DIY Christmas Toy Dog - How To Make Paper, Felt And Other Materials With Photos And Videos
DIY Christmas Toy Dog - How To Make Paper, Felt And Other Materials With Photos And Videos

Making a DIY Christmas toy dog

Husky puppies
Husky puppies

The brightest and most joyful holiday is getting closer. New Year is children's dreams and belief in a miracle, the expectation of a fairy tale and a meeting with Santa Claus, the hope for the fulfillment of a cherished desire. And in your free time, you can do handicrafts and make cute New Year's toys and gifts with your children. We have selected for you several do-it-yourself dog making master classes.

The symbol of 2018 will be the Yellow Earth Dog. Her strengths include loyalty, courage, and kindness. But there are also weaknesses: stubbornness, sensitivity and conservatism.

The coming year under this symbol promises to be interesting, full of good events and travels.


  • 1 How to make a DIY Christmas toy dog

    • 1.1 Paper dachshund
    • 1.2 Running cardboard puppy
    • 1.3 Lovely felt dogs

      1.3.1 Video: Christmas toys in the form of dogs

    • 1.4 Original light bulb dog

      1.4.1 Video: How to make a dog out of a light bulb

    • 1.5 Souvenir dogs made of salt dough
    • 1.6 Dachshund made of thread
    • 1.7 Crocheted potholder dog using amigurumi technique

      1.7.1 Video: We knit a pug using the amigurumi technique

  • 2 Interesting gift ideas with the symbol of the year

    • 2.0.1 Video: Dog warmer for a mug

How to make a DIY Christmas toy dog

Yarn, paper, felt - not all materials that can be used in the manufacture of toys. What else can be used, we will tell you below.

Dachshund made of paper

One of the advantages of paper is that it is easy to work with, and parts from it are easy to glue. This is a safe material, so even kids can make toys from it.

Brown paper dachshund
Brown paper dachshund

Paper is one of the simplest and most affordable materials

For work you will need:

  • colored double-sided brown paper;
  • checkered notebook sheet;
  • ruler;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • black pen or felt-tip pen.

Step-by-step manufacturing process:

  1. Cut out the templates of the future dog from the notebook sheet.

    Dachshund templates
    Dachshund templates

    Cutting out templates

  2. We transfer the contours of the template to colored paper: body, head, 4 parts for paws, 2 ears and a tail. Carefully cut out all the details along the contour with scissors. Draw a nose for the dachshund with a pen or black felt-tip pen in the corner of the head sector.

    Dachshund head blank
    Dachshund head blank

    Draw a nose on a cone-head

  3. Gently fold the head and glue it along the seam.

    Rolled up paper cone
    Rolled up paper cone

    We fold the cone and glue it along the edges

  4. Glue the ears to the head and draw the eyes.

    Head with ears
    Head with ears

    We attach the ears to the head

  5. We fold the body part, carefully glue it along a long seam and glue the tail.

    The body of a dog with a tail
    The body of a dog with a tail

    Glue the tail to the body

  6. We glue the dog's head to the body.

    DIY paper dachshund
    DIY paper dachshund

    Glue the head

  7. We fold the details of the paws into small cylinders and glue them.

    Blanks for dog paws
    Blanks for dog paws

    We make cylinders from paper

  8. Glue the resulting blanks in pairs to the dog's body.

    Brown paper dachshund
    Brown paper dachshund

    Glue paws to the body

Running puppy made of cardboard

You can make toys and figures that are more durable and stable out of cardboard. For crafts, sheets of white or colored cardboard from the sets are suitable.

Making a doggie will require some skill. Be careful when working with wire and awl

Movable cardboard toy - running puppy
Movable cardboard toy - running puppy

To make such a toy, you will need thick cardboard

What you need to work:

  • sheets of cardboard and paper;
  • pencil and markers;
  • scissors, awl and scotch tape;
  • glue and wire;
  • elastic thread, bamboo skewer;
  • beads and buttons.
A set of materials and tools for making toys
A set of materials and tools for making toys

In addition to cardboard, you need to prepare threads, buttons and wire with an awl

Step by step actions:

  1. Cut out the stencil (you can save it to your computer and print it).

    Template for a movable puppy toy
    Template for a movable puppy toy

    Cut out the doggy pattern

  2. We transfer the contours of the template to cardboard, cut it out and make holes with an awl at the marked points.

    Blanks for toys made of cardboard
    Blanks for toys made of cardboard

    Cut out parts for the toy

  3. We make fastenings for the legs: we pull the wire through the holes in the button and align the ends. We string the body, legs and tail onto the mounts. The buttons should remain on the front of the craft.

