7 Misconceptions Of Summer Residents That Prevent Them From Growing A Rich Harvest
7 Misconceptions Of Summer Residents That Prevent Them From Growing A Rich Harvest

7 common misconceptions of summer residents that prevent them from growing a good harvest


The advice of experienced agrarians allows novice summer residents to quickly comprehend the basics of truck farming. Unfortunately, some of them are based on unproven facts and may turn out to be not only useless, but also harmful.

You need to plant only according to the lunar calendar


The most, perhaps, innocuous delusion is that when sowing you need to adhere to a certain phase of the moon. Such actions will definitely not bring harm, but scientists have not proven the benefits either.

However, if you skip favorable weather for the sake of the calendar or rush to plant before the end of return frosts, you can lose both time and future harvest.

When planting, you need to fertilize well


Among some would-be gardeners there is an opinion that seedlings initially suffer from a lack of feeding, so they plant any seed, generously fertilizing the planting. It is important to understand that fertilization differs from fertilizer.

Nitrogen fertilizers and the main “food” should be added no earlier than 10 days after planting or germination. Otherwise, weak shoots with a small root system can get burned, which will weaken and make them more vulnerable to various diseases and pests.

To get a big harvest, you need to drive a nail into the tree


One of the most cruel ways to make a tree bear fruit is to hammer a couple of nails above the graft. The method puts the tree in a state of stress, growth stops, and nutrients are artificially directed to the budding.

Give preference to phosphorus and potassium. It is better to irrigate the foliage with iron vitriol, scatter wood ash around the periphery of the crown, slightly embedding it in the soil.

Manure is the best fertilizer


In addition to substances useful for the plant, weed seeds can be stored in manure for a long time, which are just waiting for the sun and moisture to grow. Various bacteria, including disease-causing bacteria, are also comfortable in warm and moist manure. In addition, fertilizer in concentrated form can oversaturate plants with nitrogen, stimulating the growth of green mass.

Flowers need to be watered with sleeping tea


It is a misconception that tea leaves can fertilize flowers. Even if the tea manufacturer really added dry leaves saturated with phosphorus and potassium to the composition, their content will be so scanty that the plant will not benefit. But on the other hand, sleeping tea will attract Drosophila, which will immediately settle in a flower pot.

Cucumbers should not be planted next to tomatoes


Tomatoes are best grown at 25 ° C, cucumbers like higher temperatures and higher humidity. But if it is not possible to create ideal conditions for each of the crops, then nothing terrible will happen if you plant them in the same greenhouse. The yield reduction will be small.

Folk remedies are better than chemistry from the store


Many summer residents use iodine, brilliant green, soda and other products or medicines from a home first-aid kit as fertilizer, convincing themselves of the naturalness of feeding and not thinking that they can do more harm than good.

It is much better to purchase a ready-made product in a specialized store and dilute it in accordance with the instructions. After all, professionals worked on its composition, adjusting the dosage of each ingredient.
