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2025 Author: Bailey Albertson | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:41
How to clean and butcher sterlet at home

Fish is a valuable and unique product used to prepare dishes from different cuisines of the world. Among the representatives of the aquatic environment, since the tsarist times, the owner of healthy meat, as well as with a wonderful taste of meat - sterlet, has been deservedly noted. Even at the court of Peter I, a nursery was created for breeding sterlet, which was served exclusively to the royal table. From those times to the present, interest in this fish has not dried up. Dishes made from sterlet will become an excellent delicacy both on the festive and on the “daily” table, and they will also pleasantly surprise family members and guests. Therefore, it is very important to know how to properly clean this "valuable" fish and how to butcher it without difficulty.
- 1 Features and nutritional value
- 2 How to properly clean at home
3 How to gut a sterlet
- 3.1 Removing the sizzle through the tail
- 3.2 Removal of the vizig of two cuts: at the head and tail
4 Cutting sterlet
4.1 Cutting sterlet into fillets
4.1.1 Video: how to clean fish of the sturgeon family
4.2 Cleaning and cutting frozen fish
4.2.1 Video: how to clean frozen sterlet
- 4.3 Features of the preparation of sterlet for stuffing
Features and nutritional value
Sterlet is a commercial fish of the sturgeon genus. It is whimsical to its habitat and is a kind of indicator of the purity of the water: the sterlet does not live in polluted and oxygen-poor water.

Sterlet is a storehouse of fatty acids and amino acids, minerals and vitamins
The sterlet is easy to recognize by its long, thin nose, which protrudes strongly forward. It has a tough, sandpaper-like skin covered with bone shields - popularly called "bugs." The sterlet lacks vertebrae, and therefore bones. Cartilage is a replacement for vertebrae. A feature of the sterlet is the presence of a chord, which is more often called a viziga. It is a white vein running along the entire length of the sterlet's cartilaginous spine. When cutting fish, the vizigu must be removed, because within 3-4 hours after the death of the sterlet, it picks up poisons.
The sterlet, along with other sturgeon, is a storehouse of fatty acids and amino acids, minerals and vitamins, which has a positive effect on the human brain and heart, prevents atherosclerosis and vascular occlusion. Sterlet is recommended to use for people prone to depression, frequent stress and mental stress.
How to clean properly at home
If the sterlet that needs to be cleaned is alive, place it in the freezer for an hour - thereby "put it to sleep".
We place the fish in a container of a suitable size and pour boiling water over it - we remove the mucus covering the skin, and also speed up and facilitate the cleaning process.
Sterlet is poured with hot water from a kettle Pour boiling water over the sterlet
Using a sharp knife, cut off the "bugs" on the back of the fish. Work with a knife away from you in order to avoid injury.
The upper fin is cut from the sterlet with a knife Cut off the top "bugs"
We clean off the "bugs" located on the sides of the fish, like the scaly cover of an ordinary fish - from the tail towards the head.
Scales from sterlet are removed on the board with a knife Removing side bugs
How to gut a sterlet
We put the carcass with its back on a cutting board and with a knife make a longitudinal cut on the belly from head to tail.
A cut with a knife on the belly of a sterlet Cutting the belly
We remove the insides. If there is caviar, we put it separately for further salting - black caviar of all sturgeon fish is recognized as a delicacy all over the world. Try not to damage the gallbladder - if its contents get on the meat, it will taste bitter.
Gutting sterlet: taking out the insides Removing the insides of the sterlet
We cut the head of the fish.
Cut off the head of a sterlet with a knife We cut the head of the fish
We cut the tail of the fish, while cutting the cartilaginous spine.
Cut off the tail of the sterlet Cutting the tail of a fish
From the side of the incision at the head, we pry on the vizig. It is white and clearly visible, we carefully pull it out.
Hands get the sterlet vizig Removing the sterlet vizig
Visigu can be removed in other ways. Below are alternative ways to delete a vizig. Maybe they will be more convenient for you.
Removing the sizzle through the tail
- We cut the tail - inside the cartilaginous spine, the siege is clearly visible.
We pry on the vizig with a knife or a large needle.
Removal of the squirrel from the sterlet through the tail We poke a vizigu
- We smoothly pull out the vizig - for the convenience of performing the procedure, you can use the pliers.
Removal of the vizig of two incisions: at the head and tail
- We remove blood clots from the vertebral cartilage by thoroughly rinsing the inside of the carcass with water.
- We make two cuts at the head and tail of the fish inside the carcass on the vertebral cartilage.
We carefully remove the vizig - try not to damage it, since it is the inner content of the vizig that is poisonous. In case of rupture, rinse the meat thoroughly with water.
Sterlet incision for removing vizigi We carefully remove the vizigu
Butchering sterlet
- We cut off the fins using a sharp knife or culinary scissors. The movement of the knife should be away from you to avoid cutting.
If we cook the whole sterlet, remove the gills. Otherwise, we cut off the head.
Fish with removed fins and severed head We cut the fins using a sharp knife or culinary scissors
If necessary, cut the carcass into portions.
Sterlet in pieces We cut the carcass into portions
Fillet of sterlet
Sterlet fillets are used to prepare individual dishes.
Make longitudinal cuts along the cartilaginous ridge inside the carcass and remove the ridge.
The spine is removed with a knife from the sterlet Removing the cartilaginous ridge
We cut the spread carcass into two parts.
Cut the sterlet carcass into two parts with a knife We cut the carcass into two parts
Video: how to clean fish of the sturgeon family
Cleaning and cutting frozen fish
In some cases, sterlet is cleaned and cut without defrosting, for example, for making sliced slices, but for someone this method of cleaning fish is simply the most convenient.
We cut off the head, if in the future it will be used for cooking, we remove the gills.
The head of a frozen sterlet is cut off on the newspaper with a knife Cut off the head of the sterlet
We hold the carcass by the tail and rest it against the cutting surface with the cut point.
Frozen headless sterlet We push the carcass with a cut into the cutting surface
Cut off the upper thorns by grabbing a small strip of leather.
The thorns of the frozen sterlet are cut with a knife Cut off the upper thorns
We cut the skin at the tail and in strips remove it from top to bottom around the entire carcass.
Frozen sterlet is skinned Skinning fish
We make a longitudinal incision on the belly of the carcass.
Longitudinal section on the belly of frozen sterlet We cut the belly of the sterlet
We remove the insides and rinse the carcass.
Removing the entrails of frozen sterlet Removing the insides of the fish
- We remove the vizig using one of the methods described above.
Video: how to clean frozen sterlet
Sterlet for cooking can be used with or without skin. If the fish is baked whole, then for the aesthetics of the look, the skin and head are not removed.
Features of preparing sterlet for stuffing
It is important to preserve the integrity of the skin, including the dorsal part, therefore we do not cut the bugs
- We place the carcass in boiling water for 3-4 minutes - the skin will begin to brighten and shrink, as it were.
- We squeeze each "bug" a little and turn it around the axis - they can be easily removed.
We cut the skin along the head and smoothly remove it with a "stocking" towards the tail.
Removing the skin from sterlet Removing the skin from sterlet
- When choosing a sterlet, pay attention to the outer cover: the presence of wounds and bruises indicate the danger of such fish, since damaged areas can be infectious foci.
- When cleaning sterlet, use work gloves so as not to injure your hands on sharp thorns.
- You can use salt to remove mucus from the surface of the fish - rub the skin with salt and rinse the carcass with water.
Following the rules for cleaning and cutting sterlet, you can easily and quickly cope with this task. Let the exquisite dishes prepared from this royal fish delight you and your loved ones.
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