What Regulatory Documents Govern The Roofing
What Regulatory Documents Govern The Roofing

What regulatory documents govern the roofing

Installation of the roof of a private house in accordance with SNiP
Installation of the roof of a private house in accordance with SNiP

The legal basis of GOSTs, GESNs, SNiPs and other regulations is different - some of them are binding on their entirety, while others are only partially. Such uncertainty and intricacy in this matter gives rise to misunderstanding of them by people who do not have a special education. Therefore, we will leave the subtleties to lawyers, and we ourselves will try to consider the basics of the rules and regulations that govern the arrangement of the roof.


  • 1 Normative documents for the construction of the roof

    • 1.1 SNiP II-26-76 * "Roofs"

      1.1.1 Table: roof slope depending on its type and existing loads

  • 2 Basic provisions of SNIP SNiP II-26–76 * "Roofs" for different covering materials

    • 2.1 SNiP for roll roofing

      • 2.1.1 Video: installation according to SNiP PVC membranes on a corrugated board base
      • 2.1.2 Video: Requirements for the base for laying the welded roll materials
    • 2.2 Slate roofing

      2.2.1 Video: slate roofing

    • 2.3 SNiP roofing made of profiled metal

      2.3.1 Video: installation of corrugated roofing

    • 2.4 SNiP requirements for soft roofing

      • 2.4.1 Table: thickness of solid flooring depending on the pitch of the rafters
      • 2.4.2 Video: Instructional film on installing soft tiles
    • 2.5 Seam roof

      2.5.1 Video: Installing the rebate on a roof with a low slope

    • 2.6 SNiP recommendations for roof insulation

      2.6.1 Video: insulation of a pitched roof, thermal physics

    • 2.7 Roof drainage system

      2.7.1 Video: roof gutter device

    • 2.8 Roof vapor barrier device

      2.8.1 Video: roof vapor barrier

  • 3 hydroelectric power station for roofing

    • 3.1 HPPN on the vapor barrier device

      3.1.1 Table: 12-01-015 - standards for the cost of vapor barrier installation per 100 m²

Normative documents for the construction of the roof

Today, the variety of roofs is amazing. Hundreds of types of coatings are available for private housing construction, and it's not even worth talking about the methods of erecting the supporting and enclosing systems. Some covering materials are installed quite simply, and some require special knowledge and installation methods, taking into account the requirements for arranging the main roof units, the location of insulation layers, the creation of ventilation ducts, etc.

The main document in which these rules, norms and requirements are spelled out is SNiP II-26–76 * "Roofs", edited in 2010 and containing installation methods for almost all currently known roofing decks. Therefore, we will begin our article with its consideration.

SNiP II-26-76 * "Roofs"

The main provisions of SNiP II-26–76 * are developed on the basis of a variety of domestic and foreign regulatory standards:

  • EN 13859-1: 2005 (E), which define the characteristics of water protection;
  • EN 1304: 2005 concerning clay roof tiles;
  • EN 502: 1999 for sheet metal decking;
  • other regulations.

In order to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation on the safety of hydraulic structures and buildings No. 384-FZ of 2009-30-12 and No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008, the requirements of this document should be fully complied with when planning and arranging roofs from:

  • roll polymers with a high degree of viscosity, elasticity, able to soften when heated and quickly recover when cooled;

    Fusion roll coating
    Fusion roll coating

    The technology of laying rolled polymer coatings using fusion is quite simple, but compliance with the requirements of the fundamental regulatory documents when performing these works is mandatory

  • bituminous and polymer-bituminous coatings;

    Polymer-bitumen roofing
    Polymer-bitumen roofing

    Polymer-bitumen materials have a large thickness - from 3 to 5 mm, which allows you to reduce the number of coating layers to one or two versus four or five using standard technology

  • mastic with reinforced fiberglass or fiberglass interlayers;
  • titanium zinc, sheet steel and copper;

    House with copper roof
    House with copper roof

    The advantages of copper - durability, environmental friendliness, prestige and beauty, as well as ease of installation - are the main arguments when choosing a roof from this material.

