How To Freeze Tomatoes For The Winter Fresh And Is It Possible To Do It + Video
How To Freeze Tomatoes For The Winter Fresh And Is It Possible To Do It + Video

Freezing fresh tomatoes for the winter: simple rules

Frozen tomatoes
Frozen tomatoes

We are used to canned tomatoes, and we prepare them pickled, in the form of lecho, salads, sauces and juices. At the same time, we spend a lot of time sterilizing and seaming cans. In addition, exposure to high temperatures changes the taste of tomatoes. And how you want to feel the taste of fresh tomato in winter … Therefore, today we will tell you how to freeze tomatoes for future use.


Can tomatoes be frozen? Of course yes! Some might argue that deep freezing disrupts the structure of the vegetable, makes it too soft after defrosting, and deprives it of its basic taste. In fact, these fears are exaggerated. The tomato almost does not lose its useful and pleasant properties.

What do you need to freeze? Just any amount of tomatoes and, in some cases, optional seasonings. The fruit should be ripe but firm. Naturally, damage should not be allowed, especially rotten sides. Be sure to wash the tomatoes under cold running water.

Mature tomatoes
Mature tomatoes

For freezing, choose ripe tomatoes of a small size, with dense pulp

Prepare a suitable container for storage. These can be sealed bags or special plastic containers that can withstand low temperatures.

Freezing options

There are several easy ways to keep tomatoes fresh for the winter by freezing them.

Whole tomatoes with skin

Choose strong, fleshy, small tomatoes. The best variety for this is thick-skinned cream or something similar. These tomatoes have small seed chambers with few seeds. Small cherry tomatoes are also ideal for this kind of freezing.

Rinse the tomatoes and arrange them in a single layer on a suitable tray. Set the freezer to the maximum freezing setting and place a tray of tomatoes in it.

After the tomatoes are completely frozen, take them out and put them in a convenient container.

Frozen tomatoes
Frozen tomatoes

Whole frozen tomatoes in their skins

These tomatoes will keep well throughout the winter. They can be used for preparing first, second courses and salads. Remove the tomatoes from the freezer and leave for 10-15 minutes at room temperature. The skin comes off easily and you cut the vegetable just the way you want it.

Tomato slices without peel

Tomatoes with slight flaws are suitable for this option: slightly wrinkled, broken on the sides, or slightly rotten. But in general, the fruits should be dense, thick-skinned. Cut off the damaged areas with a sharp knife and carefully remove the skin. The flesh should not creep when you cut the tomatoes into wedges or slices.

Tomato slices
Tomato slices

Cut prepared tomatoes into slices

Arrange the chopped fruits in layers on a cutting board or in a tray, restoring with cling film. Each layer should be thin, in one row of lobules. Place in the freezer at maximum freeze.

After 48 hours, you can take out the tomatoes, transfer them to more suitable containers and fold back.

After defrosting, such tomatoes can be used in soups, omelets, pizza, scrambled eggs, but not for salads.

Freezing in "tablets"

And this method is perfect if you have a lot of “substandard” tomatoes (broken, crumpled, too large for canning and freezing whole, soft varieties), and you don't want to bother with them at all.

Wash the tomatoes, peel off damaged areas and cut them into chunks. Pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Whether or not to peel the fruit first depends on your desire - there is no fundamental difference.

Chopped tomatoes
Chopped tomatoes

Grind tomatoes in a meat grinder or blender

Divide the resulting mass into small containers. For this, use muffin cups, cocktail ice or ice cream tins. You can use children's plastic "pies" for Easter cakes and even cut off the bottom of plastic bottles.

Place the tomato tins on a tray and place in the freezer set to the fast deep freeze setting.

Tomato "tablets"
Tomato "tablets"

Divide the tomato mass into tins and freeze

After the tomato tablets are completely frozen, remove them from the molds and put them in plastic bags or special containers. The mass will easily separate from the walls of the mold if you dip the bottom of it in hot water for a couple of seconds. The silicone mold is easy enough to turn out.

For this option, you do not have to be limited to tomatoes alone. At the grinding stage, add bell peppers, herbs (dill, parsley, basil, cilantro), hot peppers and any other seasonings to your taste. Mix everything thoroughly. No need to salt!

Tomatoes and greens
Tomatoes and greens

Use herbs and seasonings to prepare tomato "tablets"

You can use these tomato "pills" in soups or main dishes, where the recipe includes fresh tomatoes and herbs. The difference is not felt at all.

Reviews of hostesses: who dared to freeze tomatoes and what happened

Video: options for freezing fresh tomatoes for the winter

Freshly frozen tomatoes retain 90% of the vitamins they contain. In winter, this is very important for immunity. You will provide your family with not only tasty, but also a useful bonus. Share with us your recipes for freezing fresh tomatoes. Bon appetit and comfort to your home!
