How To View Saved Passwords In A Browser And Delete Them In Yandex, Opera And Chrome
How To View Saved Passwords In A Browser And Delete Them In Yandex, Opera And Chrome

How to view passwords in different browsers and, if necessary, remove them from programs


All browsers have a built-in function for saving passwords from accounts on sites. In addition, in the settings of the "surfing" utility, the user can then look at the logins and passwords that were saved, if, for example, he forgot the combination. How to open a list with passwords and, if necessary, remove unnecessary ones?


  • 1 How to view saved passwords in browsers

    • 1.1 In Yandex Browser
    • 1.2 In Opera

      1.2.1 Video: How to Find Stored Security Keys in Opera

    • 1.3 On Google Chrome

      1.3.1 Video: How to View Passwords in Google Chrome

    • 1.4 In Mozilla Firefox
  • 2 How to delete passwords saved in the browser: all or some specific

    • 2.1 Browser from "Yandex"

      2.1.1 Video: clearing passwords in Yandex Browser

    • 2.2 "Opera"
    • 2.3 "Google Chrome"

      2.3.1 Video: Remove Passwords in Google Chrome

    • 2.4 Mozilla Firefox

How to view saved passwords in browsers

Let's describe how to get to the password block in the most popular browsers.

In Yandex Browser

Let's start with a utility from the domestic company Yandex:

  1. Expand the panel with the internal sections of the browser - click on the three lines at the top right. We press immediately on the line "Password Manager".

    Yandex. Browser menu
    Yandex. Browser menu

    Go to the section with passwords in the Yandex Browser menu

  2. We get into the block "Password and Forms". The first tab will contain a list of all logins from the "accounts" that you previously saved.

    List of passwords "Yandex Browser"
    List of passwords "Yandex Browser"

    Select an account from the list in the first tab

  3. Press the left mouse button on the required account - a dialog box will appear.
  4. To see the combination that is hidden behind the dots, click on the eye icon on the right side of the line.

    Show password
    Show password

    Click on "Show password" in the window

  5. We repeat the same steps for each "account", the key from which you want to find out.

In Opera

In Opera, you need to go to the following sections:

  1. Click on the "Opera" icon at the top left - click on the settings (they can also be opened using the P + Alt combination).

    Operas menu
    Operas menu

    Go to the section with the "Opera" settings

  2. Expand the "Advanced" panel on the left and come to the menu with forms and passwords. Let's click on the third item.

    Advanced menu
    Advanced menu

    In the additional menu, open the "Passwords" section

  3. A list of site keys will appear. If it's too large, use the search bar at the top. To open the combination, click on the familiar eye icon.

    List of passwords in "Opera"
    List of passwords in "Opera"

    To view the password in the "Opera" click on the icon on the right side of the line

Video: How to Find Stored Security Keys in Opera

In Google Chrome

Now let's take a browser from Google:

  1. To the right of the navigation bar for site addresses is an icon with three dots - click on it and click on the third item from the bottom for the section with settings.

    Chroma menu
    Chroma menu

    In the "Chrome" menu, select the "Settings" item

  2. Go to the first block "Passwords" in the section with parameters for autocomplete.


    In the "Autocomplete" click on the "Passwords" menu

  3. Here, almost everything is the same as in Opera: we click on the pupil on the right to look at the key combination for a specific account.

    List of passwords in "Chrome"
    List of passwords in "Chrome"

    Click on the eye icon to find out the password

Video: How to View Passwords in Google Chrome

In Mozilla Firefox

If you have "fox", you can see the password as follows:

  1. Expand the menu through the hamburger icon at the top right - click on the item with the gear.

    Settings in Mozilla
    Settings in Mozilla

    Go to the "Mozilla" settings

  2. Go to the tab for setting up protection and privacy.

    Privacy and protection
    Privacy and protection

    Scroll down the Privacy & Security page

  3. In the block with parameters for logins and passwords, click on the second button "Saved Logins".

    Saved logins
    Saved logins

    Click on the button "Saved logins"

  4. A list of "accounts" will appear in the dialog box. Using the line with a magnifying glass at the top, you can quickly find the desired site.