  • asbestos-cement fibrous sheets (slate);
  • all kinds of tiles;

    Roofing from soft tiles
    Roofing from soft tiles

    Soft tiles allow you to create an absolutely sealed roof covering, since after installation, its individual elements are tightly sintered together into a single monolith

  • shale flat slabs;
  • metal tiles;

    Metal roofing
    Metal roofing

    Due to its advantages - longevity, variety of colors, high manufacturability, resistance to weathering and low cost, metal tiles are one of the most demanded roofing in private housing construction

  • metal corrugated board;

    Corrugated roof
    Corrugated roof

    A roof made of corrugated board is mounted quite simply, but it requires strict adherence to the technology of laying the roofing pie

  • trough reinforced concrete panels.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the recommended angle of inclination of the roof in accordance with the covering material, as well as temperature, mechanical, alkaline and acid influences

Table: roof slope depending on its type and existing loads

Roof type Slope in% (deg.) *** Impact on the roof

heating to

temperature, ° C, no more

mechanical (shock), kgf ∙ m, no more





Non-exploited from roll materials (roll) or from mastics reinforced with gaskets made of glass or polymer fibers (mastic):
with a protective layer of gravel 1.5 - <10 (1-6) 65 2 allowed allowed
with a top layer of coarse-grained dressing

10 … 25 *


75 one allowed allowed
Operated roll or mastic with a protective layer of:
concrete or reinforced cement slabs

1.5 … 3.0


65 ten allowed not allowed
from cement-sand mortar

1.5 … 3.0


five allowed not allowed
from sandy asphalt concrete

1.5 … 3.0


65 five allowed allowed
From corrugated sheets:
asbestos-cement ≥ 10 80 not allowed allowed not allowed
bituminous ≥ 10 75 not allowed allowed allowed
From shingles:
cement-sand (10 … 90) 65 five allowed not allowed
ceramic (10 … 90) 80 five allowed allowed
flexible (bituminous) ≥ 20 75 one allowed allowed
metal ≥ 10 80 2 allowed ** allowed **
Of asbestos-cement or slate or similar tiles
≥ 50 80 one allowed not allowed
From metal sheets:
steel (galvanized) ≥ 30 80 2 not allowed not allowed
copper ≥ 30 80 2 not allowed not allowed
titanium-zinc ≥ 30 80 2 not allowed not allowed
steel profiled ≥10 80 2 not allowed not allowed
Inversion 1.5 … 3.0 65 the same as in the case of operated roll or mastic roofs

From reinforced concrete panels of trough


5 … 10 80 five allowed not allowed


* for roofs made of bituminous materials on slopes of more than 25%, it is necessary to provide measures against slipping along the base;

** for polymer coated metal tiles;

*** The percentage of the roof slope is converted into degrees according to the formula:

tg α = 0.01 ∙ z, where α is the angle of the roof slope, z is the indicator in%.

In addition to the recommended slope provided by the table, SNiP "Roof" stipulates several more requirements.

  1. Mandatory formation of fences when the roof slopes:

    • up to 12 ° inclusive - when the height of the building to the parapet or cornice is more than 10 m;
    • over 12 ° - at a height of 7 m;
    • on exploited flat roofs - in any case.
  2. Arrangement of snow holders attached to the supporting structure, purlins or crate with a spontaneous drain located in the place where snow discharge from the roof is prohibited.

Basic provisions of SNIP SNiP II-26–76 * "Roofs" for different covering materials

Consider the conditions of SNiP II-26–76 * "Roofs" in relation to the most demanded roofing.

SNiP for roll roofing

Rolled roofs are unexploited and operated with a classic or inverted placement of a waterproofing carpet. The difference is that when arranging an inversion structure, waterproofing materials are laid below the insulating layer.

Installation of a classic and inverted roof
Installation of a classic and inverted roof

The device of a classic and inverted roll roof is distinguished by the location of the waterproofing layer

For roll roofs, the set of rules recommends using reinforced concrete products or corrugated board as a basis, as well as making a slope of cement, expanded clay or lightweight concrete. It is equally important to use aseptic waterproofing materials, for example, expanded polystyrene with a minimum degree of water absorption, which excludes defrosting during operation.

Video: installation according to SNiP PVC membranes on a corrugated board base

The roofing cake of traditional roll roofs according to SNiP has the following structure.

  1. The base is reinforced concrete slabs with the obligatory filling of the seams between them with concrete of grade not lower than B7.5 or M100 mortar, solid reinforced concrete or corrugated board.
  2. Vapor barrier layer.
  3. Heat insulator - most often mineral wool slabs resistant to organic extractants.
  4. Sloping layer.
  5. Reinforced cement-sand screed.
  6. Bitumen primer.
  7. Bituminous polymer coating.

