How To Remove Engine Oil From Clothes, How To Remove Stains From It From Fabric
How To Remove Engine Oil From Clothes, How To Remove Stains From It From Fabric

How to remove traces of engine oil from clothes

overalls in fuel oil
overalls in fuel oil

No one is immune from the appearance of engine oil stains on clothes. You don't have to be a motorist or work with equipment to do this. Careless touching of a soiled car, a newly oiled bicycle or a children's swing - and a greasy blot appears on your favorite jacket or jeans. Such a nuisance can ruin your mood, but do not despair.


  • 1 What you need to know about oil
  • 2 Remove stains with fresh

    • 2.1 Special means
    • 2.2 Tools at hand

      • 2.2.1 Laundry soap
      • 2.2.2 Dishwashing detergents
      • 2.2.3 Gasoline
      • 2.2.4 Video: how to remove engine oil stains with gasoline
      • 2.2.5 Solvent and kerosene
      • 2.2.6 Turpentine with methyl or ammonia
      • 2.2.7 Toothpaste
  • 3 Tips from the Internet

What you need to know about oil

Engine oil is derived from petroleum. During the distillation process, black gold is divided into light and heavy fractions: the former go to the production of gasoline, and from the latter they create oil. This little digression helps to understand that engine oil stains are better removed with gasoline.

Machine oil
Machine oil

Machine oil leaves stubborn stains on clothes

The oil does not dissolve in water, which means that washing without pretreatment will not get rid of stains

Remove stains fresh

Fresh stains are easier to remove. This is especially important in the case of machine oil. Over time, the dirt is absorbed deep into the fabric, a film forms on the surface, and the oil gradually polymerizes. It will be difficult to remove such a stain.

Engine oil stains
Engine oil stains

Easier to remove fresh engine oil stains

If the stain is fresh:

  • Apply an absorbent tissue or paper towel to the stain. Do not rub, otherwise the substance will penetrate deeper into the fabric.
  • While the oil is still sticky, cover the contamination with an absorbent: crushed chalk, tooth powder, talc, starch, fine salt. Some of the dirt will be absorbed.
  • Rub soap on a fresh stain. At home, re-rub it with soap and hand wash.

    Applying an absorbent to the stain
    Applying an absorbent to the stain

    Apply an absorbent to a fresh stain - it will absorb most of the oil

Special means

Special products for washing and removing difficult stains are available in stores with household chemicals departments.

  • It is easier to use a special spray machine oil cleaner Profoam 3000, 4000, which is sold in car stores - the stains disappear instantly.
  • Powder stain removers are easy on fresh stains. When doing this, consider the type and color of the fabric. For colored products, use only oxygenated ones, for whites, chlorine ones are acceptable.

    Stain remover application
    Stain remover application

    Powder stain removers work better on oil stains

  • For difficult stains, use a special soap (Udalix, Antipyatin). Carefully read the instructions on the packaging, consider the composition of the fabric.
  • Bioclin C is a detergent for washing oiled overalls. It is a concentrated alkaline liquid intended for hand, machine wash, soaking. It is also used as an additive to washing powder.

    Soaking work clothes
    Soaking work clothes

    Special products are used for soaking and washing workwear

  • Foral-S is used for washing white and colored workwear. Removes oil and other dirt even in cold water.
  • Udalix Oxi Ultra is a powder stain remover containing oxygen bleach, surfactants and enzymes. Effective against oil stains. Works by soaking clothes in hot water.
  • Household chemicals offer stain removal sprays K2r, SA8 from Amway and others.

Wash dirty items after cleaning stains with special products. The washing mode depends on the type of fabric (the necessary information is placed on the label of the product).

Machine wash
Machine wash

Set the maximum temperature for machine wash

If your home does not have a stain remover, let alone a special spray, try to fix the problem with improvised means.

Improvised means

The simplest remedy is found in every home.

Laundry soap

Choose a soap without additives that is labeled 72%.

Laundry soap
Laundry soap

Laundry soap - a time-tested remedy for getting rid of stains

  1. Rub off any dirt with moistened soap and leave to act. No need to moisturize the fabric - the result will be worse.
  2. After a few hours, scrub the treated area with a brush.
  3. Wash the thing.

The method is cheap and affordable. Often it is possible to get rid of the stain without a trace.

Dishwashing detergents

Liquid for removing grease from dishes is also acceptable for fighting oil stains. To enhance the effect, the product is mixed with washing powder.

Dishwashing liquid
Dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing detergents can also help remove oil stains on clothes

  1. Pour liquid or gel over the stained area.
  2. Leave it on for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the product with a clean cloth.
  4. Hand wash the item with powder.


Better to use refined aviation gasoline or "Galosha" (less risk of stains on the fabric). Stock up on clean cloth or paper towels before processing. Put on gloves.


Refined gasoline effectively dissolves oil stains

Proceed as follows:

  1. Place a clean cloth under the stained cloth.
  2. Dampen the swab with gasoline and gently work from edge to center. Dissolved oil will be absorbed into the napkin, so it should be periodically changed to a clean one.
  3. Repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired result.
  4. Sprinkle baking soda over the treated area to absorb any residual product and oil (otherwise streaks may remain).
  5. Wash the product.

Video: how to remove engine oil stains with gasoline

Gasoline cleanses leather, suede, silk, wool. It is safe for natural fibers of animal origin. Light-colored fabrics may stain. Moisten the cloth around the stain with water before applying the product to avoid halo.

Solvent and kerosene

Use solvent 646, acetone is ineffective in this case. Processing is carried out in the same way as with gasoline. Pre-test on an inconspicuous area so that the fabric does not fade or damage.


Kerosene handles stains almost as well as gasoline

In this way, they get rid of stains on down jackets and coats. It is also effective for cleaning denim items.


After treating the stains, the jeans are washed by hand

Follow the instructions:

  1. Treat contamination with one of the remedies.
  2. Cover with detergent and moisten with water.
  3. Rub the stain vigorously with a brush.
  4. Wash the product.

Turpentine with methyl or ammonia

To prepare the mixture, take the same amount of turpentine and methyl or ammonia. Apply the composition with a cotton pad or swab. Repeat the processing if necessary. Then wash the product.


Turpentine is especially effective when mixed with ammonia

The mixture is used for processing fabrics from silk, wool, acetate fiber, velvet. Works even on old stains.


Ammonia is another remedy for oil stains


Use a white paste to prevent light colored fabrics from staining.

  1. Apply the product to the stain and leave to dry.
  2. Remove residues with a brush.
  3. Hand wash with powder.

The method is suitable for lightweight natural fabrics from cotton and linen.

Tips from the Internet

Some users advise using Sanox plumbing cleaner and other oxalic acid-based cleaners. If the situation is hopeless and the choice is between trying to save or throw it away, then experiment.

If you are not sure of your strengths and the effectiveness of the available arsenal of tools, it is better to contact a dry cleaner. Professionals will tidy up clothes, removing stains and leaving no halo of streaks on the fabric.

No one is immune from the appearance of oil stains on clothes. Do not rush to get upset and throw away the spoiled thing. Choose an acceptable way to deal with pollution and use it to the delight of yourself and your family.
