Vriezia: All The Nuances Of Flower Care At Home + Photos And Videos
Vriezia: All The Nuances Of Flower Care At Home + Photos And Videos

All the subtleties of caring for vriezia at home


Vriezia is not a very capricious plant, but it requires attention. With our care tips, you can ensure the optimal conditions for this vibrant flower in your home, and you may be able to create a bromeliad tree. You will also learn about the breeding methods of Vriezia, the pests that infect this plant, and measures to combat them.


  • 1 Description

    • 1.1 Most popular varieties (table)
    • 1.2 Photo gallery: varieties of vriezia
  • 2 Landing rules

    • 2.1 Transfer

      2.1.1 Step by step transplant process

  • 3 Location
  • 4 Home care

    • 4.1 Watering
    • 4.2 Fertilizers
    • 4.3 Flowering period
    • 4.4 Rest period
    • 4.5 Table: Seasonal Vriese Care
  • 5 Maintenance errors and their elimination (table)
  • 6 Video: how to properly care for vriese
  • 7 Disease and pest control and prevention (table)

    7.1 Photo gallery: how to recognize pests of vriezia

  • 8 Reproduction

    • 8.1 Reproduction by shoots - step by step process
    • 8.2 Seed germination process
  • 9 Bromeliad tree
  • 10 Reviews of florists


Vriezia is one of the most decorative representatives of the numerous bromeliad family. Perennial. Refers to epiphytic (growing or permanently attached to other plants) herbaceous plants. Vriezia is home to the rainforests of South and Central America, including southern Argentina and Brazil. The plant is also widespread in the West Indies.


Bright flowers of an unusual shape attract attention

In 1843, the genus Vriesium was isolated from the Tillandsia genus by the botanist John Lindley. The plant was named after the famous Dutch botanist and physician Willem Henrik de Vries (Fries).


Tillandsia and Vriezia are very similar

Vriezia leaves are leathery, curved in shape, have smooth edges. They form a rosette, the center of which is a container for collecting rainwater. Many plant species have various colors in the form of stripes and spots, some are covered with scales. There are also solid colors. The length of the leaves reaches from 20 to 80 cm. The width of the leaf is 4 to 8 cm.

The peduncle is long, sometimes reaching up to 1 meter. On it, spike-shaped multi-flowered inflorescences are formed, with bracts of various colors. They can be monochromatic - red, yellow or multicolored - red-orange, yellow-red. Bracts last for a long time - several months, flowers wither very quickly. The fruit is a box, inside of which are seeds with tuft-shaped appendages.

The roots of the flower are voluminous and weak. They have practically lost the function of absorbing nutrients and serve to attach and retain vriezia on the substrate. Vriezia receives the necessary nutrition and moisture from the leaf funnel.

Under natural conditions, the plant grows in tropical rainforests at an altitude of 2500 m above sea level. With the help of roots, it attaches to the bark of trees (it does not feed on tree sap), snags, rocks. In the southeast of Brazil, the cliffs are carpeted with various types of vriese and tillandsia.


Vriezia in natural conditions

Vriezia is very unpretentious and can successfully adapt to home conditions. But do not forget that Vriezia is a resident of the tropics and before buying it is worth considering whether you can provide the plant with suitable conditions throughout the year.

The most popular varieties (table)

Vriezia is incredibly popular both in our country and abroad. This is due to the fact that some species bloom during the New Year and Christmas holidays. Agree that such a flower will decorate with its presence not only an apartment, but also an office and a shop window, bringing a festive touch to the surrounding atmosphere.

Vriesia varieties can be conditionally divided into two groups: with monochromatic leaves and variegated

