Everything Is Fine, But Nothing Pleases - Why Does Such A State Arise, What To Do To Get Out Of It
Everything Is Fine, But Nothing Pleases - Why Does Such A State Arise, What To Do To Get Out Of It

Everything is fine, but nothing pleases: how to deal with the feeling of hopelessness

Feeling hopeless
Feeling hopeless

Interest in life is a matter of course. But sometimes there is an unfounded feeling of hopelessness, although, judging objectively, everything seems to be going well or even well. It is quite possible to return bright colors to life if you find a reason and force yourself to act.


  • 1 Why it seems that everything is bad when everything seems to be good

    • 1.1 Video: what to do if you don't want to do anything
    • 1.2 Video: Causes and Effects of Depression
  • 2 How to bring back the joy of life

    2.1 Video: how to get out of a state of hopelessness and start enjoying life

  • 3 What not to do
  • 4 Views on the situation

Why everything seems to be bad when everything seems to be good

Why the feeling of joy from life disappears in the absence of obvious problems:

  • Health problems. Most often, pathologies of the thyroid gland are to blame for such an emotional state, "knocking down" the normal hormonal background.


    Before you start delving into yourself, wanting life to start playing with bright colors again, exclude physiological reasons

  • Psychological trauma in childhood. Children who grew up without parents, lack parental love or constant pressure from them for not living up to high expectations, often subconsciously believe that their fault lies in the very fact of birth. And they try to redeem it, deliberately giving up their own desires.

    Children in the orphanage
    Children in the orphanage

    Most psychological trauma comes from childhood

  • The presence of an "attitude" inspired from childhood. Parents constantly explain to the child that until he achieves something definite (high income, own housing, car). And in order to achieve this, a person often does something to which his soul does not lie at all.
  • Chronic fatigue, overwork and constant stress. Problems at work absorb completely.

    Overwork at work
    Overwork at work

    If you devote all 24 hours a day to work, you may not even notice how life passes by

  • Monotonous existence. The vicious circle "work - household chores - work" takes all the energy. Routine existence leaves no time not only for some interesting activities and leisure. More often than not, it is impossible to set aside even half an hour to relax.
  • One-sided development. You can be an exemplary housewife with perfectly brought up children, but not everyone feels like you've accomplished something in life. A successful career, as a rule, means the need to sacrifice a family.

    Housewife with children
    Housewife with children

    You should not once and for all drive yourself into the framework of a certain role, for mental balance, all-round development is necessary

  • The lack of communication, as a result - a feeling of their own uselessness. It is especially typical for residents of megalopolises who do not communicate with relatives, loved ones, friends for months. “Extra people” are found not only on the pages of books.

    Woman at the window
    Woman at the window

    Paradoxically, loneliness is felt most acutely in multi-million cities.

  • The principle of duty. You take on work responsibilities, family problems, household chores, believing that no one else will do this. But each person has its own ultimate strength.
  • Lack of goals or excessive ambition. If you do not strive for anything and do not want anything, life is unlikely to be bright and joyful. And when you set a large-scale goal, you subconsciously understand that its achievement is unrealistic, and from this the mood invariably worsens.
  • Inability to enjoy small things. Grandiose holidays every day is simply impossible. Learn to appreciate the fleeting feeling of happiness.
  • Constantly blocking the negative. By not expressing negative emotions in any way, you only make yourself worse. Excessive compassion is no better - you cannot help everyone and everyone, but you also cannot be happy when there is so much grief around.

Video: what to do if you don't want to do anything

If you do nothing, this condition spills over into chronic depression. And this is already a mental illness. Its symptoms are a general pessimistic attitude towards life, a constantly depressed mood. The negative consequences of chronic depression are many:

  • isolation and communication problems;
  • lack of desire to develop, go somewhere, do something in general;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • the appearance of phobias and fears;
  • decreased intelligence;
  • irritability;
  • decreased libido;
  • sleep problems;
  • worsened condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • weakened immunity;
  • unwillingness to live on.
Depression state
Depression state

Depression is not a simulation of nothing to do, but an illness in the full sense of the word that can lead to suicide

