Philodendron: All The Nuances Of Flower Care At Home + Photos And Videos
Philodendron: All The Nuances Of Flower Care At Home + Photos And Videos

Philodendron - tropical jungle at your home


Philodendrons are very diverse and are suitable for growing not only in greenhouses and conservatories - there are many varieties for breeding at home. And creating optimal conditions for keeping and caring for a plant is a feasible task even for a beginner in floriculture.


  • 1 Philodendron: is a plant suitable for the home?

    • 1.1 Popular varieties of philodendrons - table

      1.1.1 Variety of Philodendrons: Photo Gallery

    • 1.2 Seasonal Containment Procedures - Table
  • 2 Features of planting and transfer

    • 2.1 Plant location
    • 2.2 Landing rules
    • 2.3 Features of the transfer
    • 2.4 Transplanting a philodendron using the transshipment method - video
  • 3 Plant care

    • 3.1 Watering
    • 3.2 Top dressing
    • 3.3 Blooming at home
    • 3.4 Rest period
    • 3.5 Maintenance errors and their elimination - table
  • 4 Diseases and pests

    • 4.1 Pests of philodendron and the fight against them - table

      4.1.1 Harmful insects in the photo

  • 5 Breeding methods

    • 5.1 Propagation by cuttings and leaves
    • 5.2 Rooting of air layers
    • 5.3 Planting a woody stem
    • 5.4 Growing from seed
  • 6 Philodendron in indoor floriculture - video
  • 7 Reviews of florists

Philodendron: is a plant suitable for the home?

Philodendron is one of the most popular plants in home floriculture, belongs to the Aroid family. It is an evergreen, perennial plant. Since not all species are described, their numbers range from 250 to 900.

The name comes from two Greek words - phileo, which means to love, and dendron - tree. The name very accurately conveys the main feature of the plant, namely the ability through roots to attach to the nearby trees, which become a natural support for the philodendron. In fact, a philodendron is a liana with a semi-herbaceous or woody stem. There are species that have a rather strong, stable stem, which allows the plant to rise to the desired height without support.


Philodendron attaches to trees with aerial roots

Leaves, depending on the species, have different lengths - from 11 centimeters to 2 meters and width up to 90 centimeters. The location is alternate. In shape, there are ovoid, arrow-shaped, heart-shaped, oval and other shapes. Philodendron has an interesting property - one and the same plant does not have a specific leaf shape. Young leaves look like a heart at first, but change size and shape as they grow. The color is mainly dark green, with the upper side of the leaf plate being colored more intensely than the lower one. Species with crimson leaves are less common. Mostly young leaves have purple color, which lose this color as they grow.

Another interesting feature of the plant is that it has two types of leaves:

  1. Scaly - it protects the vegetative bud. These leaves are called cataphylls. They are permanent and deciduous.
  2. An ordinary leaf located on a long petiole.
Philodendron trunk
Philodendron trunk

On the trunk of the philodendron, traces of fallen leaves and cataphylls are visible

Philodendron roots are of two types: aerial and underground. Thanks to the aerial roots, the philodendron attaches to the support and receives food and water. Aerial roots have slight differences, it all depends on their purpose. Those that hold the philodendron on the tree are short, numerous and covered with villi. The nourishing roots are longer and thicker, able to break through the soil. Very often these roots replace an underground root system that has been damaged and died.

The inflorescence is an ear, wrapped in a blanket, colored in shades of pink, purple, pale green and red. The flowers are bisexual. In a greenhouse they bloom more readily than when grown at home.

Philodendron inflorescence
Philodendron inflorescence

Philodendron inflorescences are varied in color

The fruit of the philodendron ripens at different times, depending on the species, and is a berry with small seeds inside.