Variety Description
Beautiful or Shiny (Splendens) The variety is bred through selection and is considered the best for indoor cultivation. Leaves are few, lanceolate, wide, collected in a funnel-shaped rosette. Hard. The scales cover the leaf on both sides. The length of the leaf is up to 80 cm. The edges are curved and sharp. The color is dark green with transverse dark purple stripes. Because of this color, the variety began to be called "Tiger Vriezia". Long, sometimes up to 1 meter, the peduncle is crowned with a spike-shaped inflorescence. The bract is colored red-orange or bright red. The flowers are yellow. The flowering period is in February, again in May - July. Blooms for a long time, up to six months. Refers to epiphytic or terrestrial plants.
Sanders (Saundersii) The leaves are bent down, wide, belt-like, up to 30 cm long, up to 5 cm wide. The rosette is wide - up to 60 cm high. The upper part of the leaf is covered with ash-colored scales, the lower part has brown lines and specks. Straight peduncle. Inflorescence in the form of a panicle, consisting of several brushes with 5 - 8 flowers and up to 14 cm in size. Bracts are keeled, two-row. The color is pale green or yellow. The flowering period is from October to December. Terrestrial plant.
Hieroglyphic It is considered one of the most beautiful. The leaves are lanceolate, arcuate, wide and shiny, with a pointed tip. They reach 75 cm in length and 8 cm in width. Assembled in a funnel-shaped rosette. The color of the leaves is dark green with beautiful transverse stripes of light green. Panicle-shaped inflorescence up to 50 cm high. Bracts are green, flowers are yellow. There are hybrids with bright yellow and red bracts.
Vriezia Era Medium-sized plant. Leaves are bright green with transverse stripes. A distinctive feature is the peduncle. It is elongated, bright red.
Varieties with solid leaves
Vriezia Kelevata (Carinata) This variety is medium in size. The length of the leaf is up to 27 cm, the width is up to 3.2 cm. The leaves are wide, lingual, soft, light green or yellowish green, covered with barely visible scales. Funnel-shaped rosette. The peduncle is straight, but often drooping, very thin. It reaches a height of 35 cm. Inflorescences are few-flowered, wide and short, similar to a square. About 4.5 cm long. Bracts are narrow and thin, bright red with a yellow or green margin. Flowers on short stalks are yellow. Blooms in June-July, re-blooms in November-December. Refers to epiphytic or terrestrial plants.
Elan The leaves are deep green, smooth, slightly turned outward, collected in a rosette. The peculiarity of the bract is in its branching. The color varies from light to dark red. The beginning of flowering is regulated by the creation of suitable conditions.
Mix It has solid, bright green shiny leaves. The inflorescence looks like a fluffy bouquet of bright flowers. Bracts are scaly. Coloring is represented by a whole palette of colors - from yellow to red. It retains decorative qualities for a long time.

Photo gallery: varieties of vriezia

Vriezia Era
Vriezia Era

Vriezia Era

Vriezia Hieroglyphic
Vriezia Hieroglyphic
Vriezia Sanders
Vriezia Sanders
Vriezia Sanders
Vriezia the Shiny
Vriezia the Shiny
Vriezia the Shiny
Vriezia Mix
Vriezia Mix
Vriezia Elan
Vriezia Elan
Vriezia Kelevata
Vriezia Kelevata
Vriezia Kelevata

Landing rules

First, choose a suitable pot:

  • It should be short, up to 15 cm high, with a wide top. The volume must match the size of the root system.
  • Drainage holes are required.
  • We give preference to a ceramic pot. Since the leaf rosette of Vriezia can be bulky and heavy, and the root system is too small, the plastic pot can turn over.
  • If you still chose a plastic pot, then after transplanting the plant, place it in a ceramic planter. This will make the plant more resilient and decorative. Remember to empty the planter after watering.
Vriezia in pots
Vriezia in pots

Ceramic pots will give the plant a more decorative look

The substrate in which it is supposed to grow Vriezia must be loose and nutritious. You can use ready-made bromeliad mix. Some growers prepare the mixture themselves. It includes:

  • Light turf land - 2 parts.
  • Fibrous peat - 1 part.
  • Leafy land - 1 part.
  • Coarse sand - 1/3 part.
  • Some charcoal.

For epiphytic plants, a mixture of crushed pine bark, sphagnum moss, high-moor peat with the addition of charcoal is used.


Vriezia does not tolerate transplantation very well. After it, the plant may not develop for a long time. The root system develops extremely slowly, therefore, an adult plant is transplanted no more than once every 3 to 5 years. The transplant is indicated in two cases:

  1. When a plant propagates.
  2. If you bought Vriezia in shipping soil.

It is best to do the transplant during the active growth phase - in the spring or early summer. Young plants can be transplanted a couple of times before the first inflorescence appears. The flowering plant is not transplanted - you need to wait until the end of flowering.