    The composition of the roofing cake for roll coatings
    The composition of the roofing cake for roll coatings

    Reinforced concrete slabs, monolithic reinforced concrete or corrugated board with a trapezoidal profile can serve as the basis for a roll roof

Video: Requirements for the base for laying welded roll materials

It should be noted that the slope, screed and primer are necessary when laying the roofing cake on a base made of monolithic reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete slabs. If the sheets of corrugated board serve as the base, then two layers - the main and the additional - of mineral wool insulation with telescopic fasteners to the base are laid.

Slate roofing device

Slate is a material resulting from the fracture of shale. It complies with GOST 30340 and is characterized by fire resistance, general availability, and durability, which is why it is widespread in the field of private construction. When laying modern colored slate, roofs of houses look no worse than when laying expensive roofing materials.

Private house slate roof
Private house slate roof

To make the operation of the slate roof as safe as possible, the roofing slate is painted, giving the coating an attractive appearance, preventing the release of asbestos and protecting the roof from the growth of moss

Regulations and rules recommend laying slate sheets on one- or gable structures as simple as possible - without valleys and edges. The optimal roof slope is from 20%. With smaller slopes of the slopes, additional sealing of the share and transverse joints of bitumen-fibrous or asbestos-cement products will be needed. Slate sheets are mounted with overlaps, the size of which is indicated in the instructions for a specific material, but not less than 150 mm.

The amount of overlap when laying slate sheets
The amount of overlap when laying slate sheets

In regulatory documents, it is recommended to use slate to cover simple-shaped pitched roof structures with an angle of inclination of 20%

Slate roofing cake consists of the following layers.

  1. Interior decoration.
  2. Vapor barrier.
  3. Insulation between the rafters.
  4. Lathing made of sawn softwood (code of standards under number II-25-80) with a section of 60x60 mm. To ensure an impenetrable fractional overlap, the height of odd beams should be 60 mm, even - 63 mm, and the pitch of an ordinary crate should be no more than 750 mm. If there are valleys on the roof, the crate under them is stuffed in the form of a solid plank flooring. In addition, for the formation of eaves overhangs, wooden blocks with a height of 65 mm are needed, and when constructing a ridge knot, two types of edged lumber are required - 60x100 and 70x90 mm.

    Features of the device for slate crate
    Features of the device for slate crate

    For lathing under a slate covering, according to SNiP II-25-80, it is necessary to use coniferous timber with alternating heights of wooden blocks of even and odd rows to obtain waterproof longitudinal overlaps

  5. Waterproofing layer.
  6. Slate.

    Slate roofing cake
    Slate roofing cake

    Slate coating remains the cheapest option for arranging a roofing system, in terms of technical parameters and aesthetic properties, it is not inferior to more expensive counterparts, and it is also easy to install and serves for decades

SNiP II-26–76 * discusses the features of installing a slate roof, and Appendix 11 provides a detailed description of the device of all nodes.

Arrangement of the main roofing units for slate covering
Arrangement of the main roofing units for slate covering

Arrangement of abutments, valleys, ridge and eaves on a slate roof is done with the help of additional parts - ridge elements (KPO-1 and 2) to cover the upper part of the roof, trays for finishing valleys and corners (U-90 and 120) to form abutments

Video: slate roofing device

SNiP roofing made of profiled metal

The regulatory authorities for architecture and construction closely monitor the implementation of existing standards, especially when building residential buildings. The arrangement of roofs made of metal profiled sheet is not an exception, the sixth section of which is devoted to the installation of the standards under consideration. Therefore, before installing the roofing from corrugated board, you must familiarize yourself with the supplier's instructions and the requirements approved in the set of rules.

Roof of a country house made of profiled metal
Roof of a country house made of profiled metal

The profiled sheet roof has a 30-year warranty, and if the profile is protected with a colored polymer coating, it is extended up to 45 years

Corrugated metal sheets are cold-rolled steel material of increased rigidity with a top paint coating and an inner zinc layer, used for cladding facades, building fences, pavilions or hangars, erecting monolithic floors on corrugated board and roofing.

Options for using profiled sheets
Options for using profiled sheets

The scope of application of profiled sheets is diverse, but for covering roofs with a set of rules, it is recommended to use a universal or wall profile with a maximum wave height

By design, profiled metal materials are divided into three categories.

