Why Does A Person Twitch And Shudder In Sleep, Including When He Falls Asleep
Why Does A Person Twitch And Shudder In Sleep, Including When He Falls Asleep

Why does a person twitch in sleep and shudder when falling asleep

girl sleeping on books drawing
girl sleeping on books drawing

In the evening you go to bed, snuggled up in a soft bed. The long-awaited dream is about to come, but suddenly you wake up with the feeling that someone pulled you by the leg or pushed you. Everyone faced such a situation, and more than once. Why does a person shudder in a dream, what could be the reasons for such behavior and is it not dangerous for our health?

Because of what a person twitches in a dream

Scientists have long since figured out that sleep is a complex process consisting of several phases. If your day was too busy, including physical activity, you will feel tired by the evening. It would seem that one has only to go to bed - and sleep will come almost immediately. In fact, this is not the case. Falling into sleep takes place gradually, and the transition from one phase to another lasts about two hours.

Sleeping woman
Sleeping woman

The process of falling asleep may take about two hours.

Most often, children and people with chronic fatigue or in a stressful state shudder in a dream.

Why do children twitch in their sleep

The sleep phases of a child and an adult are significantly different. Deep sleep for an adult can last up to 2.5 hours, for a baby - only an hour. While the surface phase lasts (it is called drowsiness), the baby can smile or laugh, toss and turn, say something. At this time, the brain is active and everything that the child imagines and remembers happens to him in reality.

Mom with child
Mom with child

During sleep, the child can behave actively: you should not wake him up at such moments

The frequency of this behavior directly depends on the temperament of the child. Someone twitches in a dream almost every night, while for someone this is much less common. The fact is that some children can quickly and easily throw out what happened, while others remember the events for a long time, reliving them over and over again. But the problem may be in the level of mental development or in the state of the central nervous system.

In order for your child to fall asleep quickly and calmly, follow the rules:

  1. Bathe it in a warm bath half an hour before bedtime. Add soothing herbs like sage or mint to the water.
  2. Monitor your bedroom temperature. The most comfortable temperature is + 20 ° C.
  3. Read a fairy tale before going to bed, talk for a few minutes on abstract topics.

Reasons why an adult twitches when falling asleep

If you lead a measured life and live according to the regime, such a phenomenon will be rare. But it can often be observed in those who often face stressful situations and psychological discomfort. During the stage of REM sleep, a person can react to many things around: the light in the next room, loud music, and others can become an irritant. The muscles contract, and thus the body is protected from external influences.

Girl with pillow
Girl with pillow

Stressful situations often lead to sleep disturbance

Technically, what happens is that you fall asleep and all the muscles in your body relax. The brain is still working at this time and notices that the body seems to be losing support or even dying. Sleep is physiologically similar to dying: temperature and pressure go down, breathing slows down. The brain sends a signal to the nervous system, due to which almost all muscles contract at the same time. In medicine, this phenomenon is called sleep myoclonus.

How to stop flinching when falling asleep?

Since this is a natural phenomenon, it will not be possible to stop it forever. But you can keep it to a minimum. Ventilate rooms well, rest often, and unwind on a fresh getaway. You can do yoga or other sports.

Try to avoid stressful situations and things that have a detrimental effect on the emotional sphere. If this is not possible, take warm baths with aromatic oils, drink herbal infusions. Massage helps to relax well.

Girl with a cat
Girl with a cat

Cats are a great remedy for stress and bad mood

If the flinching occurs very often during sleep, see your doctor who will prescribe medication. Believe me, this is better than starting the situation. There was a period of frequent stress in my life, and I could not fall asleep half the night because of such shudders: they just followed each other. It turns out that if you start these symptoms, then you can wait for such a phenomenon as sleep paralysis, accompanied by hallucinations and panic attacks.

Video: why a person flinches when he falls asleep

Twitching and twitching during sleep is a very common reaction of the body. In itself, it will not do harm, but it is this phenomenon that indicates that something is going wrong in your life. Listen to this signal and be sure to give your body a rest. Good luck!
