What Rules For Watering Plants Do Summer Residents Neglect
What Rules For Watering Plants Do Summer Residents Neglect

7 rules for watering plants that summer residents often neglect


Many summer residents neglect the proper watering of plants. This leads to problems in the cultivation of flowers, vegetables and fruits.

Deep watering

Plants need water, it cools them, which is very important in extreme heat. The liquid carries nutrients through the tissues of the plant.

Deep watering is a must because it stimulates root growth better. The subsequent movement of the liquid saturates the root system with nutrients, which contributes to a good harvest.

Watering at the root

Drops of water should not fall on the foliage, especially for the evening procedure. During the night, wet leaves are susceptible to disease.

In the daytime, they can get sunburn, because water attracts rays. Therefore, watered at the root.

Better to water in the morning

Watering is usually planned for the evening or early morning as less liquid will evaporate. Plants are guaranteed to absorb the required amount of moisture before the coming hot day, so they will be more resistant.

Watering with warm water

Plants are stressed by icy water. This happens if a water supply hose is used. Sensitive crops have folded leaves as if from a slight frost.

Pour vegetables and fruits with warm water (the ideal temperature is room temperature), but do not use hot water.

On the site, you can install a barrel and pour water into it. The liquid will heat up in a day, after which you can water the crops in the evening. In addition, settled warm water will be useful.

Better lack of water

You cannot consume more water than required. It is important for gardeners to focus on the real needs of plants. Modern systems allow you to control the water consumption taking into account the established norms.

It is also allowed to water in large portions at intervals, because water takes time to be absorbed into the soil. However, this advice must be approached with caution, because there is a risk of incorrectly calculating the volume of liquid and filling the culture. Then the plant will rot.

The water must be absorbed


The powerful jet is dangerous for vegetables and fruits. Sometimes gardeners believe that a large flow will allow water to penetrate the soil faster and not spread over the surface. In this case, there will be more harm, since the soil is washed away and the roots are exposed. If you do not cover the bare root system, it will dry out, which will lead to disease and death of the plantings. With the help of a special nozzle on the hose, you can organize watering in small portions.

When calculating the rate, the type of crop is taken into account in order to properly water the plants. It is better that the soil is moistened at the root depth (about 15 cm).

Watering with quality water

It is advisable to use rainwater or settled tap water, because it will be safe. A high-quality liquid assumes the deposition of bad substances (for example, metals, salts) that could harm the plants.

Rainwater can be used if the rainfall in the area is clean and free of industrial waste particles.
