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How To Feed Peppers During Flowering And Fruiting: Mineral, Organic And Folk Remedies
How To Feed Peppers During Flowering And Fruiting: Mineral, Organic And Folk Remedies

Video: How To Feed Peppers During Flowering And Fruiting: Mineral, Organic And Folk Remedies

Video: How To Feed Peppers During Flowering And Fruiting: Mineral, Organic And Folk Remedies
Video: HOW TO FEED PEPPER PLANTS, Hot pepper nutrients and a pepper fertilizer schedule 2024, December

How to feed pepper during flowering and fruiting for a great harvest

Pepper harvest
Pepper harvest

Pepper has a good "appetite", gratefully responding to the correct feeding. The crop needs fertilization throughout the growing season. If you apply the substances necessary for plants in the right doses during flowering and beyond, you can significantly increase the yield, improve the quality of the fruits and extend the fruiting period.


  • 1 Top dressing for pepper during flowering and fruiting

    • 1.1 Mineral and organic fertilizers

      1.1.1 Video: the benefits of humic acids for horticultural crops

    • 1.2 Natural organic

      1.2.1 Video: How to Prepare Weed Fertilizer

    • 1.3 Folk remedies
    • 1.4 Video: the best top dressing for pepper and the optimal time to add them
  • 2 Reviews of gardeners

Top dressing for pepper during flowering and fruiting

Regular feeding of pepper has a positive effect on the yield of plants, the appearance, size and taste of the fruit improves. But the excess of "nutrition" for the culture is harmful, especially during flowering and fruiting - the bushes are actively beginning to increase the green mass to the detriment of the formation of buds and ovaries.

Mineral and organomineral fertilizers

Blooming and fruiting peppers, unlike plants in the early growing season, require much less nitrogen. Now he needs phosphorus and potassium. Immediately after the beginning of flowering, the peppers are watered with a nutrient solution (the norm per plant is 0.8-1 l), diluting 35-40 g of simple superphosphate, 10-15 g of potassium sulfate and 5-7 g of carbamide in 10 liters of water.


Superphosphate can be simple and double - in the second case, its dosage is halved

You can also use other mineral fertilizers. Phosphorus-containing dressings popular with gardeners are Superphos and Foskamid. Potassium contains, for example, potassium magnesium and potassium monophosphate. Nitrogen - ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate. The dosage is determined according to the manufacturer's instructions.

During fruiting, mineral fertilizers are used only if the appearance of the pepper clearly indicates their deficiency - the development of the bush slows down, the leaves become smaller, the fruits are deformed. Then the bushes can be watered with a solution of potash and phosphorus fertilizers (a teaspoon and a tablespoon per 10 liters, respectively). The exception is peppers grown in hotbeds and greenhouses. For him, such feeding is necessary after harvesting.

Top rot of pepper
Top rot of pepper

Calcium deficiency is one of the main causes of apical rot of pepper

Fertilizers based on potassium or sodium humate are more suitable for flowering and fruiting peppers. They are very useful at this time - the number of ovaries increases, the fruits ripen faster, acquire a more "marketable" appearance, and are stored longer. Fertilizers are popular with gardeners:

  • Ideal;
  • Giant;
  • Impulse-plus;
  • Surprise;
  • Humisol.
Potassium humate
Potassium humate

Humic acids are very beneficial for fruiting plants

Fertilizer is diluted according to the instructions. Foliar top dressing is carried out from the moment of flowering to the end of fruiting every 2-3 weeks.

Video: the benefits of humic acids for horticultural crops

Natural organic

Organic fertilizers are characterized by a high nitrogen content, therefore, they are used with caution during flowering and fruiting of peppers. If humus or rotted compost was introduced into the soil during the preparation of the bed, one top dressing is enough - 5–7 days after the formation of the first ovaries. Use infusions:

  • fresh cow dung;
  • fresh or dry chicken manure;
  • "Green tea" (nettle leaves, dandelion leaves, any other garden weeds).
Dry chicken droppings
Dry chicken droppings

Dry chicken manure is available at most gardening stores.

