablet per 10 liters of water).
  2. A solution of 100 g of colloidal sulfur and 10 liters of water can be used. Processing is carried out 2 times: before blooming and after flowering.

Tear off affected

leaves in time and destroy them.



Damages fruits. The larva gnaws through the passages to get to the seed box. The pear becomes unusable. After flowering, spray the pear with a solution of Argavertin - 5 ml per 10 liters of water.
  1. Butterflies can be caught using the hunting belts worn on the trunk.
  2. Dispose of affected fallen fruits.
  3. Dig up the trunk circle in the fall.
Pear bug Adults and larvae feed on leaf sap. The damaged areas are discolored and covered with a sticky coating. Treat the crown of the pear with organophosphorus compounds. Pay attention to the fact that pest colonies settle on the lower part of the leaf.
  1. Collect and destroy fallen leaves.
  2. Peel off and burn off old bark.
  3. Dig up the area of the trunk circle.
  4. A small amount of the pest can be removed by picking off the infested leaves.


pipe wrench

Rolls pear leaves into a tube and lays eggs inside. Immediately after flowering, treat with Aktara, Decis or Calypso (according to the instructions).
  1. Tear off and burn all curled leaves.
  2. Dig the ground under the pear tree in the fall.

Photo gallery: how to recognize a garden pest

Gall mite
Gall mite
Swelling forms on leaves damaged by gall mites
Pear moth
Pear moth
The larvae of the pear moth are the most dangerous for the fetus.
Gall bug
Gall bug
Gall bug and its larvae feed on leaf juice
Pear pipe wrench
Pear pipe wrench
The pear pipeworm lays eggs in the rolled leaves


This variety has an average early maturity. The crop appears in 4–5 years. From one pear you can remove from 40 to 60 kg of fruit.

Harvest pears in boxes
Harvest pears in boxes

The first harvest of pears will appear 4-5 years after planting

Ripening occurs in the third decade of August. Fruits ripen in stages, so harvesting should be carried out as they ripen, usually 2-3 times. Only ripe pears are removed, since Vidnaya does not ripen outside the tree - the pulp becomes tasteless, mealy.

Harvesting pear varieties Vidnaya
Harvesting pear varieties Vidnaya

Pears are harvested in dry weather

Picking pears should be done in the morning or evening, in dry weather. The fruits are placed in wicker baskets or boxes. You need to handle the pear carefully, even the dense skin can be accidentally damaged. Whole fruits are stored for a short time - at room temperature for 2-3 days, in the refrigerator for 1 week.

Pear jam
Pear jam

Various dishes can be prepared from the Vidnoy harvest

These fruits make wonderful canned preparations: jams, marshmallows, confiture, marmalade, compotes.

Gardeners reviews

Prominent is not a new variety of pear, but the good thing about it is that it has passed the test of time. Gardeners are attracted by the beauty of the fruit and its taste. Simple care is within the power of even a novice gardener.
