What Happens If You Tear Off A Mole, Including A Hanging One
What Happens If You Tear Off A Mole, Including A Hanging One

What happens if you tear off a mole

The doctor examines the mole on the girl's back
The doctor examines the mole on the girl's back

From childhood, parents teach us to handle moles carefully, forbidding scratching, let alone picking them off. Sometimes a simple "no" is used, sometimes a pseudo-scientific explanation is given that is understandable to the kid, and sometimes outright horror stories. And what is a mole in reality and what is the risk of its damage?

Many-sided moles

Normally, a mole (nevus) is a benign (i.e., not carrying a threat to life or health) neoplasm; an accumulation of cells containing the pigment melanin. They rarely appear in newborn children, and if they are present, they are distinguished by a lighter shade. Only over time, when the nevus has accumulated enough pigment, will it darken and acquire a new color - from pinkish to dark brown.

Most moles appear on our bodies in childhood and adolescence. Then this process slows down, although the appearance of a nevus in an adult is not uncommon and you should not be afraid of this. But on a mole, which suddenly began to undergo changes: grow, itch, tingle, swell or secrete lymph - you must pay attention. The fact is that under the influence of some negative factors, a nevus is able to degenerate into a malignant tumor with all that it implies.

Mole circled with sunscreen pattern
Mole circled with sunscreen pattern

One of the factors that negatively affect the development of moles is ultraviolet light.

That is why any mole whose “behavior” is alarming should be shown to a dermatologist. The doctor will either calm you down without finding anything serious, or simply remove the dubious growth. But leaving a nevus without attention, postponing a trip to a specialist, is dangerous. And it is doubly dangerous if the mole is hanging or located where you can easily damage it with one of the jewelry, a hard washcloth or a razor.

What happens if you hurt a mole

No one is immune from accidents. No matter how much we take care, no matter how we look after our skin, sooner or later damage to the mole may occur. What to do in such cases?

Scenario 1: the mole fell off by itself, without blood and visible wounds, and before that it peeled off and dried

Your actions: treat the affected area with an antiseptic and try to show it to the doctor (dermatologist or oncologist) as soon as possible, not forgetting to take with you the fallen mole itself, which it is advisable to examine for the presence of atypical cells.

Dry mole
Dry mole

A dry and scaly mole is a reason for contacting a specialist even without damage

Scenario 2: You ripped off a nevus, leaving a bloody wound behind it

Action: apply a cotton pad moistened with the same antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin) to the wound and hold until the blood stops. As a last resort, a loose bandage can be applied to the wound. In this case, a piece of lying skin tissue also needs to be preserved and given to a doctor for research.

Cotton pad on the skin
Cotton pad on the skin

Press cotton wool or gauze against the wound until the bleeding stops

Scenario 3: the mole is partially ripped off, bleeds, but does not fall off

Your action: under no circumstances pull it off yourself! As in the previous case, you will need a cotton swab with an antiseptic, a neat bandage (not a plaster!) And a visit to a specialist, only you need to go to him immediately. And the doctor will remove the remnants of the nevus without consequences, examine the wound and send it for tests.

Mole removal
Mole removal

A professional will do everything quickly and painlessly

Do I always need to see a doctor

In order not to stir up panic, let us admit right away: the chance that the mole you hurt will turn out to be “the same” reborn, is small. Most likely, the affected growth will be a common accumulation of benign cells. But why risk it if a short visit to a specialist will save you at least from disturbing thoughts, at the very least from big trouble?

Video: how to determine if a mole is dangerous or not

What is the conclusion? Do not take every damaged mole as a guarantee of cancer, but do not take your injury without due seriousness, no matter how small. By taking care of a mole today, perhaps tomorrow you will avoid big problems.
