How To Appease A Brownie In An Apartment Or Private House
How To Appease A Brownie In An Apartment Or Private House

How to appease a brownie in an apartment

brownie and cat
brownie and cat

Our ancestors were sure that the world is inhabited not only by animals and plants, but also by various spirits. They were afraid of some, and some (for example, brownies) tried to appease. But who is a brownie and how to establish good relations with him?

Who is the brownie

Brownie is a kind spirit that lives in an apartment or a private house. He can take on different images: an animal, a child, a deceased relative, or just a luminous ball. It is believed that the housekeepers watch over the dwelling, guard it. If the owners are on good terms with the brownie, then he will help them. Otherwise, the spirit will only harm the inhabitants: break things, spoil the mood.

How to understand that there is a brownie in your house

The following signs indicate the presence of a brownie in a dwelling:

  • you have no animals, but at night you hear footsteps that look like dogs;
  • cats sometimes purr for no reason (the brownie scratches them behind the ear);
  • dogs observe something invisible, but do not bark or show aggression;
  • babies are walking with someone invisible;
  • the dishes ring for no reason;
  • sweets and other sweets left in a conspicuous place (especially without wrappers) disappear;
  • the toys scattered by the child rearrange themselves;
  • in your home you feel comfortable, protected;
  • before a phone call or a knock on the door, you have a premonition.
Cat looking away
Cat looking away

Animals can see the brownie, if they are looking at something invisible or even playing with someone, then there is a spirit in your house

To make sure you have a brownie, pour milk into a mug or bowl in the evening and put it in a secluded place. If there is less milk in the morning, then a good spirit dwells in your house.

How to appease a brownie

To appease the brownie is not very difficult. For this you need:

  • maintain cleanliness: wash floors, wipe dust, arrange things in places;
  • quarrel and swear as little as possible in the house;
  • talk to him: say hello, congratulate you on the holidays, thank for your help, and when asking for something, do it politely. You need to turn to the domovoy as “father” or “grandfather”;
  • give the housekeeper toys - a chest with beads, buttons and other small things. Leave it in a secluded place;
  • leave him a saucer of milk and various sweets for the night, you can once a week or less;
  • remove all sharp objects in cabinets and drawers so that the brownie does not cut himself.

If you move, be sure to call the brownie with you so that he will protect you in your new home. When you rent an apartment, you need to immediately get acquainted with the brownie: start talking to him, give treats for the first few days. Before selling an apartment, be sure to treat the brownie and ask for help.

Brownie is a kind spirit that helps the inhabitants of the house. To keep everything calm in your family, you need to establish good relations with the brownie. To do this, observe cleanliness and give gifts to the spirit.
