Why You Can't Eat Green Tomatoes
Why You Can't Eat Green Tomatoes

Green tomatoes: how to eat them and not get poisoned

green tomatoes
green tomatoes

In conditions of extreme gardening, housewives often have to invent recipes in which green tomatoes can be used. Some even prefer such tomatoes to red ones, appreciating the unusual taste of unripe vegetables. Let's figure out whether it is possible to eat green tomatoes without harm to health.

Dangers of raw green tomatoes

Doctors strongly advise against eating unripe tomatoes. The fact is that they contain solanine and tomato. This is explained by the fact that tomatoes belong to the nightshade family.

Green tomatoes
Green tomatoes

As the tomato ripens, the amount of toxic substances for humans decreases significantly, so ripe fruits are absolutely safe.

If you eat five medium-sized raw green tomatoes, you can get severe poisoning. Its first signs:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • labored breathing;
  • drowsiness.

This is due to the fact that solanine lowers the number of red blood cells in the blood and leads to disorders of the kidneys and heart. In case of poisoning with green tomatoes, you should immediately seek medical attention.

Canning green tomatoes

During heat treatment, solanine and tomato are destroyed, which makes it possible to eat various rolls with green tomatoes. Pickled, salted and even pickled - these tomatoes are safe for health and have a pleasant taste.

Soaking green tomatoes before canning
Soaking green tomatoes before canning

After soaking green tomatoes, drain the water they were in and never use it for later preservation.

Before canning or salting, I necessarily fill vegetables with salt water and leave them overnight or even for a day. I take ordinary salt, not iodized, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water. For peace of mind, I also make cross-shaped cuts on each tomato so that all harmful substances are guaranteed to pass into the water.

By following the simple rules for eating green tomatoes, you can enjoy your favorite dish without harm to your health. Remember that proper handling of an unripe vegetable reduces the risk of poisoning to zero.
