Why You Can't Hang Fridge Magnets
Why You Can't Hang Fridge Magnets

Why you can't hang fridge magnets: truth and myths

can I hang fridge magnets
can I hang fridge magnets

Fridge magnets are one of the most popular souvenirs. Almost everyone loves them - bright and cute trinkets cheer up and remind of pleasant travels. But on the net you can stumble upon the opinion that magnets harm the operation of equipment, including refrigerators.

Myths about the dangers of fridge magnets

The theory that magnets damage the refrigerator has a scientific basis. Magnetic fields can really disrupt the operation of technology. But there are several important points that the adherents of this theory do not take into account. The vector of magnetic induction (simplified - the strength of the magnetic field) of an ordinary decorative magnet is negligible. It is not enough to disrupt the operation of such a massive apparatus as a refrigerator.

Fridge magnet
Fridge magnet

The black magnets we attach to the refrigerator have a very weak field.

But if you hang a couple of dozen magnets on the equipment body? Here the structure of the refrigerator itself comes into play. All important parts are located closer to the back of the case. The field of magnets attached to the door will simply not reach the internal parts.

Another reason that prevents people from decorating the refrigerator to their liking is signs. It is believed that images of people, animals and places should not be hung on the door - they supposedly transfer their negative energy to food in the refrigerator. Moreover, the character of the person depicted or the history of the area does not even matter. According to those who adhere to this superstition, even a photo of Mother Teresa will spoil the energy of the products.

Fruit Magnets
Fruit Magnets

But the image of fruits and vegetables on magnets is superstitious.

Real reasons

Despite easily refuted myths, fridge magnets can do very real harm:

  • people with pacemakers should not get too carried away with decorating kitchen appliances. An abundance of fridge magnets can actually damage the heart pacemaker;
  • fridge magnets (at least massive ones) should be discarded for families with small children. A curious child might try to grab a colorful piece of jewelry from the door. And then a large ceramic or plastic figurine can fall and hurt the baby on the head;
  • removing or moving the magnets can scratch the refrigerator door. This is especially the case with small jewelry.

Don't be afraid to decorate your refrigerator for signs and unfounded theories. Better pay attention to the real reasons why you should give up decorative magnets.
