How To Clean The Pockets Of The Washing Machine From Scale And Dirt At Home
How To Clean The Pockets Of The Washing Machine From Scale And Dirt At Home

We clean the "pockets" of the washing machine from plaque and powder: 6 working methods

Powder tray
Powder tray

The washing machine tray is easily contaminated. It can deteriorate due to poor-quality water, scale and mold can form in it, as well as a crust of wet powder. But cleaning it won't take long.

Folk remedies for cleaning the "pocket" of the washing machine

If residues of washing powder have accumulated in the tray, a film from an air conditioner has appeared, or scale begins to accumulate, then you can cope with these problems with ordinary folk remedies.

Dishwashing liquid

Ordinary dishwashing detergent is great for cleaning the tray of washing powder residues. The washing procedure is as follows:

  1. Remove the tray from the machine.
  2. Rinse it off under warm running water.
  3. Apply a small amount of dish soap to a sponge or brush and wipe down the containers in the tray. Pay special attention to joints and seams (if any).
  4. After removing all the dirt from the tray, thoroughly rinse off the remaining foam with warm water.
Dishwashing liquid
Dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing liquid will leave behind a pleasant aroma


This method can be combined with the previous ones, especially if the layer of dried powder is quite impressive, and its removal will require a lot of effort:

  1. Fill a basin with hot water. The container must be large enough to fit the tray.
  2. Place the tray in a basin. The water should completely cover it.
  3. Leave it on for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Take out the drawer and clean off any remaining softened detergent with a sponge or brush.
  5. Rinse the tray under warm running water to remove all foam.

Lemon acid

Citric acid will help remove not only dried powder, but also indelible plaque and mold:

  1. Dissolve 1 sachet of citric acid (50 g) in a bowl with 2 liters of hot water.
  2. Place the tray in the resulting solution.
  3. Leave to act for 1–2 hours.
  4. Take the tray out of the water and brush off the plaque with a brush (you can use an old toothbrush).
  5. Rinse the tray under warm running water.

Another way to use citric acid is to do a simple wash without laundry at 60 degrees. However, this method is not suitable for removing plaque - it can only remove unpleasant odors from the tray and the remains of detergents.

Baking soda

All-purpose baking soda comes in handy when cleaning the tray. It removes yellowish indelible deposits well. True, it is quite useless in the fight against mold. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Mix half a glass of baking soda with a glass of water.
  2. Remove the tray from the washing machine.
  3. Fill the tray with the mixture.
  4. Leave to act for 2-3 hours.
  5. Then, under a stream of warm water, use a brush to remove the plaque.
  6. Rinse the tray to completely remove the product.
Baking soda
Baking soda

Baking soda seems to be able to remove just about any dirt in your home.


Vinegar is the most effective folk remedy for mold. Wear gloves to keep your skin safe. It is better to carry out the treatment in a ventilated room - this way the specific smell will disappear faster. If fungus has formed in the tray, you can use the following method:

  1. Pour 9% table vinegar into a container with a spray bottle.
  2. Remove the tray from the machine body.
  3. Spray vinegar all over the surface, paying special attention to the areas where mold has formed.
  4. After an hour, wipe the tray with a brush to remove any mold.
  5. Rinse the tray thoroughly under warm water.

There is another way to treat the tray with vinegar:

  1. Pour 1 cup of 9% table vinegar and 1 liter of warm water into the basin.
  2. Place a tray in the solution.
  3. Leave to act for 1 hour.
  4. Remove the tray and dry thoroughly with a sponge or brush.
  5. Rinse off any remaining vinegar under warm running water.
Table vinegar
Table vinegar

Table vinegar is a dilute acid that fights fungus well.

Purchased tray cleaner

When a significant amount of plaque and mold appears, it is best to turn to professional products. Household chemicals designed to treat the bathroom from fungus do a good job with this task. When using all these means, it is worth wearing gloves, and the treatment should be carried out in a ventilated area:

  • Bagi "Anti-mold". The product in the form of a spray is applied to the surface of the tray, left for 5 minutes, and then washed off. "Anti-mold" has a pronounced antibacterial effect and protects well against the appearance of mold in the future. The cost starts from 350 rubles;

    Bugs "Anti-Mold"
    Bugs "Anti-Mold"

    There is also a black edition (specifically against black mold), but the universal one is better for us

  • Unicum "Against mold". This product is also available with a spray bottle for easy application. Besides mold, Unicum is good at removing unpleasant odors. The spray also works well with plaque. The cost starts from 250 rubles;

    Unicum from mold
    Unicum from mold

    For its cost, the product does an excellent job of removing and preventing the appearance of mold.

  • Quelyd "For removing mold in bathrooms and toilets." The tool quickly removes mold that has already formed and protects against its possible appearance in the future. Among the declared functions are also whitening and disinfection. The cost starts from 170 rubles.

    Quelyd "To remove mold in bathrooms and toilets"
    Quelyd "To remove mold in bathrooms and toilets"

    There are several effective remedies in the line of mold products from this brand.

If your main task is to clean the tray from scale and accumulated residues of washing powder, then use general products for caring for the washing machine. They will also perform preventive cleaning and other parts: hoses, drum, heating elements.

Suitable universal cleaning agents for the washing machine, for example:

  • Dr. Beckmann "Liquid cleaner for washing machines". The product removes unpleasant odors, scale, fungus. It has an antibacterial effect and protects against mold growth for a long time. The product is toxic, so you need to use it with gloves. Before use, the liquid is diluted in water according to the instructions - 50 ml of the product for 4 liters of water;
  • Tiret "Washing machine cleaner". The product removes scale and unpleasant odors well. The manufacturer recommends using the cleaner every two months;
  • Clean Home "Liquid for descaling." This product is based on safe substances, but at the same time it effectively copes with descaling both in the tray and throughout the machine. Clean Home removes limescale and unpleasant odors.

How to avoid contamination

To keep the tray clean as little as possible, use the tips below:

  • leave the tray slightly open after each wash. This allows moisture to evaporate and the risk of mold growth is lower;
  • wipe the tray with a dry sponge at least twice a month;
  • control the amount of washing powder. The most common reason for the appearance of a dried layer in the tray is precisely the excess of detergents;
  • If you are worried about limescale and deposits in the tray, install a water filter in front of the inlet hose. This measure will also help to extend the life of the washing machine.

Cleaning the tray is easy, especially if you know what products do well.
