Collars For Cats And Cats: Varieties With GPS, With Pheromones, Decorative And Others, How To Choose The Right One, How To Train A Pet
Collars For Cats And Cats: Varieties With GPS, With Pheromones, Decorative And Others, How To Choose The Right One, How To Train A Pet

Cat collars: beauty and practical benefits

Collared cat
Collared cat

When it comes to collars, thoughts of dogs immediately come to mind, because it is on them that everyone is used to seeing such an accessory. However, its purpose is not limited only to these animals, neck straps will also be relevant for cats. Putting on a feline such a product, the owner can pursue a variety of goals, from the desire to protect his pet to the simple desire to decorate it.


  • 1 Why does a cat need a collar
  • 2 Types of collars

    • 2.1 With pheromones
    • 2.2 Against fleas and ticks
    • 2.3 Beacon collars
    • 2.4 For identification
    • 2.5 Other types of collars
  • 3 How to choose the right collars for cats
  • 4 How to put on a collar on a cat and teach it to

    4.1 Video: how to put on a flea collar on a cat

  • 5 DIY cat collar

    • 5.1 From beads
    • 5.2 Silicone
    • 5.3 Knitted
    • 5.4 Other types of do-it-yourself collars

      5.4.1 Video: DIY decorative collar

Why does a cat need a collar

Even the simplest strap on a pet's neck can be of practical use, at least - it is a unique detail that distinguishes it from other individuals, it directly states: "I am not a street cat, I have a home and owners." Cat collars can have a lot of purposes:

  • Building obedience and discipline. The presence of a strap on the neck changes the behavior of most animals - they become more meek, calm, keep close to the owner. This is especially important at exhibitions and other events with a large gathering of strangers and other animals - in a stressful situation, behavior is unpredictable, and thanks to the collar, the owner of the animal will be able to pull up or hold it in time when trying to attack or escape.

    Cat on show
    Cat on show

    At the show, many cats in collars: for beauty and convenience

  • Prevention of parasite infestation. Flea and tick collars help protect your pet from their attack for a long period.
  • Control over movement and practical use in case of loss. Most collars for cats are necessary so that the animal does not get lost and does not get into trouble - options with an address tag, radio and GPS beacon, reflectors greatly simplify the search and make the cat's stay on the street safer.
  • Decorative purpose. Sometimes a collar is just a beautiful accessory dictated by the owner's desire to make his pet special and emphasize his love for him.

Collar types

In addition to general practical use, collars can have specific functions, which are determined by their appearance.

With pheromones

Pheromones are secreted by the glands of the cat, their purpose is to induce specific behavioral responses. Pets wipe things and furniture with their muzzles not just to rub them, they leave their own scent on objects, indicating familiar territory for them. Surrounded by its scent, the cat feels calm and confident, but if the situation changes, the animal plunges into stress and begins to re-master the territory.

To facilitate the process of adaptation of a pet in a new room or during a trip, collars impregnated with pheromones - synthetic analogs of those substances produced by cats themselves - can be used. Imitation of natural pheromones allows the animal to be in a comfortable environment for him constantly and not get nervous even when the environmental conditions change.

The most popular example of a soothing collar is the Sentry Good Behavior collar with pheromones. It helps to cope with anxiety, gratuitous meows, aggressive behavior, and territory tags. After opening, the accessory is put on the cat for a month, after which it will have to be replaced with a new one.

Collars with pheromones for cats
Collars with pheromones for cats

The collar with pheromones Sentry helps to cope with the excessive aggressiveness of the cat, facilitates the processes of adaptation to changing environment and new family members

Against fleas and ticks

Most often on cats you can see collars against ectoparasites - fleas and ticks. This is a convenient and popular method of preventing infection of an animal, which retains its effectiveness for a long time (an average of 3 months). There are several types of parasite collars:

  • With chemical poisons - the traditional version, in which the base is made of rubber or its analogue and impregnated with a composition poisonous for parasites. Usually these are the same substances as in anti-flea drops and sprays (diazinon, cyphenotrin, fipronil, etc.), just the form of application to the animal's body is different. The drugs used have a low hazard class and a clear dosage, so they do not harm the pet itself. Flea and tick collars can be found in the Beafar, Bolfo, Bars line.
  • Herbal (bio-collars) - the base is saturated with essential oils that repel insects with their smell (Celandine, Doctor Zu). The most commonly used oils are citrus and lavender.
Flea and tick collar
Flea and tick collar

An antiparasitic collar is a base made of rubber or its substitute, impregnated with poisons or flea and tick repellent compounds

A collar from parasites is a preventive measure that is used in combination with bathing and treating an animal with formulations in the form of drops or spray.

