Design Decisions That Should Be Left In The Past
Design Decisions That Should Be Left In The Past

7 interior design solutions that should be left in the past


Fashion trends in interior design are changing rapidly. When starting a repair, you need to pay attention to details that have lost their relevance for a very long time.

Drywall niches


A very popular, but too outdated solution for wall decoration today only takes away the usable space of the room.

Partitions for zoning space are still convenient and easy to make from plasterboard structures.

Sophisticated illuminated ceiling


The technology is in many ways similar to the previous paragraph, but at the same time it is expanded due to tensioning systems.

Nowadays, ordinary ceilings are relevant without strange wavy lines, steps, an endless number of spotlights and decorative elements.

Furniture set


This is especially true for the so-called walls in the living room.

It will turn out much more original if you assemble your own set of elements from different lines or even styles.

One kind of wallpaper for the whole room


A room in which all the walls and ceiling are in the same color is a rather boring sight, and sometimes tasteless.

In this case, the interior receives an original spot that harmonizes or contrasts with other structural elements of the room, not only by the color palette, but also, for example, by the texture or type of finishing material.



Another relic of the past. The once popular thing is now considered a waste of useful space, which does not affect the interior too well.

A cumbersome corner, which often has several dust collectors under the seats, should be preferred to a traditional table and chairs.

Acid shades in the kitchen


A typical fashion magazine about interiors for 2005 is a bright green kitchen with a clear overkill of gloss. It is possible that it was fashionable then, but designers have long since switched to calmer color palettes in soft pastel tones.

It also saves space, which is especially true in kitchens with limited space.

Artificial flowers


Of course, plastic flowers do not need to be looked after, but they also cause visual harm to the living space.

Just a couple will be enough to radically change the design of the living space.