  1. Wall profiled sheets with a corrugation height of 8–35 mm, which have found application in facade cladding and the construction of small architectural structures.
  2. Load-bearing products with wave heights from 57 to 1144 mm. It is the strongest profiled metal that is used to create the supporting structures of buildings under construction.
  3. Universal corrugated sheets, making up the golden mean between the first two brands, with a wave height of 35–37 mm.

According to regulatory enactments, the corrugated board can be laid on roofs of any structure with a slope angle of 20% or more. At the same time, the building regulations allow the use of profiled metal sheets on roofs with a lower slope, but with the obligatory sealing of the joints between the sheets with an all-weather sealant. The width of the shared overlaps according to SNiP should be at least 250 mm, and the transverse ones should be one wave size.

Roofing cake for metal profiled sheets has a standard structure and consists of:

  • interior decoration of the attic;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • insulation, laid between the rafters, most often mineral wool. It drowns out sounds well, so it can simultaneously perform noise protection functions;
  • counter battens and battens;
  • hydro-barrier;
  • covering material and additional elements.

    The structure of the roofing cake for corrugated board
    The structure of the roofing cake for corrugated board

    In the construction of a cold roof covered with corrugated board, insulation and vapor barrier are laid along the attic floor, and in the attic roof - traditionally along the entire length of the slopes or vertical racks

When arranging warm roofs, the corrugated board is laid on a wooden crate, when installing cold roofs, on metal girders, and flat roofs are covered with sheets with a wave height of 21 cm along the continuous flooring. But in any case, the bearing capacity of the base for profiled metal is calculated taking into account the slope of the roof and all the expected loads in accordance with the set of rules 2.01.07.

Arrangement of the main nodes of the roof from corrugated board
Arrangement of the main nodes of the roof from corrugated board

All key nodes of the roof made of profiled sheets are mounted using additional elements, following the rules for their installation set forth in Appendix 13 to SNiP II-26–76 *

Manufacturers of metal profiled products usually indicate the recommended pitch for lathing in the installation instructions. To avoid the formation of cold bridges when laying the pavement, bakelized plywood or thermal profiles are used as a remote Z-run mounted on the bottom sheet and creating the effect of the pavement integrity.

Self-tapping screws with neoprene rubber seals are used to fasten the profiled sheets, the consumption of which, according to the standards, is 7-9 pieces per square meter.

Video: installation of corrugated roofing

SNiP requirements for soft roofing

The prescriptions for roofing made of soft tiles are contained in SNiP "Roof" in paragraph 2 of section 5.

  1. The basis for shingles should be a dense flooring made of boards complying with Gosstandart 8486–86 * E, waterproof plywood with a moisture content not exceeding 12% (GOST 8673), or particle boards, the moisture content of which should also not exceed 12%.
  2. The thickness of the solid flooring should be selected based on the pitch of the rafters, taking into account all the loads acting on the roof.

Table: thickness of solid flooring depending on the pitch of the rafters

Rafter pitch, mm Decking thickness, mm
from boards plywood from OSB-3
600 20 12 12
900 23 18 18
1200 thirty 21 21
1500 37 27 27

Roofing cake for soft tiles looks like this:

  • interior decoration of the roof space;
  • ventilation slats;
  • vapor barrier;
  • additional crate for insulation;
  • thermal insulation laid in cells;
  • counter racks and crate;
  • waterproofing material laid along the rafters;
  • solid flooring;
  • lining carpet as additional waterproofing;
  • bituminous tiles and forming parts.

    The appearance and structure of the roofing cake under the roofing of bituminous tiles
    The appearance and structure of the roofing cake under the roofing of bituminous tiles

    A feature of the roofing device made of soft tiles is the presence of a lining carpet, which, depending on the slope of the structure, is laid over the entire surface or only in the most critical places

With a roof slope of 12-18 °, a lining of bitumen roll material, according to the standards, should be placed over the entire roof. With a greater slope of the roof, it can be used only in problem areas - valleys, junctions, overhangs, penetrations.