Beacon collars

Collars with radio beacons and GPS trackers are required to find a lost animal and track its location. Such a device is primarily relevant for free-range cats, as well as in the summer, when pets are taken with them to the country or to rest. Tracking devices can have two versions:

  • Radio frequency beacon. The beacon itself is fixed on the cat's collar, and the owner remains the remote control. If it is necessary to find an animal, a button on the remote control activates the signal transmission. How exactly the position information will be presented depends on the specific model, this also applies to the detection range. For example, the Girafus Pro-Track-Tor indicates the direction in which the owner needs to move, and gives an audible signal that increases as you approach the cat. And the beacon of the Cat Caller device, when the remote control is activated, starts flashing and beeping, indicating the location of the cat, but only within 150 meters.
  • GPS tracker. The beacon, which is hung on the collar of the animal, transmits a signal about the location of the cat to a special application installed on the owner's smartphone. This is how Tractive GPS Pet Tracker and Pod work. A big plus is the wide range of action, as well as additional functions, in particular, the installation of a safe perimeter. So, if the animal crosses the border set by the owner, the device immediately notifies about it. PawTrack has even more useful add-ons. If the pet enters a home where there is a Wi-Fi signal, then the GPS is turned off to save battery, but as soon as the pet leaves the house, tracking will start again. Also, a motion sensor is built into the device, and if the animal is asleep and does not move, then the sensors are deactivated before the first movement.
Cat in a collar with a beacon
Cat in a collar with a beacon

Collars with beacons help you track the position of your pet and prevent it from getting lost

For identification

Most often, collars are worn around the neck of free-range cats and are intended to identify the animal. So, the strap contains information about the owner and contact details, which will help to return the pet to home in case it gets lost and gets lost. There are several options for the execution of such an accessory:

  • with embossed (engraved) data on the strap itself;
  • with a capsule (token), in this case you need to look for information not on the collar itself, but on the accessory that hangs on it (the capsule is untwisted, and a leaf with data is inserted into it, and information is engraved on the token).

Other types of collars

There are other types of collars that have their own specific purpose:

  • Decorative. This is an accessory for beauty, it has no functional purpose. It is put on a pet solely at the request of the owner to embellish his cat. It can be made both independently from the simplest materials and have a high cost (for example, a gold collar with precious stones).
  • Luminous collar. This accessory contains light sources (LEDs) or reflective elements (phosphorescent impregnation, special tapes). It is necessary for the safety of the animal, especially with a dark coat, in the dark, so it will be easier to see it in the yard, taking it from a walk. The pet will reduce the risk of being hit by the wheels of the car (it can be extremely difficult to notice a cat crossing the road in the dark, and the collar will help draw attention to the animal).

    Cat in a luminous collar
    Cat in a luminous collar

    An animal in a luminous collar is protected in the dark - drivers will immediately notice the cat crossing the road

  • With electronic identification. Microchips or special magnetic key fobs are built into such an accessory, which are necessary for automatic recognition of the approach of an animal. So, the door equipped with a sensor will open to let the pet in, and the automatic feeder will dispense a portion of food.
  • With audible alarm. Essential to control over vocalization. If the cat starts screaming, the analyzer is triggered and activates the speaker with a sound signal, ultrasound or recording of the owner's voice.
  • Collar "stop hunting" with a bell. It is intended not to protect the cat, but to warn potential prey about the approach of a predator.

    Cat in a collar with a bell
    Cat in a collar with a bell

    Stop hunting collars with bells allow to warn prey about the approach of a predator and prevent "killing"

How to choose the right cat collars

The choice of a collar, regardless of its purpose, should be carried out taking into account a number of parameters:

  • Size. Age, breed, physique, individual characteristics - all this is reflected in the size of the animal, respectively, and on the volume of its neck, therefore universal collars simply do not exist. Before buying, you need to measure the circumference of the cat's neck with a soft meter tape, then add 1-2 centimeters to the resulting value and go to the store with this size. The collar should not sit too tight, otherwise it will crush, choke and chafe, but it should not be loose either, because this way the cat will easily slip out of the accessory, and the meaning of wearing it will be lost.
  • Cut quality. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the collar edge, its cut. It is optimal if the corners are slightly rounded and smoothed, otherwise such an accessory will spoil the pet's hair in the neck area.
  • Clasps. Often the fur is confused in the fasteners, which gives the cat a lot of discomfort (especially for long-haired pets). Therefore, when choosing, you should pay attention to the convenience of fastening, the principle of the device and the safety of parts for wool.