Philodendron in nature
Philodendron in nature

Philodendron grows in tropical rainforests

Popular varieties of philodendrons - table

Name Plant appearance



clinging, creeping)

Size up to 2 m. Shoots are thin and flexible. Leaves are dense and shiny, heart-shaped, whole-cut. In length - up to 15 cm, in width - 8 cm. Color - dark green. Young leaves have a bronze tint.
Blushing Height - up to 1.8 m. Shoots are fragile and thin. The trunk lignifies with age. The inflorescence is white. The leaf shape is elongated, pointed at the end. Petioles are long, dark red at the base. The length of the leaf is up to 30 cm, the width is up to 25 cm. The outer side of the leaf plate is painted green, glossy. Internal - with a reddish tint.
Atom The plant is compact, with an erect stem. The leaf shape is very decorative - five-lobed, the edges are wavy. The leaf plates are painted bright green, glossy shining. Length - up to 30 cm.
Guitar-shaped Evergreen liana up to 2 m high. A young leaf is shaped like an elongated heart. An adult is deep-lobed, resembles a guitar, up to 30 cm long.
Radiant The plant is fast growing and unpretentious, medium in size. The leaf is up to 20 cm long, medium hard, strongly dissected.



Fast growing vine. A lance-shaped leaf, up to 45 cm long, glossy. Green color. With age, the leaf plates become more carved and wavy.
Cobra Creeping vine. The leaf is dark green with light spots. The shape is elongated, with a sharp tip. Leaf length up to 14 cm, with vertical cultivation - up to 25 cm.
Sello The trunk is smooth, lignified, up to 3 m high. Traces of fallen leaves are visible on the trunk. The leaves are triangular-heart-shaped, deeply double pinnately dissected. There are 10 or more narrow-lanceolate lobes on the sheet. The length of the sheet plate is up to 90 cm.
Xanadu Under indoor conditions it reaches 1.5 m. Young leaves are soft, poorly separated. Over time, they acquire rigidity and grow up to 40 cm in length. They become strongly peeing.
Lobular Liana is evergreen, climbing. Branches of medium thickness, flexible. Leaves are dark green, leathery. The form is ovoid, turning into three times dissected. Subsequently can share 5 shares. The petioles are long and approximately equal to the length of the leaf - up to 40 cm.
Golden black Liana climbing. Leaves are bronze-green, velvety. The top is covered with streaks of golden color, the underside is reddish. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate, hanging, up to 80 cm long.

Variety of philodendrons: photo gallery

Philodendron golden black
Philodendron golden black
Philodendron golden black
Lobed philodendron
Lobed philodendron
Lobed philodendron
Philodendron Xanadu
Philodendron Xanadu
Philodendron Xanadu
Philodendron Sello
Philodendron Sello
Philodendron Sello
Philodendron Cobra
Philodendron Cobra
Philodendron Cobra
Philodendron spear
Philodendron spear
Philodendron spear
Philodendron radiant
Philodendron radiant
Philodendron radiant
Philodendron Guitar
Philodendron Guitar
Philodendron Guitar
Philodendron Atom
Philodendron Atom
Philodendron Atom
Philodendron blushing
Philodendron blushing
Philodendron blushing
Philodendron climbing
Philodendron climbing
Philodendron climbing

Seasonal Containment Procedures - Table

Season Humidity Temperature Lighting
  • Humidify the air around the plant.
  • Spray the support.
  • Place the flower on a pallet with moistened expanded clay.
  • Wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth (spray the velvet leaves only).
  • Take a shower once a week.
  • Comfortable from 23 to 28 ° С.
  • In case of high humidity, it can withstand higher temperatures.
  • It is recommended to grow only in well-ventilated rooms.
  • Provide bright, diffused light.
  • Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Spray regularly with the heaters switched on.
  • Move away from batteries.
  • If the air temperature is below a comfortable one, exclude spraying.
  • Not lower than 15 ° С.
  • The soil temperature should be higher than room temperature.
  • At temperatures below 12 ° C, the plant will die.

