How To Handle Money Correctly
How To Handle Money Correctly

As by omens, you need to handle money so that it never runs out


There are people who piously believe in omens and follow them. Someone does not believe in them, but in sensitive situations spits over the left shoulder. Will accept a lot, but today many are worried about how to do the right thing with money so that it never runs out.

Don't spend your salary on payday

Having received a salary, you should not immediately go shopping with them and spend. According to an opinion, the received money should spend the night at home. This must be done in order for the money to take root. Such manipulations allow not to block the financial flow. And if, when you come home, you spread large bills in front of a mirror, then this will help to increase the cash in your wallet.

Store bills correctly

You need to arrange money in your wallet from large to small. Place them right side up. The series and number must be visible to the owner. Do not leave the wallet empty, there should always be some kind of banknote. The bigger it is, the better. It is believed that this is how new money is attracted.

Coins are always separate

Coins should never be put in a pocket or compartment along with paper bills. Allocate a separate place for them in your wallet.

Get rid of 50 rubles

Folk omens say that keeping 50 ruble bills in your wallet is not desirable. Five tens is a disadvantage. And make sure that there is always an even number of bills in your wallet. Paired banknotes increase wealth.

Counting money while it's light

It is worth counting money when it is light. Try to count them in silence and loneliness, so as not to know the trouble. Counting in the evening or at night - to poverty.

Don't complain that there is no money

The thought is material. Complaining about lack of money, you attract the energy of those people who really do not have money. It is also not worth bragging, flaunting and dissembling about "big" finances. They don't like money when they boast about it.

Take money with the right hand

For money to always be found, the ritual of exchanging money is important. You need to give bills with your right hand, and take them with your left. And you should never pass cash from hand to hand. When buying something in the store, put your money on a stand near the checkout counter. Take the change from there, because along with the bill, you can get bad energy.

Pay off your debts correctly

Remember to repay debts during the day. In the evening, the money is already sleeping. Do not lend large bills. It is believed that along with them wealth leaves you. Paying off your debts also costs less money than you took.

Don't be greedy

We put things in order at home. The strategically important places in the apartment for attracting money are the entrance hall and the kitchen. There should be no chaos, otherwise there will be confusion in financial matters. You should not keep old things for decades. Give them to the beggars or just take them to the trash cans. So you will free up space for new things and an influx of monetary energy. There is an old Chinese saying: "If you miss something, give a passerby three items from your house."

Coin under the mat

To attract cash flow in the hallway, under the rug, leave a coin eagle up. Every time we enter the apartment, we say: "I am in the house and the money is behind me." You can carry out such a ritual: buy a new rug and glue four 10 ruble coins on the back side in the corners, and the fifth in the center. Every year the rug needs to be replaced with a new one. It is believed that this is how money is lured into the house.

Make yourself a money magnet mascot. A 1 dollar bill is folded into a triangle to form a pyramid. Place this design in a secret pocket in your wallet. Never take it out or unfold it so that the talisman does not lose its strength.
