Most Drinking Women By Zodiac Sign
Most Drinking Women By Zodiac Sign

Sad rating: most drinking women by zodiac sign

Girls with glasses
Girls with glasses

Astrologers can explain any character traits and features of a person's behavior by belonging to a particular zodiac sign. Even an addiction to alcohol did not escape this fate. We open the top of the most drinking women by zodiac sign.


The main problem with most Scorpios is excessive external rigidity. Introverted women of this sign are not used to sharing their problems with loved ones, and therefore often suppress grief and stress with alcohol. Scorpios usually drink alone, but in the company they will not refuse the offered glass. At the same time, in public they prefer exquisite drinks: dry red wine or elegant cocktails. But in an empty apartment they are ready to slurp even the cheapest vodka - just to dull the senses.

Despite the fact that this sign is more susceptible to alcoholism than others, he is able to get out of this pit on his own and in a fairly short time. As soon as the Scorpio woman realizes that life has gone downhill, she quickly pulls herself together and begins to improve it. However, this is not for long - until the next unspoken stress.


Pisces women fully justify the image of their sign - they love to drink, like real inhabitants of the underwater world. They are attracted by the liberation of thought in alcohol. Pisces are dreamers, and therefore it is pleasant for them to plunge into dreams for a long time. Many Pisces women find themselves in art and use alcohol (and sometimes less legal substances) for inspiration. They prefer frivolous sweet cocktails: pina colada, mojito, "Sex on the beach" and the like.

Sweet cocktails
Sweet cocktails

Pisces love sweet cocktails that make you drunk without realizing it


Gemini, like Pisces, love to hang out in the clouds. So the reasons for the love of alcohol in women of the air sign are similar - they like to plunge into an altered state of consciousness in order to find inspiration or new ideas. It is noteworthy that from the side drunk Gemini is no different from sober. Usually this is due to the fact that Gemini women do many unusual, and sometimes inappropriate actions to a sober head. From drinks choose cocktails based on strong alcohol: rum, whiskey, gin.


Aries woman does not drink very often. But once she starts, she cannot be stopped. As soon as she smells the alcohol, she immediately rushes to all the hard, forgetting about plans for the morning, the need to go to work (or school), the inevitable hangover. Aries have no brakes, and therefore they will drink non-stop until the first date with a faience friend. Sometimes their fun will not end there either - having emptied their stomachs, they will go on carousing. The drinking usually begins with high-quality and expensive clean drinks - wine, good gin. But when Aries carries it, she will drink everything that comes to hand.


Sagittarius drink a lot and often, but surprisingly avoid alcohol addiction. Frequent parties do not prevent this woman from completely controlling alcohol intake, even when she is already drunk to death. In drunkenness, Sagittarius is unrecognizable - from a kind and sociable person she turns into an aggressor who tries to arrange a showdown with everyone (usually verbal, but she can get into a fight). From drinks, Sagittarius prefer beer and pure spirits.


Sagittarians know a lot about beer and usually choose it rather picky.


Taurus in general try to maintain social decency. They prefer to drink a little, in a cozy atmosphere, in a familiar company. A typical Taurus drink is watching a comedy with best friends under a bottle of dark unfiltered. But at large parties, from which they cannot get away (for example, at a friend's wedding or corporate party), they lose their heads. The abundance of delicious and free cocktails completely changes this woman - she turns into Aries, who, as we remember, drinks non-stop until the body gives a signal that it can no longer.


Aquarians are very sensitive to alcohol. These ladies do not like to lose control over themselves, and therefore are able to stop in time. Aquarians usually drink until they are slightly drunk and no further. They prefer noble drinks: wine, expensive cognac aged in oak barrels. The quality of alcohol for Aquarius is of great importance. However, not all of them know how to understand wine or cognac. Therefore, they usually pay attention only to the price tag.

a lion

Leo, like Aquarius, does not like to get drunk to hell. It is important for this woman to save face, so she stops herself before the desire to sing obscene songs and dance on the table appears. With a little drunkenness, Leo women become soul mates. They are able to support and give practical advice. Alone, Leo usually does not drink, but in a company he prefers classics - pure spirits, whiskey with ice, sometimes red wine (when the mood is especially romantic), occasionally absinthe.


Lions, unlike many other signs, are not afraid of the "green fairy" - they are able to control themselves


Libra women usually use alcohol to hide from problems and from the imperfections of the world around them. But usually such "hide and seek" lasts no longer than one evening - the next morning Libra will find something more interesting for themselves. Like Pisces and Gemini, they love to hang out in the clouds, so they often drink alone. It's important for Libras to keep at least a little critical thinking, so they rarely get drunk. White wine and sweet cocktails are preferred drinks.


Cancers are natural introverts, but they don't like drinking alone. They only allow themselves small libations in a close, well-known company of friends. A Cancer woman does not need much to get drunk - usually a glass or two of white wine is enough for her to feel good enough and stop. When drunk, they become very tearful and talkative, they like to complain about life. If a worthy listener is nearby (for example, a Leo woman), then the next morning Cancer will feel much happier than before libation.


Virgos usually have bad drunken experiences behind them. Being very memorable by nature, they do not allow themselves to repeat the mistake of the past and carefully monitor their condition. Virgos drink very cultured and choose classic drinks - wine, cognac, whiskey. If this woman gets to a strong intoxication, there will be trouble. She, being a pedant and cleanliness, will accuse everyone around of being swinish and not meeting the ideal. The next morning, because of this trick, she may not have any friends at all.


Capricorn women are capable, in a company, observing the rules of decency, to drink a glass or a glass of the offered alcohol. But it will not go beyond that. Capricorns are afraid of losing control even more than Leos, and the very state of intoxication does not tempt them. For these women, alcohol is just a social norm, a ritual that must be performed at the festival so as not to offend the organizers of the party. They have no particular preferences - they drink sophisticated cocktails made from 42 ingredients, cheap beer and expensive wines with the same indifference.

This is how, according to astrologers, the representatives of the zodiac signs are located according to the degree of addiction to alcoholism. But do not forget that portraits of stars are often far from the real image of a person. Don't think your new friend is an alcoholic just because she's a Sagittarius.
