Why You Can't Keep Old Calendars In The House - Signs
Why You Can't Keep Old Calendars In The House - Signs

Why you can't keep old calendars at home


Many people have a mountain of old calendars at home. Why they are kept is not clear, because they no longer bring practical benefits. But it seems like a pity to throw it away. In the meantime, it would still be worth throwing away last year's diary. After all, many signs and instructions of feng shui clearly indicate why old calendars cannot be kept.

Why you can't keep old calendars: signs

Different peoples of the world have signs about old calendars, and they all boil down to the fact that this thing needs to be thrown away as soon as it loses its practical value. The most common beliefs are:

  1. The old calendar stops time. Things stand still, no significant changes are taking place. Almost all peoples have this sign.
  2. In the countries of the Far East, they believe that it is necessary to throw out the old calendar if a loved one died in the past year. Otherwise, his soul or energy (depending on belief) will return to the house, remind the tenants of themselves and "pull" them along, bringing the time of their death closer.
  3. The Slavic and Scandinavian peoples have a belief that the accumulation of old rubbish attracts domestic evil spirits. In particular, a brownie may start up, having discovered that this house needs his "services".
  4. In North America, it is believed that old things should not be taken with you when you move. Otherwise, the person will be constantly pulled to the same place, and there will be no good life in the new house.

Rationale for the Feng Shui Ban

According to popular spiritual teachings, the old calendar testifies to bygone times. For a person, such reminders, even if they are hidden in the mezzanine, do not bode well. It is necessary to look and strive for the future, and not look back at something that cannot be returned. The old calendar prevents the owner from developing and achieving their goals, constantly returning him back to long-lost people and things.

Other practices and teachings are almost unanimous with feng shui. In many teachings (among them there is also Kabbalah), it is believed that things that no longer have practical use (broken watches, broken glasses, torn clothes and shoes, old calendars) accumulate negative energy. They only "remember" bad events.

old calendar
old calendar

It is the conflict between the past and the future that is considered the main reason why it is worth throwing out the old calendar immediately after the New Year. The accumulation of "stagnation energy" inside the apartment does not lead to anything good.

Folk omens and various spiritual practices very clearly interpret the issue of keeping old calendars. Even if a person does not believe in it, last year's calendar should still be thrown out of harm's way. You won't need it anymore. And no one forbids storing separate pages of a tear-off calendar (for example, useful tips or recipes).