Features of landing and transplantation

Plant location

Philodendron is a shade-tolerant plant. But with insufficient illumination, the shoots will stretch out, the leaves become smaller, and varieties with variegated leaves will lose their color. Direct sunlight will also not be beneficial. The best option is to place the plant near the east window. If the windows face south, it is better to hide the philodendron in the middle of the room.


The best place for a plant will be the east window.

Landing rules

The new planting pot should be high enough and with a wide top, given the fact that the aerial roots of the philodendron can take root, and higher than the previous one by 5-7 cm. Too large a pot can cause waterlogging of the soil, which is undesirable. Drainage holes are required.

Philodendron in a pot
Philodendron in a pot

A tall pot is suitable for a philodendron

In nature, philodendrons grow on soils that include fallen leaves and decayed wood. When buying an earthen mixture in a store, you should opt for light earth for Saintpaulias. The main requirement for the soil is good water and air permeability. If you decide to prepare the mixture yourself, then you will need:

  • 3 parts of garden soil;
  • 2 parts of peat;
  • 4 parts orchid bark;
  • 1 part perlite.

There is another option, which includes:

  • 1 part of sod land;
  • 3 pieces of sheet;
  • 1 part sand.

The finished mixture should be light and loose, easily permeable to water, with neutral or weak acidity, pH 5.5–7

Don't forget to prepare the support. You can buy it in the store, or you can make it yourself. For small plants, it is better to make a rigid wire frame or put a trellis. For more impressive specimens, take a wooden stick, branch or piece of plastic pipe and wrap it with fibrous material or sphagnum moss. The philodendron curling along the support will take up little space in the apartment.

Transplant features

Adult plants are transplanted every 2-3 years, and young plants are transplanted annually. In too large specimens, you can update the topsoil without replanting. To do this, remove 5 cm of the old soil and replace it with a new one.


For large specimens, it is enough to change the top layer of the earth to a new one every year.

The transplant is performed in the following cases:

  • The soil is compacted or covered with moss.
  • The roots grow through the drainage holes, or the leaves become smaller, indicating a cramped pot.
  • Mineral substances accumulate excessively, which appear in the form of white streaks on the soil.
  • There are pests or signs of philodendron disease in the soil. In this case, it is necessary to remove the old soil and cut off diseased roots.
Philodendron transplant
Philodendron transplant

The plant should be transplanted immediately after purchase.

Step-by-step transplant process:

  1. Place a layer of drainage in the prepared pot.
  2. Top up with a layer of soil.
  3. Gently remove the philodendron from the old pot, trying to keep an earthen ball and not disturb the roots.
  4. Place the plant in the center of the new pot along with the support. If you stick it after planting, you can damage the roots.
  5. Top up the soil from all sides, then spill it with water. The soil will settle and fill all the voids. Add the remaining soil and water again.
  6. When planting, do not deepen the root collar.

Philodendron transplant by transshipment method - video

Plant care


The inhabitants of the rainforest, philodendrons, are very fond of moisture. In spring and summer, regular and abundant watering should be done, allowing the top layer of the earth to dry out slightly. It should be watered with soft water at room temperature, which has settled for at least 6 hours. Tap water will make the soil saline or alkaline, which can lead to plant death. Rain or melt water is the best option.

In autumn, watering is gradually reduced. By winter, they are minimized, but the earthy coma is not allowed to dry out.


Philodendrons love moisture

Top dressing

For normal development, the philodendron needs feeding. Young plants especially depend on them during active growth, but do not overfeed them, as an excess of fertilizer will cause poor formation of young foliage.

From March to September, adult plants are fed every week with 2–3 times diluted complex mineral fertilizers or once every 2 weeks with the same fertilizers, but in the prescribed concentration. The composition of dressings should include nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in equal proportions. Make sure that fertilizers do not contain calcium salts.

Organic fertilizers will bring many benefits to the philodendron. Manure diluted in water to a light straw color will be an ideal top dressing. It should be applied after watering.