    Assembling a puppy toy
    Assembling a puppy toy

    Pull the wire through the holes on the parts

  4. We fasten the moving parts together: in the holes shown on the stencil in one circle, thread in an elastic thread and knit one by one. In this way, we first tie the front paw to the hind paw, and then the hind paw to the tail. After that, we tighten and secure the wire.

    Attaching the wire to the toy
    Attaching the wire to the toy

    We fix the wire

  5. We tie a long rope to the thread connecting the legs. Then we will pull for it so that the puppy runs. Attach a bamboo skewer to the dog with adhesive tape.

    Toy puppy with a skewer
    Toy puppy with a skewer

    We fix the skewer with tape

  6. This is how the craft will look from the back side.

    The reverse side of a movable toy
    The reverse side of a movable toy

    Back side toy

  7. We decorate the front side of the toy: with felt-tip pens we draw the face, ear and spots. Glue a piece of braid on the neck.

    Movable toy puppy made of cardboard
    Movable toy puppy made of cardboard

    We decorate the front side of the toy

Movable toys can be used for shadow theater or home puppet shows.

Cute felt dogs

Felt dogs
Felt dogs

Felt makes cute souvenirs and toys - characters of your fairy tale

Various useful products can be sewn from cozy felt: coasters for hot dishes, bookmarks for books, key rings, various souvenirs. Products made from this soft material will not damage book pages or table surfaces. The edges of the felt do not crumble, so you can cut any details out of it. This is another plus of the material.

To make a dog you need:

  • felt of various colors;
  • scissors;
  • sewing threads;
  • floss threads;
  • sharp needle;
  • cardboard and pencil;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • collar tape.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. Choose a template, redraw it or download it. Cut out the details and transfer the contours to felt. We draw 2 details of the body, 2 ears of different colors, a nose and a detail of a spot that differs in color from the body.

    Felt, pen and scissors
    Felt, pen and scissors

    Cut out the details of the toy according to the template

  2. We carefully cut out all the details. Sew the spot and nose of the dog with a overcast seam on the muzzle. We embroider eyes and mouth with floss.

    Making a dog from felt
    Making a dog from felt

    We decorate the dog's face

  3. With the same seam we sew together the body parts, leave a small hole for stuffing with padding polyester. We fill the toy not very tightly so that the dog remains soft to the touch, then sew it up completely.

    Assembling a felt dog toy
    Assembling a felt dog toy

    We fill the toy with filler

  4. We fix the ears on the back of the head and sew on a collar from tape or braid.

    Toy dog made of felt
    Toy dog made of felt

    We fix the ears on the back

Video: Christmas toys in the form of dogs

Original dog made of light bulb

To create original Christmas decorations, you can also use unnecessary materials: disposable cups, empty plastic bottles or old burned out light bulbs.

Christmas dogs from light bulbs
Christmas dogs from light bulbs

You can collect a garland from dogs

Required tools and materials:

  • old light bulbs;
  • acrylic paints;
  • material for the hat;
  • glue;
  • braid or cord.

Such dogs will make an original garland for the Christmas tree. Instead of ordinary paints, you can use fluorescent ones, then the figures will glow in the dark.

Execution stages:

  1. Paint over the light bulb with brown color, draw the spots with paint of a different color.
  2. We draw eyes, nose and mouth.
  3. We sew a warm hat with ears from the material and glue it to the dog's head.
  4. We sew a strong cord or twine to the cap.

Video: How to make a dog from a light bulb

Salted dough souvenir dogs

Salted dough is a versatile elastic material for modeling that lends itself to any metamorphosis. Crafts are durable, durable, they can be painted with any paints.

