Most Drinking Men By Zodiac Sign
Most Drinking Men By Zodiac Sign

Alcohol horoscope: most drinking men by zodiac sign

People with alcohol
People with alcohol

Alcoholism is a terrible disease. Many of the readers know firsthand that he is capable of destroying lives, careers, families. And some esotericists are convinced that the predisposition to alcoholism is partly related to the person's zodiac sign. According to astrologers, the stars can indicate a man's craving for alcohol or lack thereof.


Hardworking Capricorns are the most resistant to alcoholism. They do not like the state of intoxication - they feel a loss of control, and after all, control for Capricorns is everything. In everyday life, they do not feel the need for a bottle of beer or a shot of vodka to relax after a hard day. But at festive events, they do not refuse the proposed alcoholic drink, so as not to stand out from the crowd of celebrating. They prefer noble red wine, but they won't dismiss whiskey either. Cocktails, shots and other bartender inventions are not for them. The resulting glass of alcohol Capricorn will drain slowly throughout the evening and is unlikely to ask for more.

Man pouring wine
Man pouring wine

Capricorns prefer high-quality and expensive drinks, but will not drink until they are offered

a lion

Leo is considered the most proud sign of the zodiac, who always loves to be the very first, and therefore his attitude to alcohol is usually determined by upbringing. In most cases, Leo completely refuses alcohol or drinks it a couple of times a year, on holidays. Moreover, like Capricorn, Leo tries to get by with one "dose". This sign is also afraid of losing control and embarrassing themselves. But young guys in the heat of a drunken party can get drunk to hell, proving that they can drink the most. However, after one such incident, Leo develops a strong immunity to alcohol, and henceforth he treats him more carefully. Leos prefer expensive and unmixed drinks.


Virgos do not particularly like noisy parties, and especially alcohol at them. Therefore, this sign is often the only sober in the company and takes everyone home. But alone, an upset Virgo may try to hide from problems and worries in a glass or glass. Virgos are indiscriminate in predilections - they can use both expensive wine and cheap moonshine.


Taurus are noble lovers of a well-fed life. They love to eat well in good company and then drink. They get drunk quickly, but in this state they are not rowdy. A drunk Taurus is usually overly affectionate towards others and falls asleep quickly if left alone. As for drinks, Taurus prefer simple cocktails - for example, rum and cola or gin and tonic.


Aquarius knows from experience that in a drunken stupor he can do a lot of things, and therefore tries not to drink again. Once in the company, he will diligently refuse the alcoholic supplement. But, being tempted, he can go all out. In the morning, a lot of unpleasant surprises await him, among which there will certainly be an empty wallet - a drunken Aquarius loves to treat everyone around at his own expense. The hangover of Aquarius is severe - there will definitely be a severe headache. From drinks, Aquarians prefer strong shots.


By themselves, Libra has no addiction to alcohol. But due to the inability to say "no", they are often soldered. Therefore, Libra's alcoholism largely depends on their social circle. If among the friends of the sign there are no fans of drunk parties or gatherings with a shot of vodka, then the sign itself will not use anything. But drunk friends can easily drag Libra to their side. One good thing is that Libra has a strong hangover, and therefore they have enough sense to adhere to measure and not drink too much. As for the drinks, Libra prefers gin and whiskey, both in pure form and in cocktails.


Cancers love to have fun, and in their understanding, this usually includes alcohol. Cancers drink quickly and a lot. When drunk, they become sentimental, they begin to tell others how much they are loved. They are the ones who most love to call their ex after the third cocktail. Drunk Cancer is very talkative - it is about them that the saying "what is on the mind of a sober, then a drunk on the tongue." During alcoholic gatherings, they can tell many secrets - both their own and others'. In the morning, they usually regret everything said and done and promise never to drink like that again. Of course, the promise is not kept. From alcohol, multi-component cocktails are preferred - the more ingredients, the better.


Sagittarius not only love to drink themselves, but they always try to make others drink. These are the very people who, at feasts, will stubbornly pour something strong to a desperately resisting person. At the same time, Sagittarius himself drinks a lot, gets drunk slowly, but when he gets drunk, starts a cheerful rampage. At the same time, the understanding of fun in a drunken Sagittarius may not coincide with the idea of others. Because of this, Sagittarius, being in a drunken stupor, often offends his friends and loved ones, and in the morning he cannot understand why they do not want to talk to him. In drinks, Sagittarius are illegible - they are ready to sip everything they give.

Man pours alcohol
Man pours alcohol

Sagittarians love to solder their surroundings very much.


Pisces, like Sagittarius, are unpretentious in the quality and type of drinks. Like Libra, they agree to any offer to drink. But at the same time, they themselves often become the initiators of drinking bouts. Pisces do not know how to drink - they do not know their measure, quickly get drunk and cannot stop in time. In a state of intoxication, they can do a lot of troubles - alcohol completely destroys their sanity. Drunken Pisces become real daredevils and diligently climb into all sorts of dangerous alterations.


Aries are lovers of strong alcohol: whiskey, rum, vodka. They are ready to drink even for no reason - if only there is a company. A drunken Aries often poses a threat to the health of others - and his own too. He begins to behave aggressively, rampage, get into a fight. If there is no more sober comrade next to Aries at such a moment, trying to reason with him, he can get behind the wheel and decide to rob, and somehow break the law in another way. A drunken Aries often imagines himself to be a fighter with the system, and therefore, upon seeing the police, he may try to attack them.


Air Gemini - cheerleader in any company. Alone they do not like to drink, but if there is at least one friend nearby, then libations are very likely. Like Sagittarius, they love to solder their company, especially girls. Drunk Gemini strive to diversify their sex life, love to flirt and obscenely pester others. Beer is preferred as a drink.


Scorpios are the most prone to alcoholism. They love not just drinking in the company, but the very state of alcoholic intoxication. It relaxes them and gives them a sense of independence, paradoxically. Therefore, Scorpio is always ready to sip a glass - with or without company. This sign prefers strong "male" drinks: cognac, vodka, whiskey. While drunk, Scorpio falls into philosophizing and reasoning about his unrecognized genius. If someone from those around him dares to say a word across or listen inattentively, Scorpio may get angry and start to rage, but usually behaves calmly.

Jack daniels
Jack daniels

Scorpios indulge in drunkenness with pleasure, find some kind of romance in it

Astrology lovers are convinced that the position of the stars in part (or completely) determines a person's attitude to alcohol. But the compiled portraits do not always coincide with the real characteristics of a person.