Step by step transplant process

  1. In the selected pot, 1/3 of its volume, we pour drainage from expanded clay or broken shards: this will save the vriezia from stagnation of water in the roots. Add charcoal to the drainage - it will prevent soil acidification and the development of infection when waterlogged.
  2. Pour a layer of soil on top, approximately equal to the drainage layer.
  3. Carefully remove the Vrieseia from the pot so as not to damage the roots and place it in a new one.

    Vriezia transplant
    Vriezia transplant

    Do not damage the roots when transplanting

  4. We install the plant in a prepared pot and add soil.
  5. To distribute the soil evenly, gently tap the pot on the table several times. The soil will settle and it will be possible to fill up a little more.
  6. The top layer of soil can be slightly crushed with your fingers. But don't overdo it to avoid damaging your roots.
  7. Place the vriezia in a warm and bright place free of drafts. Pour into a power outlet. To maintain constant humidity, the pot can be placed on a pallet with pebbles or expanded clay, which are periodically sprayed with water.


The place should be well lit. For a permanent location, windows facing west or east are well suited. The north side will do as well. The sun in the morning and afternoon is good for the flower formation process. It is necessary to shade the plant from direct sunlight in the summer. In winter, you can put the vriezia at the south window. The plant benefits from airing, but drafts must be excluded.

In the summer, the plant can be taken out onto the balcony, but shaded from the sun. Keep away from batteries in winter.

Home care


Vriezia needs regular but moderate watering throughout the year. From spring to autumn, watering is carried out with soft, settled water. It should be poured directly into the leaf outlet. Before watering, the water must be defended for at least 6 hours and heated to 22 degrees.


Pour water into a leaf outlet

In the summer, the water in the leaf funnel should be changed every 3 days, blotting it with a napkin. If you do not follow this rule, the water in the outlet will stagnate and this will lead to the death of the plant. Also, make sure that no dirt or dust gets into the leaf outlet when watering. This can also have dire consequences for the plant. In the summer, it is recommended to water the vriezia 3 to 4 times a week.

In hot weather, when the temperature can be above 20 degrees, you should additionally moisten the earthen substrate by spraying it from a spray bottle. Do this regularly as soon as the topsoil begins to dry out. Do not forget to spray the leaves of the plant (on very hot days, the spraying procedure can be carried out twice a day) and dust them off with a damp cloth. After watering, the water from the sump must be drained. Vriezia can die due to stagnant water in the roots.

In winter, the water from the leaf outlet must be removed if the room temperature drops below 20 degrees. The combination of low temperature and water in the outlet can lead to fungal infections. If the air temperature is within normal limits, then you can pour water into the outlet for several hours a day, and then blot it with a napkin. We reduce watering to one, maximum two times a week.


When an inflorescence appears, do not pour water into the outlet

In the case of growing vriezia not in the substrate, it should be carefully detached from the carrier every 10 days and placed in a container of water for a couple of hours. After that, the water is allowed to drain and the plant is returned to its place.


Top dressing of Vriese is carried out from March to September, using fertilizers for bromeliads or orchids. As a last resort, you can use universal fertilizers for flowering plants. To do this, they must be diluted in more water than indicated on the package. The concentration of fertilizers should be 25% of the specified rate, otherwise you can harm the plant. But, whatever fertilizer you use, it should be remembered that they are applied foliarly, pouring into an outlet or spraying the leaves. It makes no sense to pour fertilizer under the root, since the root is not able to absorb nutrients. Vriezia should be fertilized during the growing season no more than 2 times a month.

In winter, the feeding of Vrieseia stops.

Flowering period

The flowering period in Vriezia begins at 3 - 4 years of life and lasts up to several months. It should be borne in mind that each variety has its own flowering time frame.

If suddenly the plant refuses to bloom, then you can help it. To do this, make a small greenhouse around the plant and put a ripe banana or apple inside. Ripening fruits will release ethylene, which will speed up the flowering process by six months. The fruits will have to be changed periodically so that they do not rot and attract midges.

The reason for the long non-flowering may be cold air, which slows down the beginning of the process (but such conditions are good for the formation of children). But if you take care of Vriezia, observing all temperature norms, rules for watering and feeding, then it will delight you with colorful flowers on time.

The flowering process of a plant can be easily identified by the faded colors of the bract, its scales become soft, turn brown and die off. After the plant has faded, if you are not going to wait for the formation of seeds, the peduncle must be carefully cut off. After that, the outlet begins to gradually die off. In the process of dying away, babies begin to form around the mother plant. This process is lengthy: from a year to two. The dying leaves of the mother plant are gradually cut off.