Salted dough souvenir dogs
Salted dough souvenir dogs

Funny fridge magnet with wishes

For work you will need:

  • extra salt - 2 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • sunflower oil - 10 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • food colorings;
  • PVA glue;
  • foil;
  • knife.

Step by step actions:

  1. Mix flour, salt, water and oil into a homogeneous and dense dough that does not stick to your hands. We wrap it in plastic wrap or a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 hours.

    Making salty dough
    Making salty dough

    Kneading a dense elastic dough

  2. We draw a sketch of the dog.

    A sketch of a dog for a souvenir
    A sketch of a dog for a souvenir

    We draw a template according to which the figures will be made

  3. We take out the finished dough from the refrigerator, divide it into parts and tint with different food colors. To do this, make a depression in a piece of dough, add a few drops of paint and knead until a uniform color is obtained.

    Multi-colored Salted Modeling Dough
    Multi-colored Salted Modeling Dough

    Add dyes to the dough to get the desired color

  4. According to the sketch, we sculpt three bodies and lay them out on foil so that the dough does not stick to the table during work.

    Salt dough blanks for dog souvenirs
    Salt dough blanks for dog souvenirs

    Make blanks from pieces of dough

  5. Lubricate the upper parts of the body with glue and attach the heads.

    Making dogs from salt dough
    Making dogs from salt dough

    Glue to the body of the head

  6. On the face we make a nose, eyes and mouth.

    Souvenir dogs made of salt dough
    Souvenir dogs made of salt dough

    We design the muzzle

  7. We attach the tails and hind legs to the body.

    Attaching the tails and legs to the torso
    Attaching the tails and legs to the torso

    Glue the paws and tails

  8. For each dog, we make sausage, meat and cheese from the dough, fix it with glue.

    Salt dough dogs
    Salt dough dogs

    Attaching sausage, cheese and salted dough meat

  9. We glue the front paws and write wishes.

    Salty dough dogs with wishes
    Salty dough dogs with wishes

    Adding wishes to souvenirs

Dachshund made of thread

Funny souvenirs can be made from woolen threads.

Dachshund dog made of thread
Dachshund dog made of thread

Funny toys are quite easy to make from threads.

For work you will need:

  • bottle cork or cardboard foil roll;
  • woolen threads;
  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • Styrofoam;
  • glue.

Step-by-step manufacturing process:

  1. A cork or cardboard roll will serve as a body - the size of the dachshund depends on it.
  2. We stick a wire into the frame, while forming 4 legs, a neck and a tail. On the neck, we fix the base for the head made of foam.
  3. We wrap the dog's skeleton tightly with a woolen thread, securing the thread with glue. Lastly, glue the eyes.

    Dachshund made of woolen threads
    Dachshund made of woolen threads

    The toy is based on a bottle cork, wire and thread

  4. If instead of woolen threads you take a thin twine, you get a completely different character, but he is no less funny.

    Twine dachshund
    Twine dachshund

    Twine is also suitable for making such toys.

Crochet potholder dog using amigurumi technique

Amigurumi toys have gained popularity due to their adorableness. Put a cozy knitted dog-style heating pad in the gift bag and the recipient will melt.

Knitted potholder in the form of a dog
Knitted potholder in the form of a dog

Crochet potholder

What you need to work:

  • acrylic yarn of medium thickness in white and brown;
  • hook number 3;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

Execution stages:

  1. We knit 4 identical fabrics from white yarn according to scheme 1.

    Knitting potholder-dog pattern
    Knitting potholder-dog pattern

    We knit the parts according to the scheme, then collect them and sew them with threads

  2. We knit two ears from brown threads according to scheme 2, sew to one canvas. On it we embroider eyes and nose with floss.
  3. According to scheme 3, we knit the tongue.
  4. Then we sew all the canvases so that a recess for the hand remains in the center.

Video: We knit a pug using the amigurumi technique

Interesting gift ideas with the symbol of the year

Now you can find many interesting ideas for creativity, we bring a few of them to your attention.

Video: Dog warmer for a mug

Preparing for the New Year is a troublesome business, but pleasant and joyful. There is still time to make gifts for everyone, dress up the tree and come up with interesting activities for the winter holidays.
