Ways To Save Apples Until The New Year
Ways To Save Apples Until The New Year

6 ways to keep fresh apples until New Year's table


To keep apples tasty and fresh until winter, it is important to choose a suitable storage method for them. In this case, you need to take into account the amount of fruit, home conditions and your convenience.

Wrap each one in paper


In this way, fruits can be stored both in a city apartment and in a country house, the main thing is to tightly wrap each apple in paper. Any paper (except newspapers and magazines), as well as regular paper towels, will work for this.

Put the wrapped fruit in rows in a box or box, stems up. The paper will provide free air movement, while the fruits will not touch, which eliminates the risk of contamination of the entire crop if one copy is damaged.

Lay in layers


For this storage method, prepare several cardboard boxes or wooden crates without cracks in the walls. You will also need clean sand with the addition of ash (in a 4: 1 ratio).

Pour a thin layer of sand on the bottom of the container, lay out several apples so that they do not touch each other, then completely cover them with sand and continue filling the box with fruits in the same way. The sand will absorb excess moisture, preventing the appearance of fungus, in addition, it will not impede the access of fresh air to the crop.

If desired, other dry and loose materials can be used instead of sand and ash.

Put in a bag


It is best if the bags are paper, but if necessary, you can use plastic bags. Whichever material you choose, make 4-5 small cuts in each bag for ventilation before folding the apples.

Fold in each bag 2-4 kg of fruit of the same type, tie tightly and put in a place where the temperature is stable between -1 ° C and +1 ° C. If this is a city apartment, it is better to spread the crop in the corridor closer to the front door or on the glazed balcony.

Bury in the ground


This method is suitable for a summer cottage that does not have a cellar or basement. Find a free piece of land in the garden and dig a hole 40-50 cm deep. To protect the crop from rodents, line the bottom of the hole with spruce branches. Arrange the apples in ordinary plastic bags, lower them into the hole, line the sides and top the crop with spruce branches and sprinkle with earth. Remember to mark the storage area with a peg or other suitable item.

It is necessary to bury apples in the ground only with the onset of sub-zero temperatures (from -5 to -7 ° C).

Treat with carbon dioxide


Sort the fruits, put them in bags and use a carbonation siphon to inject carbon dioxide there. Then carefully seal each bag and store in a dark, cool and dry place.

Fruits treated with carbon dioxide can stay fresh for up to five months. It is best to store such apples on a glassed-in balcony or in the hallway (if it's an apartment) or in the cellar (if it's a private house).

Exposure to ultraviolet light


Apples can be processed using a bactericidal ultraviolet lamp (BUF-60). Experienced summer residents say that this method helps to keep fruits fresh until spring.

To prepare apples for wintering, lay them on a horizontal surface, set the lamp at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the fruits and turn it on. Processing should last at least 30 minutes. During this time, the fruits must be turned over once for uniform processing.
