What Not To Share With Your Neighbors
What Not To Share With Your Neighbors

5 important things you shouldn't tell your neighbors


Maintaining good friendly relations with neighbors is not only useful, but also important, because these people live nearby and can help in case of danger or any difficulties. But there are still things they shouldn't be told about.

Who do you work

A simple answer to the question about the place of work and the position held can bring a lot of problems. For example, sick animals will be brought to the veterinarian, and they will go to the doctor for treatment. And, of course, no one will pay for the services of a professional, because this is just a “neighborly” request.

Moreover, refusal to help for free will turn against you, because in the eyes of others you will become a calculating egoist. Those who are willing to volunteer outside of working hours can tell everything about their profession. The rest should, if possible, not mention their place of work in conversations.

When is your vacation

Only close and trusted people should talk about their departure for a long time (on vacation, business trip or just to the country). They can also be asked to look after the apartment, water the flowers and feed the cat.

At the same time, unfamiliar neighbors should not be told about a long trip, as there is a risk that the apartment will be robbed. Moreover, the neighbors themselves cannot do this. They will simply share information with other people (sometimes completely unconsciously, just in a casual conversation), who may well turn out to be criminals.

How much do you get

Another piece of information that can lead to robbery or other crimes is income data. Criminals will not get into an ordinary apartment, but they will certainly like the housing of well-earning people.

There are less dangerous, but also unpleasant reasons not to talk about the salary. If it is too big, neighbors will start to gossip and say nasty things behind their backs, or they will regularly ask for a loan, naturally, without intending to return it.

What are your bad habits?

Almost every person has bad habits, but it's definitely not worth talking about them to neighbors. So, for example, a smoking person is often reproached for the smell of tobacco smoke in the entrance, even if it has nothing to do with it.

Anyone who occasionally drinks will be rewarded with the stigma of an "alcoholic" with the appropriate attitude, or they will start calling the police because of any noise, because the apartment is likely to have a party.

Family member information

But you need to be restrained not only in talking about yourself, but also about your family. You shouldn't tell your neighbor that the husband has ex-wives, and the son misbehaves or studies in the "three".

Such information will harm the whole family. People will start to gossip, even meaningless data will be turned upside down. As a result, this will ruin the husband's relationship with friends, and children on the playground will begin to avoid the son.