The size of the eaves ventilation gap for air flow should be the same along the entire length of the slope and equal to 0.2% of its area, but not less than 200 cm² / running. m. The cross-section of the suction channel is calculated by the formula: f kar = l ∙ (100 - 0.2) / 100, where l is the length of the slope in centimeters, l ∙ 100 is the area of the slope (cm²) with a width of 1 m from the cornice. The cross-section of the exhaust duct in the ridge is calculated in a similar way: f con = 2 ∙ l ∙ (100 - 0.05) / 100.

Video: educational film on the installation of soft tiles

Seam roof

The seventh section of the main regulatory document for roofs sets out the requirements for the installation of sheet metal coverings, which also includes a seam roof.

Seamed roof of a private house
Seamed roof of a private house

According to SNiP "Roof", the basis for seam roofing is a sparse lathing with a transition to a continuous flooring on the main roofing units

The main emphasis in the set of rules is placed on the following installation features.

  1. The quality of sheet metal: galvanized roofing must comply with Gosstandart 14918, and cold-rolled copper strips - GOST 1173.
  2. Fasteners and the strength of their installation - it is recommended to use galvanized or copper clamps and other fasteners according to the type of covering metal, although it is permissible to use stainless steel screws for copper coating.
  3. The padding of the base for laying sheet metal covering - roofing steel paintings - should be mounted on a sparse lathing made of sawn softwood in accordance with GOST 24454. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the assembly of continuous flooring at the eaves overhang to a width of 700 mm and in the area of valleys by 800 mm to the side each slope. In addition, the slats of the lathing from the bars must be alternated with boards of a larger section at the locations of the recumbent folds. Copper and titanium-zinc panels are laid on a solid base made of bakelized FBS with a thickness of 22-24 mm (standard 10632) or chipboards corresponding to GOST 10632. The bearing capacity of any base for metal panels is calculated according to SNiP 2.01.07, taking into account real loads.

    Specificity of the seam roof device
    Specificity of the seam roof device

    When creating a standing seam roof, you need to pay attention to the quality of the sheet metal, the strength of the fasteners, the correct calculation of the bearing capacity of the base and the construction of roofing units in accordance with Appendix 14 to the main set of rules

  4. The height of the roof rise at the junctions to the vertical structures, which should be no more than 300 mm, and the coefficient of thermal expansion of the covering material. For fixing copper and titanium-zinc decking with a higher coefficient of linear expansion, use the movable clamp provided in the standing rebates. Such a roof should not be longer than 10 m, otherwise it will be necessary to equip expansion joints in places of possible deformation of the canvases due to various climatic influences - seismic, temperature, sedimentary, etc.

The construction of a roofing pie for a folded roof has a typical structure:

  • vapor barrier;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • counter and lathing;
  • solid flooring;
  • substrate;
  • seam pictures, additional and shaped elements.

    Seamed roofing pie structure
    Seamed roofing pie structure

    The seam roofing pie has undeniable advantages, the main one of which is the creation of an absolutely waterproof coating, especially when joining pictures with a double seam

The device of all the most important units of the folded roof is detailed in Appendix 15 to SNiP "Roof".

Video: installing a seam on a roof with a low angle of inclination

SNiP recommendations for roof insulation

The quality of the roof is determined not only by its reliability and strength, but also by the comfort of living in the house. Few people like living in a cold dwelling with damp walls and at the same time with fabulous heating bills, the return from which is minimal.

Thermal protection when arranging the roof plays a primary role in houses of year-round residence and is regulated by the SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" under number 23-02-2003. The rules set out in this document do not apply to:

  • greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • cult and temporary buildings;
  • boiler houses, substations and other similar engineering structures;
  • seasonal residential buildings heated for less than three months a year;
  • objects under restoration.

These recommendations are very important when building roofs. If they are not taken into account, then the air saturated with water vapor will eventually render the insulation unusable with all the ensuing negative consequences.

Roof insulation
Roof insulation

According to GOST and SNiP, insulating roofing materials must be laid between the rafters with a layer of sufficient thickness in accordance with the climatic conditions of a particular region

The optimal protection of the insulation is a vapor barrier gasket, normative act 23-02-2003 gives an example of calculating the coefficient of resistance to vapor penetration and a table for carrying out these calculations, indicating the limiting moisture gains of a particular vapor barrier material.

Installation of insulation on vapor barrier
Installation of insulation on vapor barrier

The device of a vapor barrier layer is mandatory when using an insulating material in the under-roof space, because it protects the insulation from condensation

Other regulatory documents will also help you navigate the world of insulating materials and correctly lay insulating layers - SO 002-02495342-2005 "Roofs of buildings and structures, design and construction", SNiP ll-3-79-2005 for building heat engineering, GOST R 52953-2008 "Materials and products are heat-insulating", etc.

