Magnetic Storms In June 2019: When And What To Do
Magnetic Storms In June 2019: When And What To Do

Magnetic storms in June 2019: when and how to survive them

magnetic storm
magnetic storm

The magnetic field around our planet performs protective functions. It reflects the flow of ionized particles (the so-called solar wind) moving at high speed from the direction of the Sun during periods of its increased activity. With such a collision, geomagnetic disturbances arise, which can adversely affect a person's well-being. Knowing when to expect magnetic storms in June 2019 will help you take action to reduce your discomfort.

June 2019 calendar of magnetic storms

There won't be many bad days caused by solar activity in the first month of summer.

The nature of geomagnetic storms
The nature of geomagnetic storms

June 8

On this day, an outbreak of medium intensity is expected, which will cause general malaise in people sensitive to changes in the magnetic field. So do not be surprised at the feeling of discomfort and a sharp decrease in performance. This is especially true for those who are prone to manifestations of vascular dystonia. Those who have recently suffered a stroke or heart attack are also at risk.

the 9th of June

The power of geomagnetic disturbances will increase, which will inevitably lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases and an increase in emotional stress. Those who suffer from hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias should be especially attentive to changes in well-being. To avoid a crisis, it is recommended to take drugs that normalize blood pressure. If there is a noticeable deterioration in well-being, you should seek medical help.

June 10th

The activity of the Sun is declining, the general condition and mood are improving. But it is too early to forget about caution in patients diagnosed with hypertension or coronary heart disease. You should monitor your blood pressure and take medications that calm the nervous system.

Methods of protection against the effects of a magnetic storm

It is unlikely that it will be possible to nullify the dependence of weather-sensitive people on solar flares, but you can prepare for unfavorable days. To do this, about a day or two before the start of the magnetic storm, you should follow simple rules:

  1. Drink plenty of clean water.
  2. Observe the mode of work and rest.
  3. Prefer a contrast shower for a hot bath.
  4. Refuse tonic drinks (tea, coffee) and alcohol.
  5. Observe moderation at the table, refraining from smoked, salty and spicy foods.
  6. Postpone for a quieter period doing things that require a lot of energy and nerves.
  7. This time, choose a walk in a shady park to active sports.

Doctors advise people with heart and vascular problems to be prepared for a deterioration in health during the period of geomagnetic disturbances. But this does not mean at all that they should listen to their condition with alarm every minute. All that is required is to keep on hand at home and at work proven medicines, with the help of which you can lower (if necessary, raise) blood pressure, relieve spasms, and calm the nerves. Mastering the basics of breathing exercises or acupressure techniques will be of great help in the struggle for well-being.

You should not take information about the upcoming fluctuations in the magnetic field as a sign of the approaching end of the world. There have always been such phenomena, and there is no getting away from them. Knowing about the approach of a magnetic storm, a meteorological person has the ability to minimize the unpleasant sensations associated with it.
