Which Oven Is Better: Gas Or Electric, Reviews
Which Oven Is Better: Gas Or Electric, Reviews

Which oven is better to choose: gas or electric?


A good oven is the pride of the hostess, a guarantee of delicious dishes and soft pastries. But how do you choose the best one? All ovens are divided into gas and electric - consider the pros and cons of each.

Gas oven

The gas oven, as the name suggests, runs on gas. It can be connected both to a centralized gas network and to a gas cylinder. However, the latter option is terribly inconvenient and is recommended for use in the most extreme cases. Usually gas cylinders are used in summer cottages or in villages.

The gas oven is able to quickly heat up to the desired temperature due to the burner. However, there is only one heat source, and it is located below. Because of this, baking is slightly worse than with electric ovens.

The gas oven is controlled by mechanical switches. The main advantages of this approach are simplicity and reliability. Mechanics rarely fail, and repairing them is not too expensive.

Despite its simple design, a modern gas oven is relatively expensive. Good built-in models cost 15,000 rubles and more. The average price of a quality device is about 25,000 rubles.

Zanussi ZOG 521317 X
Zanussi ZOG 521317 X

Zanussi ZOG 521317 X is one of the most popular gas ovens

Electric oven

Installing a modern electric oven will require quality wiring in your home. If the building is old, then it may need to be replaced. Outdated wiring simply will not be able to supply the required amount of electricity.

An electric oven takes longer to heat up than a gas oven. However, in modern models, there are usually two heat sources - above and below. You can enable them both individually and together. This provides ample opportunities for adjusting the mode and direction of heating. Many models of the middle and high price segment have such modes as "Gentle defrosting", "Simmering", "Fermentation". Convection ovens (and this is the vast majority of modern electric ovens) heat the dish more evenly than gas ovens, and bake better.

In electric ovens, the control panel is usually electronic, and in the most expensive models, it is touch-sensitive. This allows you to include pre-configured programs. However, an electronic panel breaks down more easily than a mechanical one, and its repair is much more expensive.

The cost of a modern electric oven ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. But with regular use, the device consumes a lot of electricity, which will negatively affect your utility bills.

Electrolux EZB 52410 AK
Electrolux EZB 52410 AK

Electrolux EZB 52410 AK - popular electric oven

Table: comparison of electric and gas ovens

Criterion Electric Gas
Connection restrictions Houses with old wiring will have to be updated Available only in apartments connected to a centralized gas network
Warming up Slow Quick
Control Most often electronic Mechanical
Availability of programs Modern ones have several Not
Oven cost On average 15,000 rubles On average 25,000 rubles
Usage cost High Low


Conclusions: which oven is better

In most cases, electric ovens perform best. Despite the slow heating, they are able to provide different cooking modes, high-quality baking of dishes, no burning. The main disadvantage is inefficiency, because gas is much cheaper than electricity. If considerations of economy are decisive for you, then you should opt for a gas oven.

The choice between a gas or electric oven depends a lot on your living conditions. But more and more housewives are inclined to electric ovens because of the quality of the prepared dishes.