Vriezia faded
Vriezia faded

The faded bract of vriezia loses its color and dries up

Dormant period

The dormant period of Vriezia occurs between October and February. During this period, the optimum temperature for the plant should be between 18 and 22 degrees. Top dressing stops. Watering should be extremely careful.

Table: seasonal care for vriese

Seasons Lighting Air humidity Watering Temperature
Spring Bright diffused light. Humidity should be kept at 70 - 80%. Spray twice a day, and on the hottest days - 3 times. Put the pot on a pallet with wet pebbles or expanded clay. Once a week, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. From May to September, with a properly selected substrate, water every other day, pouring a little water into a leaf outlet. The water in the outlet should be changed every 3 days. Moisten the soil, letting it dry slightly before moisturizing again. Feels comfortable at 24 - 26 degrees. Sharp temperature changes are not desirable. It can withstand the summer heat of 30 degrees. The maximum allowable temperature is 32 degrees.
Summer Shade the plant from direct sunlight from 11 to 17 hours.
Autumn Bright diffused light. In winter, can be placed on the south window. Spray once a day. If the temperature drops critically, stop spraying. Spraying is mandatory when the central heating is on. Watering frequency is reduced. If the air temperature drops below 20 degrees, water is removed from the outlet. In cold weather, only the soil is moistened. The ground should dry well before the next moistening. The temperature during the resting period is 18 - 22 degrees. If it falls below 15, additional heating is needed, otherwise the plant will die. Soil temperature is not lower than 18 degrees.

Care errors and their elimination (table)

Problem Cause Elimination

Light brown spots

on the leaves.

Contact with leaves of direct sunlight. Shade the plant from direct sun.
Dry brown spots appear on the tips of the leaves.
  • Watering is carried out with hard water.
  • Lack of water in the leaf outlet.
  • It is best to use rain or melt water for watering. Tap water must be allowed to stand for at least 6 hours before watering.
  • Water the plant into a leaf outlet.
The plant does not bloom. There is not enough light, warmth and moisture. Place the plant in a well-lit and warm place and follow watering rules.
The plant grows very slowly.
  • The air is too dry.
  • Cold room.
  • Increase air humidity.
  • Move the plant to a warmer room.
The plant rots.
  • Waterlogged soil.
  • Stagnation of water in the leaf outlet and in the sump.
  • The soil must dry out before wetting.
  • The water in the leaf outlet is changed every 3 days.
  • Water is poured out of the sump.
  • In winter, watering is reduced.
The flower quickly faded. When sprayed, moisture enters the bracts. Spray the flowering plant carefully to avoid moisture getting on the bracts.

Leaves and inflorescences

lose their decorative effect.

Lack of sunlight. Place the plant in a well-lit area.
The death of a non-flowering plant. Waterlogged soil. Water according to the rules.

Video: how to properly care for vriese

Disease and pest control and prevention (table)

Problem Symptoms Prevention and treatment
Shield Brown tubercles appear on the leaves. The leaves are withering.
  • Treat with Aktellik or Aktara - 15 -20 drops per 1 liter of water.
  • If there are not very many scabbards, it can be removed mechanically - with a napkin dipped in a weak soapy solution. After 3 - 4 days, repeat the procedure until the pest is completely eliminated.
  • Folk remedies - tincture of onion peel or garlic arrows.
  • On the leaves, and especially in the axils, fluffy lumps of white appear.
  • The decorative qualities of the plant deteriorate.
  • The leaves are deformed, dry and fall off.
  • Processing Aktara, Fitoverm according to the instructions.
  • With severe damage, treatment with an emulsion of karbofos is indicated.
Red spider mite
  • The leaves are covered with thin filaments resembling a cobweb, on which whitish dots are visible.
  • The mite colony sucks the juices out of the plant.

    The plant begins to stagnate.