Video: causes and consequences of depression

How to bring back the joy of life

There is simply no single universal algorithm of actions to restore the joy of life. Everyone must find their own unique recipe that will allow "pull yourself out of the swamp by your hair." As a basis, you can take the recommendations of psychologists:

  • Find yourself some interesting activity, a hobby to your liking. Perhaps you have long wanted to have a pet, learn a foreign language, learn to cook, embroider, play a musical instrument … Your own achievements will become a source of positive emotions.
  • Volunteer. Visiting nursing homes, orphanages, hospitals, it is impossible to remain indifferent. Perhaps as you help those in need, you’ll understand that it’s worth rejoicing in what seems to be a matter of course - good health, the opportunity to connect with your parents and friends.

    Hospital volunteer
    Hospital volunteer

    Everything is learned in comparison - when you meet with those who are much worse than you, you quickly realize that everything in your life is not so bad

  • Change your image, focus on improving your appearance. In the expression “a healthy mind in a healthy body” the word “healthy” can be easily replaced by “beautiful”, and it will remain true. Watching how your body changes for the better, you will certainly experience a surge of positive emotions. Among the variety of physical activities - visits to a fitness club, dancing, swimming, horse riding, hiking - there is sure to be something for your liking.


    If you don't like fitness clubs, there are other types of physical activity.

  • Feel free to express your feelings. For a start, you can just talk it out. This helps to get rid of the accumulated negativity very well.

    Intimate talk
    Intimate talk

    After an honest and frank conversation with a loved one, often literally a stone falls from the soul

  • Laugh more often and look for sources of positive emotions. Laughter increases the level of serotonin (the "happiness hormone") in the body. Read relevant books, watch films. You can just smile at passers-by and fellow travelers. A very large charge of positive energy is given by visiting sports events, concerts.

    Spectators at the concert
    Spectators at the concert

    Listening to your favorite music it is almost impossible to remain indifferent, an additional "charge" is given by the energy of the crowd

  • Do not refuse incoming offers. Accept invitations to celebrate a birthday, shopping, visiting a museum or exhibition … This will help you "get out of the shell."
  • Change your environment. Even a short vacation by the sea invariably adds strength. And outdoor recreation helps to restore mental balance.


    A change of scenery helps a lot to rethink

  • Learn to abstract from problems on the principle of "let the whole world wait". You also need to love yourself, sometimes pamper yourself and allow yourself to relax.
  • Try to find a purpose in life. Or just remember her. Visits to a qualified psychotherapist can be of great help here. As you “rewind” life backward, you will understand at what point everything went wrong.

    Consultation with a psychotherapist
    Consultation with a psychotherapist

    If you can't figure out yourself on your own, contact a specialist

  • Imagine that you are terminally ill and you have very little left. In such a situation, it is unlikely that you want to waste time on apathy.

Video: how to get out of a state of hopelessness and start enjoying life

What not to do

Will not help get rid of the feeling of hopelessness and return the joy of life:

  • Loneliness. This will only make things worse. You may first have to literally force yourself to go somewhere and do something, but gradually you will be able to overcome the apathy.


    When you do not want anything, the desire to communicate also disappears, so most often a person closes himself in loneliness

  • Food. You can "seize" not only stress, but also sadness, melancholy, permanently bad mood. But this is a road to nowhere - looking at the reflection in the mirror that is not changing for the better, you will become more and more depressed. Moreover, one should not look for the lost joy of life in alcohol and drugs.

    "Seizing" of longing
    "Seizing" of longing

    Worse than "seizing" melancholy - only attempts to return the meaning of life with the help of alcohol and drugs

  • Social networks. Hanging in them, you risk completely losing touch with reality. Life on display on the Internet usually has nothing to do with reality. But your feeling of your own inferiority and worthlessness from viewing the edited photos may be further aggravated. In addition, the Internet (and the media, television) is a potential source of negativity, which you already have enough.

Views on the situation

"Nothing pleases", "life seems gray and dull", "I want to withdraw into myself" - complaints that psychologists hear very often. Lack of interest in life and a sense of contentment is a typical “diagnosis” for residents of modern megacities. In order not to finally get bogged down in a routine and not fall into depression, you need to start pulling yourself out of this state as soon as possible.