In winter, plant feeding is not stopped, but only reduced to 1 time per month. But if the philodendron is kept at low temperatures, then feeding should be stopped.

For large tree philodendrons, well-rotted compost is added to the topsoil every summer

Blooming at home

Philodendrons usually bloom in greenhouses or conservatories. It is almost impossible to achieve this phenomenon at home. However, there are species that can please with flowering at home. These include: Xanadu, Reddening, Scaly, Warty, Two-feathery, Silver Queen. In order for the plant to bloom, you need to create an environment close to the natural conditions of the habitat: taking into account the humidity, temperature, soil composition, correctly selected fertilizers, lighting.

The philodendron flower pleases with its beauty for a very short time - just a day

Philodendron flower
Philodendron flower

At home, the philodendron practically does not bloom

Dormant period

In philodendrons, the dormant period is weak. It starts in the second half of December and lasts until early March. At this time, watering and feeding the plant is reduced, but they do not stop. The temperature is kept within 20 ° C, the flower is kept in a bright place.

Errors in care and their elimination - table

Error Cause Elimination
The leaves begin to dry from the tips, they feel like paper to the touch. Indoor air is too dry.
  • Place the pot with the plant on a pallet with wet expanded clay.
  • Spray the leaves more often.
  • Keep away from batteries in winter.
Dry light spots on the leaves. Sunburn. Protect the plant from direct sunlight.
Elongated shoots, small leaves, faded color. Lack of light. Place the plant in a brighter spot.
Rotting stems and shoots at the roots. Combination of low temperature with high humidity, heavy soil.
  • Increase the room temperature or move the plant to a warmer one.
  • Reduce watering frequency.
  • Change the soil to a lighter one.
Leaves curl. Excess fertilizer in the soil.
  • Place the plant pot in a large container of water. Let the philodendron be well hydrated. Then remove it and let the water drain. Repeat the process 2 times.
  • Or place the plant under running water for 15 minutes. It is important that the water is at room temperature and that the pot has drainage holes.
  • Maintain the correct fertilizer concentration and frequency of fertilization.
The apical leaves are small and yellow. Lack of nutrients. Increase plant nutrition.
The lower leaves turn yellow and die off. If this process is accompanied by the growth of young and healthy foliage, everything is in order. The natural process of dying off old leaves.
The leaves turn black. Cold air action. Remove the philodendron from the draft and find a warmer spot for it.
Leaves turn yellow, rust. Massive yellowing of the leaves indicates excessive watering and low temperatures.
  • Adjust watering to normal.
  • Increase the room temperature.

Diseases and pests

Philodendron, like all aroids, is very rarely sick. But on a plant that is not properly cared for, pests can settle, weaken the plant and lead to its death.

Philodendron pests and the fight against them - table

Pests Signs of defeat Treatment Preventive measures
Shield On the stems, in the axils of the leaves and on the leaves, small tubercles of light brown color are visible. Young larvae quickly spread throughout the plant.

Insecticides - Aktara or Aktellik, strictly according to the instructions.

It is best to handle outdoors, using protective gloves and a gauze bandage. If the funds are used indoors, be sure to open the window. After processing, ventilate the room.

Mechanical removal with a cloth soaked in soapy water. Repeat the procedure in a few days until the complete disappearance of the pest.
Aphid On the underside of the leaf and on the apical shoots, clusters of gray, black or green insects are noticeable. They feed on the sap of the plant. If you don't take action, the philodendron can die. For minor lesions, aphids can be removed with a sponge and soapy water.
Spider mite The affected plant is braided with a light cobweb on which a whole colony of ticks is located. The color of insects is brown, green, red. They suck the juice from the plant, the leaves are covered with small white dots. It is good to wash off the pest with a warm shower (as far as the hand can stand). Increase the humidity around the plant to at least 40%.
Thrips Small winged insects up to 1.5 mm in size. A gray-brown plaque forms on the affected leaves.

Wash off insects with soapy water.