It is easy to prepare top dressing:

  1. Fill about a third of the selected container with raw materials (the greens must be chopped beforehand). Add a liter can of wood ash, if desired.
  2. Top up with water, close the lid tightly.
  3. Leave in the sun for 3-5 days. You will know that the feeding is ready by its characteristic smell.
  4. Strain the liquid and dilute with water before use. If the raw material was manure or greens - in a ratio of 1:10, droppings - 1:20. The rate per bush is 1 liter.
Nettle infusion
Nettle infusion

Ready infusion of nettle takes on an unpleasant sulfurous odor

Video: how to prepare weed fertilizer

Folk remedies

A significant advantage of folk remedies is their environmental friendliness. Fertilizers are safe for human health, domestic animals and the environment. For feeding peppers during flowering and fruiting, you can use:

  • Wood ash. A source of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. You can simply sprinkle it under the bushes and water the plants abundantly. Or prepare an infusion by filling a half-liter jar of raw materials with 3 liters of boiling water. It will be ready in a day. The product is filtered before use. Ash as fertilizer is applied every 7-10 days.

    Wood ash
    Wood ash

    Wood ash is a versatile fertilizer suitable for all horticultural crops; its infusion can be used to prevent fungal diseases

  • Boric acid. Prevents the peppers from falling off, improves the taste of the fruit. A bag of powder (5 g) is diluted in a small volume (about a glass) of hot, but not boiling water, then cold water is added, bringing the total volume to 5 liters. Top dressing is carried out after the formation of the first ovaries, then it can be repeated after about a month.

    Boric acid
    Boric acid

    Gardeners do not use boric acid for their intended purpose, but with the correct dosage, the positive effect is obvious

  • Iodine. It has a positive effect on the immunity of plants and their resistance to the vagaries of the weather, temperature extremes. It also accelerates the ripening process of peppers, increases productivity and helps to increase the size of the fruit. In a liter of milk, 15–20 drops of iodine are diluted, water is added (the total volume of the solution is 10 liters). Top dressing is repeated every 15–20 days.


    After dressing with iodine content, the peppers ripen larger, the yield increases

  • Raw egg shells. Contains magnesium, calcium and phosphates. The shell is pounded into small pieces, filled with a jar (3 liters) about half, and top up with water heated to 40–45 ° C. The container is tightly closed and kept in a warm, dark place until a characteristic "sulfurous" smell appears. After fruit setting, feeding is carried out every 12-15 days.


    For feeding peppers, use only raw egg shells - during the cooking process, many useful substances are "washed out" from it

  • Yeast. A source of amino acids needed to accelerate plant development and more abundant fruiting. Yeast also improves the quality of the substrate. You can use both compressed and powdered yeast. The pack is crushed, a tablespoon of sugar is added to the contents of the bag, diluted in 2-3 liters of water and left for several hours, stirring occasionally. Before use, the solution is topped up with water, bringing the volume to 10 liters. Yeast top dressing can be done every 10-12 days, but only in warm weather.

    Compressed yeast
    Compressed yeast

    Experienced gardeners know: "it grows by leaps and bounds" is by no means a figurative expression

  • Bread kvass. Gives the same effect as yeast, but takes longer to cook - 7-10 days. A loaf of black bread needs to be crumbled, pour 3 liters of warm water and close the container.

    Black bread
    Black bread

    Do not rush to throw out stale brown bread, it can come in handy in the garden

  • Banana peel. Very high in potassium. If you dry and grind it in a blender, you can just sprinkle the resulting powder a little weekly under the bushes. Infusion of peppers is watered every 10-12 days. Three or four skins are poured into 3 liters of warm water. After 2-3 days the feeding is ready.

    Banana peel
    Banana peel

    Bananas are a valuable source of potassium, the same goes for the peel

  • Large leaf black tea. Contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron. About 200 g of sleeping tea leaves are poured into 3 liters of cold water. The infusion is ready in a week. Strain it before use.

    Tea brewing
    Tea brewing

    You should not just shake out the tea leaves on the garden bed - it will become moldy, but its infusion for peppers is very useful

Video: the best top dressing for pepper and the optimal time to add them

Reviews of gardeners

Getting a bountiful harvest of pepper without proper dressing is quite difficult. But you should not go to the opposite extreme either - an excess of fertilizers is much more harmful than their deficit. During flowering and fruiting, many gardeners do not risk using chemical fertilizing, but there is an alternative - organic fertilizers and folk remedies.
