When To Plant Eggplants For Seedlings In 2019: General Dates And Lunar Calendar
When To Plant Eggplants For Seedlings In 2019: General Dates And Lunar Calendar

To grow blue ones: when to plant eggplants for seedlings in 2019

hfccflf, frkf; fyjd
hfccflf, frkf; fyjd

Eggplant is the most thermophilic crop of all the nightshades that are grown in our beds. In most regions, it is recommended to grow them only in greenhouses. To try your own blue ones, you will have to sow seeds for seedlings early enough.

We determine the best time for planting eggplants for seedlings

To determine the time of sowing eggplants, we apply the well-known formula for calculating the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings. And she is like this:

Seedling eggplant
Seedling eggplant

It is desirable that the eggplant seedlings have reached 60-70 days of age by the time of disembarkation

Applying the above formula, we will try to determine the dates for the eggplants that we plan to plant in the greenhouse and in the open ground under a temporary shelter.

First, let's define the characteristics of eggplants:

  • optimum seedling age: 60–70 days;
  • period of seed germination at optimum temperature: 8–10 days;
  • the approximate date of planting seedlings in central Russia in unheated greenhouses: May 20.

Example 1. Variety Violet Miracle F1 is one of the popular early maturing varieties. Eggplant seeds germinate for a long time - up to 10 days. If we are going to plant 70-day seedlings in a greenhouse, then, applying the formula, we get: 70 + 10 = 80. Subtract 80 from the estimated planting date of the seedlings by counting down. For example, the landing is scheduled for May 20. As a result, we get the approximate date of sowing seeds - February 27

Variety Purple Miracle F1
Variety Purple Miracle F1

The Violet Miracle variety fell in love with gardeners for its stable yields

Example 2. If we plan to plant eggplants in open ground under a temporary shelter, then the planting date will be later. So, so that the seedlings do not overgrow by this time, you need to sow the seeds later. We will determine the time of sowing seedlings for planting it in the area of June 10. Applying the same formula, we get the date - the last decade of March. Although, nevertheless, for eggplants, open ground is shown only in the southern regions of Russia.

Lunar planting calendar tips

Having determined the approximate sowing time, we will check with the lunar calendar for the current year, so as not to get into an unfavorable period for plants.

Summer resident lunar calendar 2019
Summer resident lunar calendar 2019

The lunar calendar of the summer resident will help to pick out the most correct sowing dates

Eggplants for seedlings can be sown no later than March. Since eggplant gives us "tops", then it is better to sow it on the "growing" moon. The lunar calendar for 2019 recommends the following sowing dates for peppers and eggplants (data from the lunar calendar of the weekly "AiF"):

  • February: 21-26;
  • March: 1,2,10-12, 15-17, 19, 22, 23-25, 30.

New moon and full moon days will be unfavorable for planting. They fall on the following dates:

  • in February: 3–6, 19–21;
  • in March: 5-7, 19-21.

Optimal terms for regions

Each specific region has its own climatic conditions, which adjust the time of planting of heat-loving southerners seedlings in the ground. Nevertheless, gardeners grow eggplants even in Siberia.

But in the southern regions it is permissible to plant 30-40-day seedlings in the ground, so you can start sowing it later.

Sancho Panza variety
Sancho Panza variety

For the regions of Siberia, early maturing varieties of eggplant are especially recommended.

Table: approximate dates for sowing eggplants for seedlings by region

Region Approximate dates of sowing eggplants for seedlings Growing form
Middle zone of Russia From mid-February Greenhouses
Ural and Siberia Second half of February Greenhouses
Leningrad region and Karelia From mid-February Greenhouses
Southern regions of Russia (Kuban) End of February - beginning of March

In open ground

for temporary shelter

In our Northwest, our own eggplants are not very common vegetables, but if you wish, you can grow them in a greenhouse. Especially if you're lucky with the weather. I plant seeds along with peppers in the second decade of February. To accelerate germination, I treat the seeds with Epin. I supplement the seedlings with an LED lamp.

Feedback from forums

To please yourself and your household with “overseas eggplant caviar” from your garden, try to start by growing your own seedlings. It is not that difficult to grow it if you are familiar with pepper seedlings. And the timing of their sowing can also be combined. Start with seedlings, and the further process will gradually enthrall and delay.