    List of passwords in "Mozilla"
    List of passwords in "Mozilla"

    The list of passwords will be displayed in the dialog box

  5. Highlight the account and click on "Show passwords". Confirm the action.

    Configuring the display of passwords
    Configuring the display of passwords

    Agree to display passwords

  6. Right-clicking on the item brings up a menu with which you can copy the login data.

    Item context menu
    Item context menu

    Through the context menu of the item, you can copy the login information and the site address

How to delete passwords saved in the browser: all or some specific

If there is extra data in the list, feel free to delete it - you only need to complete a couple of steps.

Browser from "Yandex"

Removal proceeds as follows:

  1. If you want to remove all the keys at once, click on the heading of the first column - all "records" will receive marks at once.

    Highlighted items
    Highlighted items

    If you click on the heading "Site", all lines will be highlighted

  2. If you only need to get rid of combinations for specific accounts, manually mark the necessary items.

    Manual selection
    Manual selection

    If you do not want to delete all passwords, select each item that you want to delete yourself.

  3. In the lower left corner of the page, click on the "Delete" link.
  4. A notification pops up at the bottom about how many passwords have been removed. If you removed the wrong keys, you can restore them immediately. But if you reload the page, the "backup" option will disappear.
  5. You can delete the data for authorization in another way: open the settings and go to the "System" section. There click on the link "Clear history".

    System tab
    System tab

    Go to Browser Cleanup in the System Tab

  6. Select from the menu to clear the data accumulated over the entire period of using the utility. Check the box for form autocomplete data. Start cleaning and wait for it to finish.

    Clearing history
    Clearing history

    Clear form autofill data

Video: clearing passwords in Yandex Browser


In Opera, the cleanup is also pretty simple:

  1. In the section with the list of passwords, combinations can be removed only individually - you cannot select all the items. Therefore, we select an account and click on three dots on the same line.

    Other actions
    Other actions

    Click on the icon with three dots on the right

  2. In other actions, click on the delete option.

    Remove password
    Remove password

    Confirm deletion in the small menu

  3. A black dialog box will indicate a successful cleanup. Clicking on the white "Cancel" button will help you quickly restore authorization data if you have deleted them by mistake.
  4. If you want to remove all passwords at once: in the "Additional" menu, open the "Clear browsing history" panel.

    Section "Additional" in "Opera"
    Section "Additional" in "Opera"

    In advanced settings, run browser cleanup

  5. In the "Advanced" tab, select the item with passwords and data for automatic filling. Start the process.

    Clearing Opera History
    Clearing Opera History

    Clear browser passwords in the dialog box

Google Chrome

The procedure will be similar to the previous one:

  1. We select from the list the "account" with a login and security key and click on the icon at the right end of the line.

    Item "Delete"
    Item "Delete"

    Click on "Delete" in the item menu

  2. We start cleaning.
  3. As a result, we see a notification below - cancel it if necessary.

    Remote password
    Remote password

    After deletion, a message will appear below about the completed procedure

  4. You can remove passwords in one fell swoop in this way: go to advanced browser settings.

    Additional menu
    Additional menu

    Open the "Advanced" menu

  5. Click on the menu to clear history.

    Item "Clear history"
    Item "Clear history"

    Run the section to clear the browser from "garbage"

  6. Go to the tab with additional items. Check "Passwords and other login details" and "Autofill data".

    Delete data button
    Delete data button

    Highlight the "Passwords" item and click on "Delete data"

  7. Select "All the time" from the drop-down menu and clear history.

    Time range
    Time range

    Set the time range "All time"

Video: Remove Passwords in Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla will need to confirm deletion already:

  1. Select several or all accounts with the left key.
  2. Click on "Delete All". Confirm the action.

    Password deletion confirmation
    Password deletion confirmation

    Agree to remove your password

  3. If you want to delete only one, left-click and click on "Delete".
  4. Another way to uninstall is through the Browser Cleanup Wizard: go to the Privacy and Security section. Click on "Delete history".

    Delete history button
    Delete history button

    Click on "Delete history"

  5. Select "All Time".

    Delete recent history
    Delete recent history

    Choose to clear the data accumulated over the entire time of using the program

  6. Mark site data as well as form log. Start cleaning.

    Deleting data
    Deleting data

    Delete all data and form history

You can find out the saved combinations of keys from accounts, and then, if necessary, delete them directly in the browser interface. Finding a section is not difficult. Usually, the title includes the words "autocomplete", "forms", "protection", "security" and others. You can delete all keys at once or selectively separate combinations. The first case is more suitable for a complete cleaning of the browser, if you are not going to use this browser or the PC in general anymore.