Remove the top 10 cm of soil, replacing it with a new one, or replant the plant.

Mealybug Young shoots and leaves are affected. They become covered with cotton-like lumps. The affected parts turn yellow and fall off. Treat the plant with a sponge dipped in alcohol. After 20 minutes, rinse the philodendron under the shower.

Harmful insects in the photo

The plant affected by mealybugs appears to be covered with small balls of cotton wool
Adult thrips and their larvae
Spider mite
Spider mite
A plant affected by spider mites
Aphids reproduce very quickly and can destroy the plant.
Scabbard stalk

Reproduction methods

Philodendron propagates very easily by apical or stem shoots, cuttings, air layers. Using an aerial site is the easiest way to root a plant. You can try to propagate by seeds, but this method is more suitable for greenhouse farming.

Propagation by cuttings and leaves

  1. Carefully cut the selected apical or stem shoot with two or more leaves with a sharp knife.
  2. Sprinkle the sections with crushed activated carbon and leave to dry for several hours.
  3. Fill small pots with a mixture of peat and sand (instead of sand, you can use perlite) in equal proportions or sphagnum moss and moisten well.
  4. Press the dried cuttings into the mixture by 3 cm or spread them over so that the growing point is on top.
  5. Make a greenhouse out of a plastic bag or glass jar and place in a bright place. Temperature from 25 ° С to 30 ° С.
  6. Ventilate the greenhouse for a short time and moisten the soil every 2-3 days.
  7. After a month, you can remove the shelter.
  8. When the cuttings have roots and 2 young leaves grow, they are transplanted into slightly larger pots and looked after as if they were an adult plant.

Using the same method, you can root a leaf with aerial roots or a piece of heel. If you just cut a leaf, then it will not be possible to root it.

Philodendron cuttings
Philodendron cuttings

Rooted cuttings of philodendron

Rooting of air layers

It is very easy to propagate a philodendron with air layers. To do this, you need to choose a shoot from a climbing philodendron and lay it on a moistened peat substrate or sphagnum moss in a small pot. You can fix the shoot with a piece of bent wire, or by slightly burying it in the ground. After a month, the cuttings will take root and can be cut off from the mother plant.

Rooting layering philodendron
Rooting layering philodendron

You just need to put the shoot on moistened soil and fix

Planting a woody stem

A large plant with a woody trunk is propagated as follows:

  1. Make small cuts on the stem and sprinkle them with Kornevin.
  2. Moss the moss and attach to the incisions, wrap the top with cellophane and tie.
  3. The moss must be sealed on all sides. If this has not been achieved, it is sometimes necessary to add water to it to keep it moist.
  4. When the roots appear (they will be clearly visible through cellophane), the top is cut off and planted in a pot, after removing the bag with peat.
  5. New shoots will soon appear on the remaining stem.

Rooting a woody stem - a method suitable for adult philodendrons

Growing from seeds

Treelike forms propagate using seeds. Use only fresh seeds - it is best to purchase them in specialized stores, checking the expiration date.

  1. The seeds are soaked overnight in distilled water, then planted in a prepared mixture of peat and sand. The seeds must not be covered with soil, they must be on the surface!
  2. The container with seeds is covered with a bag and placed in a bright place, avoiding direct sunlight. The ideal temperature is not lower than 28 ° C.
  3. The container is opened when 2-3 leaves appear on the seedlings - after about 7 weeks.
  4. When the seedlings are 10 weeks old, they can be transplanted into separate pots.
Seedling of philodendron
Seedling of philodendron

Seed-grown philodendron - rare for home breeding

Philodendron in indoor floriculture - video

Florist reviews




Many growers fell in love with the philodendron because of the unusually beautiful leaves. These flowers not only bring coziness and calm beauty to the atmosphere of the house, but also help purify the air. A huge variety of shapes and colors will help you create a tropical getaway. Due to the ease of care, even a beginner in floriculture can start breeding these wonderful plants.