Video: insulation of a pitched roof, thermal physics

Roof drainage system

A strong and reliable roof over your head is essential for everyone. This is the best protection against the negative effects of the space around us. But as a result of atmospheric precipitation, a large amount of water accumulates on the roof of the house, the untimely removal of which negatively affects the durability of the entire building. The drainage system is designed to remove excess moisture from the roof and protect the structure from excessive moisture.

Roof drainage system
Roof drainage system

The main purpose of the roof drainage system is to drain excess water from the roof and keep all the structural elements of the house dry

In the set of rules for roofs of wastewater disposal, a whole section is devoted to which you need to familiarize yourself before planning and building a residential building. Its main provisions are as follows.

  1. There are internal and external drainages. Internal drainage systems are provided for the most part in heated buildings with mastic and roll coating. With other types of roofing, it is necessary to organize an external drainage system, although, if necessary, due to the special design of the roof, you can also install an internal drain through the funnels installed in the valleys.
  2. In some cases, according to SNiP 31-06-2009, it is allowed to equip an unorganized drain on low-rise buildings if there is a canopy or a canopy above the entrance and the eaves are removed from the walls by at least 600 mm.
  3. Wherever possible, roof de-icing systems should be used, or snow should be cleared manually as it accumulates.
  4. The roof area per one funnel is established by calculation according to SNiP 2.04.01 and 2.04.03.
  5. In roofs with a supporting base made of profiled sheet, galvanized steel pallets should be provided for the installation of drainage funnels.
  6. On pitched roofs with external drainage, the distance between the downpipes should not be more than 24 m. It is recommended to use pipes with a cross-sectional area of 1.5 cm² of pipe per 1 m² of roof area.

Video: roof drainage device

Roof vapor barrier device

You can familiarize yourself with the requirements for vapor barrier in the basic rules for the roof in the context of the formation of a roofing cake for each type of covering flooring, as well as in SNiP III-B.12-69, which concerns waterproofing and vapor barrier roofs (section 15 - vapor barrier coatings), where the principles of the device of these layers of the roofing cake.

  1. Insulators protecting against water vapor must be laid following the rules for waterproofing roofs.
  2. When creating a vapor barrier, it is allowed to use materials that are less moisture resistant than waterproofing products.
  3. The vapor barrier layer must be solid, without any breaks.
  4. Steam-proof roll materials are laid with overlaps, the size of which is specified in the manufacturer's instructions. In addition, in the places where the roof adjoins vertical structures or walls, the vapor barrier material must be brought 100–150 mm onto the vertical surface to connect the horizontal vapor barrier layer with the vertically located waterproofing material. This will prevent the insulation from getting wet.

    Vapor barrier gasket
    Vapor barrier gasket

    The laying of a vapor barrier layer is regulated by a set of rules for waterproofing roofs, in which the use of vapor barrier materials with a lower moisture resistance than waterproof films is allowed

  5. The protective barrier of the vapor barrier layer must adhere to it as tightly as possible. All voids must be repaired, and drainage should be arranged at the lowest points of the insulated area to remove condensate.

In addition to GOSTs and SNiPs, other directives must be followed when installing the roof. In particular, the joint venture for the design and construction of roofs numbered 31-101-97, containing explanations on the design solutions of different types of structures and methods of practical implementation of the standards reflected in the TSN "Roofs" and mandatory for execution, as well as SP 31-116-2006 on the arrangement of copper roofs and the new version of SNiP II-26-76 - SP 17.13330.2017 "Roofs".

Video: roof vapor barrier

There is also a number of prescriptions governing the estimated norms for all types of roofing work - HPPN for the cost of roofing, which we will also consider in a little more detail.

Hydroelectric power station for roofing

State appraisal quotas are intended for calculating the approximate cost of basic and auxiliary installation work at all stages of the facility construction. The normative need for resources is stipulated in GESN 81-02-12-2017 "Roofs" (Collection No. 12) as amended in 2014, the main provisions of which are contained in the following paragraphs.