  • A plant affected by a tick is treated with Decis or Zolon.
  • If there are many pests, the plant can be washed under a warm shower.
  • For prevention purposes, the plant should be moistened with warm water more often.
Root worm Ovipositions are formed on the roots, especially at the root collar. The roots rot.
  • The root system is checked annually in the spring.
  • Watering decreases.
  • If a pest is detected, the plant is treated with a 3% solution of Karbofos or Fazalon.
  • In case of very severe damage, the plant is best destroyed.
Leaf spot This fungal disease affects the leaves. They become covered with small, rounded transparent blisters. Then the affected areas are covered with gray-black stripes.
  • Spray with fungicide.
  • Adjust watering.
  • When the form is neglected, the plant is destroyed.

Photo gallery: how to recognize pests of vriezia

Scabbard plant
Root worm
Root worm
Root worm
Red spider mite
Red spider mite
Red spider mite


Vriezia reproduces in two ways: lateral shoots and seeds.

At home, Vriezia is almost always propagated by side shoots. After flowering, the mother plant begins to die off, but at the same time it gives life to young plants. You should not rush to transplant them. Roots should form on the side shoots. In addition, young plants must necessarily reach half of the growth of the mother plant. This process can take 8 to 12 months. Experienced growers recommend starting the rooting process of lateral shoots no earlier than 2 years after the start of their formation. During this time, the children will become quite stronger and acquire their own root system.

Reproduction by shoots - a step by step process

  1. Carefully remove the mother plant along with the side shoots from the pot.


    Mother plant with side shoots

  2. Free the roots from the soil by rinsing them in water.
  3. Use a sharp knife to separate the shoots from the old plant so that each shoot has roots.
  4. Sprinkle the slices with crushed coal.
  5. Treated shoots should dry out for about a day.
  6. Pour a layer of drainage and soil into the prepared pot.
  7. Place the side shoot in the center and add the rest of the soil.


    Rooted lateral shoots of Vriezia

A planted Vriezia shoot needs warmth, so we cover the pot with a mini greenhouse or a glass jar, keeping the temperature inside at 26 - 28 degrees. After a month, you can do small airings, gradually increasing the time the plant stays outside the greenhouse. After another month of hardening, the greenhouse can be removed completely. You can transplant a young plant in a year. Young Vriezias are cared for like adults.

Seed propagation is most often used in greenhouses. This method does not guarantee success; moreover, it is very time consuming. It is very difficult to obtain plant seeds at home. To do this, you need to use artificial pollination - with the help of a soft brush, transfer the pollen of one flower to another. If you succeed, then you can try to get new plants from seeds.

Seed germination process

  1. Wait for the seed box to dry and crack.
  2. The extracted seeds are left in a warm place to dry for a day (avoid sunlight).

    Vriese seeds
    Vriese seeds

    Vriese seeds

  3. Before sowing, treat the seeds in a weak solution of manganese or fungicide and dry.
  4. Pour a disinfected mixture of equal parts of peat and sand into a container for germination.
  5. Spread the seeds evenly on the prepared soil mixture.
  6. Moisten evenly with a spray bottle and cover with plastic wrap or glass.
  7. The temperature inside the shelter should be 25 degrees.
  8. Ventilate and moisten the seedbed periodically.
  9. If all norms are observed, shoots will appear in about a month.
  10. After the appearance of the third true leaf, make a pick into separate pots.
  11. After 6 months, repot the plant again and care for it like an adult.

A plant bred from seeds does not retain varietal characteristics. In addition, it will take a long 5 years to wait for flowering, possibly longer

Bromeliad tree

Bromeliad tree
Bromeliad tree

Bromeliad tree surprisingly to everyone

Everyone is used to growing Vrieseia in pots. But because of the flower's ability to grow on snags and tree bark, a great opportunity opens up for you: to create a miracle with your own hands called a bromeliad tree. For this you need:

  • Find a suitable medium - a snag or branch you like.
  • Place it firmly in the container. The main thing is to strengthen the structure very firmly using stones, plaster or polyurethane foam.
  • Wrap the roots of the vriese with sphagnum moss and strengthen it with a thin fishing line.
  • Place the plants all over the support and secure with fishing line or wire.
  • Tree maintenance will include spraying moss and watering into a leaf outlet. Once every 10 days, the plants will need to be dipped in water, having previously disconnected them from the carrier, and then returned to their place.

Florist reviews

Graduate student








A large selection of varieties and various colors of Vriese attracts the attention of home gardeners. Growing a bright tropical flower at home is not a difficult task if you follow some rules. The plant will certainly thank you for your patience and will give you many months of admiring beautiful flowers.
