How To Care For Dracaena In Winter Correctly: Watering, Feeding And Other Aspects
How To Care For Dracaena In Winter Correctly: Watering, Feeding And Other Aspects

Winter care for dracaena: helping the plant survive the cold season

dracaena in winter
dracaena in winter

It is believed that dracaena is just one of those plants that even a novice florist can handle. But this miniature palm tree also has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when leaving. In particular, this is winter care for a southern plant.

How to care for dracaena in winter

As with most plants, dracaena sinks into a dormant state as daylight decreases.

Winter watering

Watering dracaena
Watering dracaena

Watering the winter dracaena is necessary infrequently, after the topsoil has dried

According to experts, dracaena "does not like wet feet." Therefore, watering it in winter is enough twice a month. Although there is no definite answer here. The frequency of watering depends on many conditions of detention: dry air, temperature. The main thing is that the top layer of the soil dries out to a depth of 5–6 cm, and the earth lump in the depth does not dry out. Dracaena will signal the lack of watering with slightly drooping leaf tips. But the gradual fall of the lower leaves in dracaena is a natural process.

Do I need to feed

At rest, the dracaena is unlikely to assimilate those useful substances that you offer her, so it is impractical to carry out frequent feeding during this period. It will be enough to feed the plant once a month with complex fertilizer. That being said, it's best not to use options for flowering plants. "Agricola" (for ficuses) is suitable.

Agricola for ficuses
Agricola for ficuses

Agricola for ficuses can be used to feed dracaena

Is it possible to transplant

In winter, it is not recommended to transplant dracaena. If such a need arose, for example, you were presented with a plant whose roots completely filled the pot, then you can carefully transfer it into a larger pot. It is still better to postpone a full transplant until spring.

Where to place in the apartment

Dracaena does not tolerate drafts, this circumstance must be borne in mind when looking for a place for her in an apartment.


Room thermometer
Room thermometer

Dracaena requires moderate temperatures in winter.

The permissible temperature for dracaena in winter should be at least +12 - 15 o C.



Even in winter, do not put the dracaena on the southern windowsill.

In winter, dracaena does not need a lot of light. Better to put it against the wall opposite the window. Then the light will be more uniform, and dry air from the battery will have less effect. But the northern window sill may well arrange it if you put the pot on a high stand in order to protect it from excess heat coming from the battery.

Air humidity

Dracaena does not like dry air, which city apartments suffer from in winter. Therefore, you will have to carry out frequent spraying of the fluffy beauty. You can organize a dracaena home shower, while watering only the leaves, but not the soil in the pot.


Dracaena love moist air and spraying.

Video: caring for dracaena at home

And one more little advice about winter watering: it's not bad a couple of times during the winter to water the dracaena with melt water obtained from freshly fallen snow. The temperature of this water, of course, should be slightly higher than room temperature.

Flower reviews about winter care for dracaena

If you follow these simple conditions for caring for dracaena in winter, the southern beauty will delight you with its lush crown and become a source of pride for the owners.