  1. The collection of estimated standards refers to the performance of high-rise work at a distance of up to 15 m from the earth's surface. At a higher height, all standard indicators for labor costs must be increased at the rate of 0.5% per meter of lift.
  2. When forming structures from timber sawn timber, one must observe the indicators established by Collection No. 10 on wooden structures.
  3. The guidelines for the installation of roofs made of mastic and roll materials in Book No. 12 do not reflect the costs of joining, reinforcing valleys, arranging expansion joints, creating cement screeds, therefore, when arranging these structural elements, one should be guided by standards 12-01-004, 005 and 006.

    Mastic roof
    Mastic roof

    When calculating the need for materials for arranging a mastic roof to the main standard costs for HPP 81–02–12–2017, it is necessary to add the costs of creating junctions, screeds, slopes, expansion joints and strengthening of valleys

  4. The norms for the construction of roofs for other types of covering flooring take into account the entire range of costs with some reservations - for piece tiles, costs are provided for certain sizes, in excess of which the consumption of products is calculated according to the project. The standards for cutting metal tiles are also not taken into account. If necessary, such expenses are calculated additionally according to the collection 09-05-006-01.
  5. HPES quotas are designed to create roofs of any complexity: simple configurations with up to two slopes for every 100 m² of covering flooring, medium complexity - from 2 to 5 and complex roofs - over 5 slopes.
Hydroelectric power station for roofing works
Hydroelectric power station for roofing works

The main regulatory document for calculating the estimated cost of the upcoming expenses for the arrangement of the roof is of a recommendatory nature and does not reflect some specific costs for additional work

HPPN for vapor barrier device

To calculate the cost of vapor barrier at HPES "Roofs", a table "Vapor barrier device" 12-01-015 has been prepared, which contains codes for vapor barrier works. For example: 12-01-015-01: 01 - pasted over vapor barrier made of roll insulators and preparation of a primer (code 12-01-015-01: 02), 12-01-015-04: 01 - coating vapor barrier made of bitumen mastic and preparation primers (coding 12-01-015-04: 02), etc.

To determine costs, find the code you need in the item cost table and view the regulatory data for:

  • labor costs and average grade;
  • mechanical devices and machines involved in the performance of work;
  • necessary materials.

Table: 12-01-015 - cost standards for the device of a vapor barrier per 100 m²

Resource code Cost item name unit of measurement 12-01-015-01 12-01-015-02 12-01-015-03 12-01-015-04 12-01-015-05
1. Labor costs
one Labor costs of construction workers person-h 17.51 11.41 7.84 10.51 4.69
1.1 Average grade of work 3.8 3.8 3.2 3.2 3.2
1.2 Labor costs of drivers person-h 0.28 0.24 0.21 0.09 0.04
2. Machines and mechanisms
020129 Tower cranes when working on other types of construction (except for installation of technological equipment), 8 t machine-h 0.11 0.10 0.08 0.04 0.02
021141 Truck cranes when working on other types of construction (except for trunk pipelines), 10 t machine-h 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.01
400001 Onboard vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 5 t machine-h 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.02 0.01
121011 Mobile bitumen boilers, 400 l machine-h 1.81 1.60 0.41 0.86 0.65
3. Materials
101 0856 Roofing felt roofing with coarse-grained and dusty dressing RKP-350b 110 110 110 - -
101 0594 Hot bitumen roofing mastic t 0.196 0.196 0.05 0.08 0.08
101,0078 Petroleum roofing bitumen grades BNK-45/190, BNK-45/180 t 0.025 - - 0.025 -
101,0322 Kerosene for technical purposes grades KT-1, KT-2 t 0.06 - - 0.06 -

The data in the table reflects the performance of certain works on an area of 100 m². Knowing the standards and its volumes, it is easy to calculate the real labor and material costs of vapor barrier of the roof, and multiplying the result by the prices of contractors and the price of materials, determine the cost of the upcoming work.

Similarly, using the HESN matrices, it is possible to calculate the future costs of various works - the installation of a roof made of profiled sheet, tiles, sheet metal and other coatings, waterproofing, lathing, abutments, main roofing units, etc.

In this article, we examined the fundamental documents that are of great importance in the construction of a roof. Based on the normative indicators in the regulatory acts, you can equip a solid beautiful roof yourself. But it should be borne in mind that rulebooks, installation instructions and expert advice contain theoretical knowledge that, of course, will not replace practical experience. Therefore, the final decision on how to build a roof in each specific case must be made by the developer or designer.