Special attention should be paid to collars with a system of stretching or self-opening. It is designed for the safety of the cat - if he gets into an unpleasant situation on the street and gets caught on something with his accessory, then with a certain effort he will be able to jump out of the collar without harming himself.

How to put a collar on a cat and teach it

It is unlikely that the cat will be delighted with an incomprehensible new object, which they are trying to fasten on its neck. The owner's good intentions can turn into conflict, stress for the animal and even fear of collars. Therefore, it is necessary to put on an accessory for the first time and accustom to it wisely and gradually:

  1. After unpacking a new collar, the first step is to let the cat sniff it. It will not be superfluous to interest the pet, to attract him to the game, shaking the edge of the accessory.
  2. When the cat is already familiar with the thing, you can try to put it on. When putting on the collar, the pet must be fixed in one place, and the strap must be tightened so that 2 fingers of the owner pass between the pet's neck and the collar itself. If there is a negative reaction and attempts to pull the item off the neck, a few minutes will be enough for the first time, after which it is better to remove the strap.
  3. The next day, the procedure is repeated, increasing the duration of the cat in the collar. It is better to carry out all the manipulations on an empty stomach - hunger will distract the cat from a slight inconvenience, and the offered food will become a reward for wearing a collar and form positive associations in the animal.
  4. When the cat can walk in the collar for 2-3 hours without trying to get rid of it, you can leave the accessory on it.

A cat familiar with collars will be much easier and more joyful to treat such accessories in the future, but only if the first time the strap was not put on forcibly and immediately.

Video: how to put on a flea collar on a cat

DIY cat collar

A decorative pet accessory doesn't have to be expensive. You can make a unique and beautiful thing with your own hands from the simplest materials.

From beads

The simplest solution with many design options is a bead decoration. To make it as simple as possible:

  1. Prepare materials:

    • decorative beads;
    • elastic thread, suitable in thickness to the holes in the beads;
    • scissors.
  2. Beads can be simply strung on an elastic thread, or you can braid with crosses, making a more interesting decoration option.

    Cross stitch pattern
    Cross stitch pattern

    Using the cross-stitch pattern, you can make an unusual collar for your pet from beads

  3. You need to continue weaving until the desired length is reached - the girth of the animal's neck with an increase of 1-2 centimeters.
  4. The finished bracelet is closed in a ring, and the ends of the elastic are hidden. The collar can be used on a pet.


This option implies the purchase of a ready-made collar base, namely, a silicone bracelet of a suitable width. It is important to take a responsible approach to the purchase - the bracelet should stretch well and fully fit the measurements of the pet's neck girth. When the base is selected, it remains to decorate it. To do this, you need superglue or hot glue from a hot gun. There are a lot of decoration options:

  • metal elements, including safety spikes;
  • half beads;
  • buttons;
  • rhinestones of different diameters.

When using superglue, it is important to wait until the product is completely dry so as not to scare your pet with a strong smell.


With the knitting and crochet skills, creating a collar for your pet will not be difficult. Having decided on the width (for short-haired ones, you should choose thicker collars, and for long-haired ones, narrow accessories will fit), you can start knitting:

  1. Crochet 5-6 air loops (for a collar of medium thickness).
  2. Knit the next row with connecting columns.
  3. Continue to increase the length of the product until it reaches the size required for the animal.
  4. At the end of knitting, you need to make a ring from air loops, and sew a button on the other end - you get a convenient collar fastener.

Other types of do-it-yourself collars

There are several more options for making a collar for a domestic cat:

  • from leather - it is enough to cut a strip of the desired thickness and length from the flap, and attach a fastener to the ends;
  • from threads - you can create a strap using macrame or shamballa weaving techniques;

    Collar of threads
    Collar of threads

    A collar for a cat can be woven from threads using macrame or shamballa techniques

  • from fabric - having picked up a dense fabric, you need to cut out two strips from it, which are then sewn together, the fastener can be made from a button, button or a special small carabiner.

Video: DIY decorative collar

Collars for cats can have different functions: act as an exclusively decorative element, protect against ectoparasites, reflect light for visibility in the dark, or act as a beacon in search of a lost pet. Not all cats immediately accept a new accessory - you will have to spend time to accustom your pet to wearing it.
