Why Gold Leaves Black Marks On The Skin: Signs And Facts
Why Gold Leaves Black Marks On The Skin: Signs And Facts

Why does gold leave black marks on the skin: an evil eye or a disease?

Gold jewelry
Gold jewelry

Gold is one of the most valuable metals. Because of him, there have been many wars and battles. Most people prefer gold jewelry to everyone else. However, often a person is faced with the fact that gold leaves dark marks on the skin. What caused this effect?

Signs and superstitions

There is a sign among the people that the skin under gold jewelry darkens only if a person is jinxed or cursed. It is believed that this metal is able to sense changes in the human body and thus reacts to magical influences. To get rid of damage and the evil eye, it is advised to go to the temple, read prayers or sprinkle yourself with holy water.

Esoteric opinion

Esotericists consider gold to be a solar metal, and if dark spots remain on the human body under jewelry, it means that a solar imbalance has occurred in the body. A person is overwhelmed with solar energy, and in order to normalize the balance, you need to temporarily change gold jewelry for silver. After all, it is silver in esotericism that is the metal of the moon. In addition, a person suffering from dark spots should spend less time in direct sunlight.

Real reasons

There are several rational explanations for the appearance of dark spots under gold jewelry:

  1. Poor product quality. Pure gold is practically not subject to oxidation. However, jewelers often add other, cheaper metals to gold in order to reduce the cost of jewelry. This alloy is easily oxidized, leaving dark marks on the skin.

    Gold assay
    Gold assay

    Gold is a very heavy and soft metal, and in its pure form it is rarely practiced as jewelry, therefore, not pure gold is used in the jewelry industry, but alloys with an admixture of non-ferrous metals

  2. Health status. Scientists have conducted experiments during which it was proved that the sweat of people with liver or kidney disease reacts with gold, thereby leaving marks on the skin. In addition, human medications can be the cause. Often, pregnant women find dark spots under gold jewelry. This is due to changes in the hormonal background, which affects the quality of skin secretions (sweat, fat). Combining with the metal, the discharge gives the effect of dark spots.
  3. Cosmetics. The chemical composition of most cosmetics contains substances that can leave dark marks in contact with gold. You can remove such stains with ordinary soap.
  4. Polishing paste. Most finished gold items are finished with a polishing paste. If it is not completely removed from the jewelry, then, having reacted with skin secretions, it will give the skin darkening effect. You can cope with this problem simply by cleaning the product.

Dark spots under gold are a common problem. Most people are sure that this is how the magical effect exerted on them is manifested. However, there are many facts that scientifically explain this problem.
